What White America Doesn't Want to Know

If you had balls or brains, you could do it. But you're too goddamn chickenshit, too fucking soft in the head. Why don't you read the article and for one time in your life, try and imagine, if you can, what it must be like in someone else's shoes. It's called empathy. It's an admirable trait in a human being. Not that anything like that would interest a cretin such as yourself, but hope springs eternal and all that bullshit. Originally Posted by WombRaider

I have read your thread. Every word. There are several facts stated and also some assumptions. But I WILL tell you. I think you are incredibly rude and disrespectful. It seems as though you posted this thread NOT in attempt to truly raise awareness or take any action, but to but to argue over and use as a base for your cruel responses. Do you truly realize these are REAL PEOPLE YOURE ASSAULTING WITH YOUR WORDS?

I, for one don't care if you're white black purple or green. You're one of those sad souls behind a computer screen with a halfway educated view of racial issues.

FYI-you get more w sugar than salt. If this were truly important to you, why discredit yourself by showing such immaturity?
I B Hankering's Avatar
I'm not throwing anything back on you. I'm simply asking for an opinion on the matter. Or is this not a discussion forum? People like IB and LustyTard and LexusNexus really ruin any chance of having a reasoned discussion on here. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You're notion that "whitey" is the root cause of every and all the colored peoples problems isn't "reasoned discussion", it's unmitigated bullshit, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. The oldest records documenting the institution of slavery -- the veritable "touchstone of all whitey's evils" for you lib-retard morons -- are found in an African country: Egypt.

"Professor Robert O Collins, a historian at the University of California, presented a paper describing the transportation of Nubian slaves down the Nile to Egypt as early as 2900 BC. He says that raids on African communities continued for the next five thousand years."
Your forebears were active participants in slavery and practicing ritual cannibalism before "whitey" ever reached the shores of the New World, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. And the gulf between the "haves" and the "have nots" that you harp on today was as great or greater among your forebears in pre-Colombian times than it is today, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Keep on harfing, you idealistic turd. It's easy as shit to stand around and bitch and moan about how shit should be. Much harder when you have to put it into practice. Bitch Tits! Originally Posted by WombRaider
Listen, Assup has worked hard to earn the titles of "Dipshit of the Year" and "Dipshit Emeritus". It's his only accomplishment in his sad, pitiful life. You, however, are well qualified for many honors, such as "Asshole of the Year", "Duke of Douchebag", "Master of Misunderstanding", "King of Farts", and others.
I have read your thread. Every word. There are several facts stated and also some assumptions. But I WILL tell you. I think you are incredibly rude and disrespectful. It seems as though you posted this thread NOT in attempt to truly raise awareness or take any action, but to but to argue over and use as a base for your cruel responses. Do you truly realize these are REAL PEOPLE YOURE ASSAULTING WITH YOUR WORDS?

I, for one don't care if you're white black purple or green. You're one of those sad souls behind a computer screen with a halfway educated view of racial issues.

FYI-you get more w sugar than salt. If this were truly important to you, why discredit yourself by showing such immaturity? Originally Posted by belleAmore
I treat people with respect until I'm given a reason to do otherwise. There are people on here who converse in a real and adult manner, and we get along fine whether we disagree or not. Some, don't deserve respect and they don't get it. In calling for empathy, I'm acutely aware these are real people. If they don't ACT like real people, they get treated exactly how they treat me. Racism is not something you can ever be fully educated on because it takes different forms at different times for different people. It can be overt, it can be extremely subtle. It is important to me, but I knew the response it would get here, so it was kind of a defense mechanism of sorts.
Listen, Assup has worked hard to earn the titles of "Dipshit of the Year" and "Dipshit Emeritus". It's his only accomplishment in his sad, pitiful life. You, however, are well qualified for many honors, such as "Asshole of the Year", "Duke of Douchebag", "Master of Misunderstanding", "King of Farts", and others. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And once again, you've addressed NOTHING as far as making a point goes. Bitch Tits.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And once again, you've addressed NOTHING as far as making a point goes. Bitch Tits. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I'll not have the one thing my friend, Assup, has earned in his pathetic, sad life taken from him by a pretender!
You're notion that "whitey" is the root cause of every and all the colored peoples problems isn't "reasoned discussion", it's unmitigated bullshit, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. The oldest records documenting the institution of slavery -- the veritable "touchstone of all whitey's evils" for you lib-retard morons -- are found in an African country: Egypt.

Your forebears were active participants in slavery and practicing ritual cannibalism before "whitey" ever reached the shores of the New World, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. And the gulf between the "haves" and the "have nots" that you harp on today was as great or greater among your forebears in pre-Colombian times than it is today, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The fact that you reduce racism to slavery is indicative of your ignorance. You somehow hope to reduce the power of the argument by supplanting it with the fact that africans enslaved their own. That is an entirely separate matter. You also provide no proof for this 'gulf' as you call it. Typical. If we were ever to have an actual discussion on history and race, you would be grubered.

