It is with great disappointment I must officially announce that I....

  • MrGiz
  • 07-28-2016, 06:12 PM
If thou liketh not, untruths. . . steer clear of Arkansas' All-Time Favorite BigGurl !!
I find it ironic that threads similar to this have been on the Arkansas board at least 3 times in like the last 2 months. All started by a different provider. All relating to the same clique of providers, doing the same high school bs antics. Yet, this clique swears up and down, that they give references and they do not need to cock block, because business is so booming for them. Things that make you go hmmm. Someone is not telling the truth here and I would bet my bottom dollar...we all know the ones that are full of shit.
  • MrGiz
  • 07-28-2016, 09:50 PM
I find it ironic that threads similar to this have been on the Arkansas board at least 3 times in like the last 2 months. All started by a different provider. All relating to the same clique of providers, doing the same high school bs antics...... I would bet my bottom dollar...we all know the ones that are full of shit. Originally Posted by Sagittarius
I'll put a dollar down on that bet!!
SerenityXX's Avatar
I'll put a dollar down on that bet!! Originally Posted by NTJME
I got 5 on it
This is supposed yo be a community that helps keep each other safe, if we, as clients and providers, cant depend on others to help keep safe, then what other purpose do we come here. Many providers require 2 references from current providers. How is it then that when u see a provider that is well known but wont give out the reference that u need to see other providers, especially when they say they are reference friendly. I dont like to see the same probider all the time. I do agree with DR, just because client is good with one provider doesnt mean he is good for another. When that client avts out and they use u for reference u tell provider what to watch out for. Anyway, thats my 2 cents, cause im currently waiting for my reference to help me out. For us clients, its frustrating when u cant be seen.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
I find it ironic that threads similar to this have been on the Arkansas board at least 3 times in like the last 2 months. All started by a different provider. All relating to the same clique of providers, doing the same high school bs antics. Yet, this clique swears up and down, that they give references and they do not need to cock block, because business is so booming for them. Things that make you go hmmm. Someone is not telling the truth here and I would bet my bottom dollar...we all know the ones that are full of shit. Originally Posted by Sagittarius
BabyDallass's Avatar
Lol I stopped depending on girls for references along time ago. They never text right back or call right back. You will miss out on money if you depend just on a girls reference. There are others ways to screen that I trust more than what an escorts says. This week business has been crazy busy and I screened out all my guys with out any other girls help.'s called depending on no one. Gets you farther in life...
BabyDallass's Avatar
& what about the same group of guys who EVERYDAY get on here and complain about the same damn bitches?? find something else to whine about, I'm sure there is something else y'all can pick on. Last time I checked this thread isn't about nobody, she doesn't even know who she is talking about her damn self. She made all of it up for attention and y'all sunk right into her little trap...smh...what's happening to her as she claims as happened to every single provider in this world. I would happily give her a reference, because I would know after they see that, they would be back to no comparison...
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
Actually I know EXACTLY WHO I am talking about and have the proof..but you are post was ment to stir this place example of providers unprofessional behavior is JUST 1 example of the decline of the arkansas forum. Just 1..I knew when I posted this what the response would be..sometimes you go fishing and work all day to catch 1..other times u pull the boat out in the water and fish just jump this instance..the same exact fish jumped in the boat without a name being mentioned..its just that easy..I always correctly and you never ever have to out anyone..just sit back and watch..

Btw..I never said I rely on references..however I also dont think it real polite (however due to unprofessional women its quickly growing way)..I dont think its polite to ask for info from a guy I wouldn't be willing to offer him from myself just so he can get some pussy....

That and who wants to spend..or has the time to spend sxreening people all the takes away from what this is supposed to be...FUN and not so much like work
BabyDallass's Avatar
I don't ask the guy for any personal info ever, I have ways to find what I need on my own without asking. And who cares about all this same girl stuff except y'all? Do you think my business is hurting just because I get on here and like the entertainment? Naaaaaa....this is just like a live comedy show that I can just login in when I'm bored, while waiting for dick to jump on in boat. Which never takes long carry on.....some girls have to sell themselves literally before they sell that pussy. While others don't have to try so hard....)) #winning
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
I don't ask the guy for any personal info ever, I have ways to find what I need on my own without asking. Originally Posted by BabyDallass
SCARIEST statement I have read in a long long time.. wow

some girls have to sell themselves literally before they sell that pussy. While others don't have to try so hard....)) #winning
followed by the funniest..most ironic statement i read in quite some you even know what you say have the time?

