Houston Islamic Center Burned

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Correct. If by some strange quirk, Sharia Law was instituted in The USA, the very first ones thrown into the stoning pit would be Liberals and Progressives.

It's like a repeat of the late '40's and early '50's when the liberal establishment and Hollywood were so enamoured with the Soviet Union and the great "proletarian" revolution.

Those morons didn't realize that in Stalin's Russia, they would be the first ones sent to the Gulag, or put against the wall. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Keep this in mind. It's of minor importance how Liberals feel about Muslims. What's of major fucking importance though is how Muslims feel about Liberals. Just sayin.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

LOL. the "Revolution" always eats it's young, eh Jimbo?
remember that libtards. "IF" you get your sic ass wish, you'll be the first they turn on. bet on it.


the first paragraph says all u need to know about your fucktard "Liberal Revolution"

The cardinal rule of Leftist revolutions is that it always eats it own. History bears this truth out when we examine the revolutions of the twentieth century. The Bolshevik Revolution, actually a coup, slaughtered millions in “The Great Terror”. Mao who idolized Stalin continued this in his “Great Leap Forward”, and culminated it in the “Cultural Revolution”. The Cultural Revolution was the application of Parvus’ theory of “continuous revolution”. Trotsky who stole the idea, was himself a victim of it under Stalin. We saw in recent memory how Pol Pot in Cambodia murdered millions following Mao and Stalin’s dictum. We have seen it in the bloodless kkkommunist takeover of our universities.

LexusLover's Avatar
CAUTION: BUYER BEWARE! Originally Posted by bigtex
Hey! "BigBoy" ....

........ your 20-20 Hindsight Xray vision missed "something"!!


... doesn't want boots on the ground?

The U.N. inspectors couldn't find them, but ISIS could!!!!

And it didn't take ISIS 12 years of looking!!!
LMAO good old lexie and his "run to the king the sky is falling." Tell the whole story lexie.
LexusLover's Avatar
Tell the whole story lexie. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You must have spotted the sheep in the background and gotten distracted.
You must have spotted the sheep in the background and gotten distracted. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LOL no lexie I would never bring up your house ewe. How about the "rest of the story" ?
Have you checked out their website? How could any American not clap their hands at the burning of this slavery house. There is not a free woman to be found within this group ran by male, violent terrorists. "Violent Terrorist" by my definition that is, not Obama's.