Somehow, in your warped and twisted mind, the fact that africans enslaved themselves first, makes the later enslavement by whites, ok. This is simply not true by any measure of logic or reason. We are talking about more than slavery. We are talking about an entire society built upon privilege that you don't even recognize, because it's so engrained. Federal government housing programs after WW2, that helped create the middle class in this country. No loans for people of color. Go even further back, the homestead act of 1862. Free land if you will work it. But not for people of color. Plain and simple, white people have had a tremendous head start. And then you wonder why blacks struggle to catch up.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The fact that you reduce racism to slavery is indicative of your ignorance. You somehow hope to reduce the power of the argument by supplanting it with the fact that africans enslaved their own. That is an entirely separate matter. You also provide no proof for this 'gulf' as you call it. Michael D. Coe's Mexico: From the Olmecs to the Aztecs, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Typical. If we were ever to have an actual discussion on history and race, you would be grubered.
That's a demonstrable lie, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. You've had your ass handed to you in every substantive historical exchange you've engaged in, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, and you lie when you pretend that slavery isn't the "touchstone" for every "woe-is-me" lib-retard argument regarding race in this country.
Somehow, in your warped and twisted mind, the fact that africans enslaved themselves first, makes the later enslavement by whites, ok. Quite the contrary, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, it's you and your ilk who want to pretend that institutional slavery would have never existed if it hadn't been for "whitey." This is simply not true by any measure of logic or reason. We are talking about more than slavery. We are talking about an entire society built upon privilege that you don't even recognize, because it's so engrained. Federal government housing programs after WW2, that helped create the middle class in this country. It's documented fact that there was an American middle class before WWII, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. BTW, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, Chicago was founded by a black man, Jean Baptiste Point du Sable, who became quite wealthy working his ass off; thus, exemplifying the "American Dream." No loans for people of color. Go even further back, the homestead act of 1862. Free land if you will work it. But not for people of color. That's another lie, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas:
Many [former slaves] took advantage of the Homestead Act as an opportunity to manage their own households through subsistence farming while forging new lives in the Midwest.

Several exclusively black settlements began to emerge in Kansas after the Homestead Act. The most well-known was a town called Nicodermus, established in 1877. Founded by land prospector W.R. Hill and advertised by black minister W.R. Smith to black communities throughout the south, the town steadily increased in size.


Plain and simple, white people have had a tremendous head start. And then you wonder why blacks struggle to catch up. Per the anthropological record and the evolutionary doctrine of science you so love to espouse, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, it seems that blacks shouldn't be the ones struggling to catch up since they had a fucking head start on the rest of the world. Yet, almost every fucking country on that continent can be deemed "third world", you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

Originally Posted by WombRaider
The biggest oppressive force on inner city blacks that exhibit anti- social pathologies are other blacks

This force includes the criminal element, the so-called black leadership, including michelle obama, the destructive culture that has developed around them and it's consequent racism

Until black leadership and others that have sway, such as sports and entertainment personalities, quit defending and perpetuating pathologies and begin shunning and calling out cultural deficiencies and bad actors, it will only get worse
Randall Creed's Avatar
I wonder how many black members on this forum read this thread, but can't post a comment because they are to busy laughing their asses off to type.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I just found this thread. I'll give you an answer in a day or two (as I'll read some and come back to it and finish).
. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
More lies told by the white man. You obviously are ignorant of the history of Africa.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Well, this thread was shorter than I thought. Figured it would take me half a day to get caught up.

Wombraider, you are a brilliant man and have made many excellent points throughout the thread. Seems almost all those points have been countered by mostly BS and drivel from others.

Yes, white privilege in America has been 400 odd years in the making. To deny it is ridiculously absent-minded. I actually think some pretend not to know any better, but behind the computer screen they have the biggest shit eating grin acknowledging how wonderful it is to be white. There's just NO WAY that you can't know it.

A few laws beneficial to blacks here or there over the last 40 years just isn't enough. And yes, some of the black plight IS on black people themselves. We've got to do better. However, that does NOT excuse or vindicate white people from blame. There's still an audience out there that doesn't want things to change, and they know who they are.
Here we go, this pretty much sums it up

Randall Creed's Avatar
And the above post demonstrates denial of the other 99.9999999% of destruction done to blacks BY whites.

Even if all the above were true (it isn't, btw), it still does not dismiss crimes and institutional racism committed by this country against blacks.
I B Hankering's Avatar
More lies told by the white man. You obviously are ignorant of the history of Africa. Originally Posted by WombRaider
The lies here are yours, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, and your knowledge of any factual history is evident.

Well, this thread was shorter than I thought. Figured it would take me half a day to get caught up.

Wombraider, you are a brilliant man and have made many excellent points throughout the thread. Seems almost all those points have been countered by mostly BS and drivel from others.

Yes, white privilege in America has been 400 odd years in the making. To deny it is ridiculously absent-minded. I actually think some pretend not to know any better, but behind the computer screen they have the biggest shit eating grin acknowledging how wonderful it is to be white. There's just NO WAY that you can't know it.

A few laws beneficial to blacks here or there over the last 40 years just isn't enough. And yes, some of the black plight IS on black people themselves. We've got to do better. However, that does NOT excuse or vindicate white people from blame. There's still an audience out there that doesn't want things to change, and they know who they are.
Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
You've been here before, and at that time you failed to demonstrate that you had any knowledge of factual history. At that time, you willfully denied the evidence provided by an eminent black historian. Today, you again demonstrate your willingness to ignore the facts, and you compound that handicap with your assessment that the "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas is "brilliant" and that he made "excellent points": that assessment is the real, unmitigated BS and drivel.