Don't Feed The Trollettes (and calling all lurking guys and gals)

Wow I don't know what any of this is about but thanks for the great read!
Sarahsmiles's Avatar
Really?? I guess you all really did lose your minds.. nice guy??? WTF??

This is the same SquireTuck that showed up at GenesisNicoles house UNANNOUNCED??? NO APPOINTMENT?? HE JUST SHOWED UP?

Yeah.. nice guys.. Originally Posted by karmaofaustin
I have been laying low and just reading some of these posts in the various threads...well, as much as I can take in one sitting...and have had no desire to participate until now. I have to agree with VL's comment, however, in that Squiretruck is probably one of the most respectful and polite guys that I have yet to meet and definitely IS one of the nice guys in my book! I can only base that on my own experience and that is exactly what I just did!

I also want to stand up for Sixxbach! In spite of the fact that he and I started off on the wrong foot, he is one of the most intelligent and COOLEST guys that I am lucky enough to have as a good friend in both this hobby life as well as my civie life. He would and has stood up for me in the past so there you go, buddy! (not that you needed my help here but I hope I just made you smile!)

As far as everything else goes, I just hope this all dies down soon....
buffhunter's Avatar
The climate seems ripe for some animal-hungry, passionate angry sex. Kind of like make-up sex, only better.

But of course, sex is so dirty and nasty, al least if you're doing right...
Wow, so much anger and hostility. Down41, your post was on target and made me laugh to boot. How hard is this? The ladies have a good(s) that is available and the guys have a demand for it. Pretty simple. If a lady doesn't want to offer her good(s) to a guy that is her perogative. If a guy doesn't have a desire for a particular ladies good(s) that is his. It takes more than one person to have an argument, so if you don't like what a person is saying you don't have to listen. we are all adults here, I hope, so if we are going to resort to name calling, you would think that we could find something a little more grown up and intense than troll or trollette?? I mean really. I can't say that this hasn't been entertaining, it has, but somewhere it has gotta stop. Down41 made a great attempt at helping it stop. VL has put "I fuck trolls for fun" in her signature (makes you proud to be a troll!). I don't want to hold hands and singing ain't my strong suit so let's all just go back to what we are all here for anyway,wild, gratuitious, sweaty, roll your eyes back in your head, SEX! K!!
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 02-22-2010, 02:47 PM
"Sex and violence are never gratuitous."
-college buddy, responding to a movie review complaining about gratuitous sex and violence in, of all things, Road House.
flinde's Avatar
Quote from Karma

"Listen you old fucking geezer, I don't give two shits about you or your following who seem so willing to drink the Kool-Aid..."

Karma's pics look hot. Anyone have any idea what she would charge to call me an old geezer while she kicked me in the nuts for about 45 minutes?
sixxbach's Avatar
thanks sarah! well from what I have seen you have stepped your game up! much kudos. but you also know that i tell it like it is.............. oh wait, take the nice guy comment back! we all know where they finish lol
Joel Goodson's Avatar
Okay, I’ll come out and say a few things. Are you all fucking crazy? I think the current situation here is a lot like the situation in our dysfunctional Congress.


I’m not calling for a “kumbaya” (God I hate it when people throw out that phrase on here – you know who you are). Far from it. I love the drama. I’m just saying we all know that this shit is silly, right? Trolls? Troll-ettes? It’s fun to stir shit up but we aren’t taking this serious, right? Right?

All I’m really trying to do is paraphrase what Rodney King said after the riots.

“Can’t we all just NOT get along?”

And, Angelina, you are hotter than hell. Originally Posted by down41
That was a hell of a good read!

If it was still around, I would gladly buy you a beer at the Crazy Lady for the laugh I got off that one. And I agree with you 100%, Angelina is hotter than hell.

The pubic hair on a rainy day poll, the enormous dick guy, the hammer and nail guy...
You left out the, heres the link to her showcase guy.

Dont get me wrong, its all good!
maxhaleys's Avatar
Down41, do you have a plane?
Am I too late for trolling?
buffhunter's Avatar
Am I too late for trolling?
Alex Originally Posted by alex_81
You can use my weed eater for a trolling motor anytime...