The absolute worst client I have ever met (and that includes my backpage days)

dearhunter's Avatar
I thinck it is an advertisement for the site......"everyone seems to be on this site"........I am pretty sure that is why the threAD was reopened.

.........and how did she know this "Oh and I've put on weight???" when it was in the ROS.
"Don't tell people your problems. Eighty percent don't care, and the other twenty percent are glad you have them." ~Lou Holtz

BTW.. great post, Kayla! I'm pretty sure it will fall on deaf ears, but very wise nonetheless.
U.R.L.'s Avatar

.........and how did she know this "Oh and I've put on weight???" when it was in the ROS. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Very interesting

I believe mods need to look into that...
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I would rather be old and smart than young and dumb.

Not saying all old people are smart.
And not all young people are dumb.

But talk about cutting off your face to spite your face!


That dude was not worth being this mad! With every 1 asshole is in the world, there is 20 cool dudes so keep your mind on the good ones and forget about the jerks.

Keep your head up and I hope things work out for you.

From this old but not fat provider.
Oh....and being 42 is fun!!!!
LovingKayla's Avatar
URL even though it may look like she's got BCD access, according to the rules, a review in it's entirety may be sent to the provider PRIOR to posting. That way she has it before the time stamp when it becomes property of eccie.

Thanks Dannie, you da queen! Did you don't 78% of stats are made up on the spot.
Any guys out there who don't think the ladies here read all your "private" stuff (including ROS details), well you probably believe in Santa, and the toothfairy too... Think about it, all you need to do is post a fantasy review...

As for Katie, never met her, but I doubt this tirade will put off too many guys. She took aim at the assholes on here, and let's face it this place IS full of assholes, but there are many of us who are not. Clearly she is not talking to us. I hope.
Dave Ramsey has nothing on Kayla. Stellar advice.
dearhunter's Avatar
The rules are pretty clear (except in Dallas?).......a provider may not discuss ROS information in public forums (whether she has the information is beside the point). If she does, she should pay the price........either she has ROS access...or...she has a WK giving her ROS information (in which case, she should reveal his ID to the mods) and he should pay the price with her.

As it stands, she has made a mockery of the ROS barrier....unless she can demonstrate where the ROS was revealed before she started her thread.

There is not an extra special standard for a few and the normal standard for the rest.......providers are not supposed to discuss ROS.

This is the REAL moderator work that moderators typically shy away is so much easier to just go around locking threads.

1. If a fucktard (with PA) reveals ROS in open forum, he is revealing info he is supposed to have....and should get points.

2. If a hooktard reveals ROS in open forum a) she is getting the information from (1) or.... b) she has a PA handle which is a much bigger issue........if it is (a) she gives up his handle (and he admits it) he gets points and she a short vacation(if he refuses to fall on his sword, she moves straight to (b)with points to boot for when she gets back)..........if it is (b) she gives up the handle (it is disabled) and she gets a longer vacation.

This motard shit isn't that difficult....ijs.
Sonny and Jason are some bad Mofo's and Carly is all should really tune in. Only 5 mins left.

Channel 8.
The "old fat" providers paved the way for you to even be here in the first place, they are the trail burners, set the stage for the younger girls. Dont dismiss them!
Wakeup's Avatar
This motard shit isn't that difficult....ijs. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Heh heh heh...I could comment...

Fact is even if she has the ROS before the review is posted, once it's up, if she comments about it, it's revealing ROS, and the points/ban hammer is inbound...doesn't matter how/where/when you got the info, you're FUBAR...

In Houston we have a really cool plea bargain arrangement that happens too.

Mod: You're going to get banned unless you tell me who gave you the ROS info. Tell me and I'll go easy on you.
Hooktard: I'm so sorry. <insert handle here> gave me the info.
Mod: Cool, thanks.
Hooktard: Again, sorry. What's going to happen to me?
Mod: Don't worry sweetie, everything will be fine.
Mod: BAN <insert handle here>
Mod: BAN Hooktard
Real interesting that this thread somehow (with a great deal of very insightful input input from our southern brethren) became a mod training thread, please keep it on track and leave the mod training for a separate thread...thanks.
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
Must be a slow day on the Houston boards.
Wakeup's Avatar
No problem Dick, any time you guys need help, feel free to call.

Waldo, it's busy down here...we're just helpful is all...we're givers...
corona's Avatar
Jesus fuckballs. Who let the drama llama out of it's cage? Quick, someone tranq her before she bites!