America the Delusional? Overcoming Our European Temptation

yeah, but I don't write mine........... Originally Posted by Marshall
that seems to be part of the problem :-) I haven`t read any unique patterns of thoughts of you. Except for when you attack people personally. But i would not call that thoughtful either.. hmmm.....
I haven`t read any unique patterns of thoughts of you.... Originally Posted by ninasastri

I pray my "patterns of thoughts" never become as unique as yours.........
Little chance of that.
Little chance of that. Originally Posted by pjorourke
If you woulda said that to me in Austrian, I woulda been offended.......
Ich bin auf einem Eskorte-Anschlagbrett, ich möchte auf einer Eskorte lieber sein.................
Isn't that cute. Marshall found Babel Fish.
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Ich bin auf einem Eskorte-Anschlagbrett, ich möchte auf einer Eskorte lieber sein................. Originally Posted by Marshall
LOL! Funny Funny.
Isn't that cute. Marshall found Babel Fish. Originally Posted by pjorourke
übersetzt es Liberalen dem Konservativen?
PJ versucht immer, den Hahn zu blockieren..........
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  • WTF
  • 03-30-2011, 12:41 PM
Holly Brooks?!! that girl around here?.......I had the most interesting evening with her and some crazy red-head named Cara in San Francisco some years ago....AH...small world........... Originally Posted by Marshall

Why don't you start a thread about that!

Which one did you 'like' the best? ....that sorta chitchat. Come on Marshall, details, we want details!
I'm just waiting for Nina to come back and let him have it. In multiple languages.
Does babel fish allow you open multiple windows at once?

Ich bin auf einem Eskorte-Anschlagbrett, ich möchte auf einer Eskorte lieber sein................. Originally Posted by Marshall
das kann ich sehr gut verstehen :-) sitzen sie auf dem falschen Dampfer? Anschlagbrett ist lustig. Haha. Heisst aber "Plattform"
I'm just waiting for Nina to come back and let him have it. In multiple languages.
Does babel fish allow you open multiple windows at once?

C Originally Posted by Camille
Also ich weiss nicht wie Babelsfish das übersetzt, aber die Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellsch aftskapitänskajüte hat gerade einen Platz für mich frei wo ich auf anderes Boot will. Der Marshall wird sowieso nie rausfinden was ich auf Deutsch "Grüezi" und Swyzzerdytsch auch noch schreiben
So und um das ganze noch zu erschweren fange ich jetzt an dialekt zu schreiben:
"Heast Oida, Hau di üba die Häuser und pass auf und fall net" - des is guates Wienerisch -

i wonder what babelfish says to viennese dialect :-)))
If you woulda said that to me in Austrian, I woulda been offended....... Originally Posted by Marshall
"austrian" is not a language. we speak german. that is kinda similar to Americans speaking "english" and not american :-)
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