Let me be clear..whether 2002 or 2016 ANYTIME you don't post in a way that endears yourself to the "escorts union" its the same lame excuse

1. she is hurting for business...yet the ones claiming this are some of the most prolific threAD posting attention seeking people on the board

2. she wants attention...see above statement

3. she is fat..ok..and?

4. We as providers have to stick together....except with references, seeing a client that should see me, staying safe, or anything else that i deem might affect my money

5. insert lame uneducated response here...well because they can't argue or defend their point in an intelligent way they fall back on what they know best..middle school antics

Let me also say...if anyone is stupid enough to think this post endears me to the masses, then you are a special kinda stupid. The truth stings a little..puling the curtain back on this little world of ours hurts sometimes..But in all my years i have never..ever posted in a way that would gain me business.

Arkansas girl that has NEVER been busted
Arkansas' fave Big Gurl
Arkansas' original rebel
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
Keep in mind as you look around this thread, its easy to detect the ones that need attention, that hurt for business, that have low self esteem and struggle with body issues. They struggle for a place in life and coming here and having guys or girls(if they are hobbyiest) drool over them brings joy to them. the seek out this attention and "respect" as a way to cope with life. They have made this board their life instead of a place to earn a living and create the life they want. Every review they get, every WK that enables them daily reinforces their behavior and raises their self esteem just a little. they post threADS, and pics seeking the attention and kudos of their followers, they dawg and attack anyone who speaks different of them..they often can't formulate a real intelligent statement so they resort to name calling, threats of violence, and try to portray themselves as some rebel who doesn't give a damn when deep down they struggle daily to enjoy being who they are. Thats the difference in the girls that wanna be here and the girls that have to be here. Some like being an escort, and some see it as their only option to make the kind of money they make. The ones constantly professing to be the best and be so busy, the ones that constantly state how good they are at this or that, the ones that constantly have the look at me look at me everyone loves me and those that don't are stupid. These are the ones that struggle..the ones that take your money with a smile while hating you behind your back..but most of all they hate themselves..they hate having to put up with the men they do, they hate having to constantly "act"..when you are just yourself..when you are just being you..its so much easier. my knowledge unless handles of changed..any hobbyiest that has posted i have never seen..and probably don't really like me..but intelligent people can appreciate truths when spoken

Arkansas girl that has NEVER BEEN BUSTED
aka Arkansas favorite Big Gurl
aka Arkansas' original Rebel
aka longest tenured provider on arkansas boards TODAY.
BabyDallass's Avatar
I couldn't even read all that? Who has time to write novels on a hooker board?? That's your sad life my dear....I'm about to get up and go for a run, why don't you try it? Instead of running your mouth?? This kind of run actually helps you.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Are your mad because you can't take hot selfies to post? You have had that same big greasy ass profile pic for years!! I'm sure we all know why you never update your pics. Girls who actually take out the time to update their pics are the ones who deserve to be seen. Not girls like you, who never update their pics because if they did, they for sure wouldn't get any business. Lol i don't think us girls have anything to do with you not staying up on your shit and keeping it up to date. Nobody wants to see a girl with the same profile pic she had when she started here.
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
first..lets face read read it all

second..see above post..I AM HAPPY BEING ME..I happy with who I am, how I look, what my body looks like etc. i don't have time to go for a run, between life, family, work, and sucking and fucking because you know I gotta claim im soooooooooo busy lmao..Im joking I'm not sucking and fucking it takes a damn hour at most..geez once again not rocket science

damn i forgot in my above post.. #6 if you post a long thread that is not seeking attention, pics, or posting a look at me must have a pathetic life are right..i have nothing going on today..AT appts, no chores, only kids watching tv.. some of us aren't always hustling..some of us put our money away..some of us don't have to see people(or atleast claim to) constantly to stay afloat..some of us might be here because we are financially ok..and enjoy what we do and like having spending money, vacation money, kids college money..its not always about the hustle

I couldn't even read all that? Who has time to write novels on a hooker board?? That's your sad life my dear....I'm about to get up and go for a run, why don't you try it? Instead of running your mouth?? This kind of run actually helps you. Originally Posted by BabyDallass