Selling Virginity

Why would you want to do that?

Isn't that a bit odd?
I'm not quite sure how this became a discussion about the OP committing suicide (nor do I have the time to read the whole goddam thread), but let me just say that this isn't cool anymore. No one knows what a person behind a keyboard is really thinking, how fragile they might really be (as opposed to the persona they're projecting online), etc. It's just not cool to talk about shit like this. IMHO. The OP may be a little off for thinking that he can auction his virginity, but he's still a person. And we need to treat each other as such. Real people behind real keyboards. And yes, I've found myself being hypocritical in this arena, and am working to change that.

*steps off soapbox*
It's okay. I was the one who started it.
It's okay. I was the one who started it. Originally Posted by yitzchak
Just finish it and we'll all be happy! Well, happi-er. If you can't find a jellyfish, try drowning yourself in a sewage treatment plant or injecting hydrofluoric acid into your dick. Or going bareback with Fancy Lady.
James1588's Avatar
I'm not quite sure how this became a discussion about the OP committing suicide (nor do I have the time to read the whole goddam thread), but let me just say that this isn't cool anymore. No one knows what a person behind a keyboard is really thinking, how fragile they might really be (as opposed to the persona they're projecting online), etc. It's just not cool to talk about shit like this. IMHO. The OP may be a little off for thinking that he can auction his virginity, but he's still a person. And we need to treat each other as such. Real people behind real keyboards. And yes, I've found myself being hypocritical in this arena, and am working to change that.

*steps off soapbox* Originally Posted by Claire She Blows
What she said.

Trolling: bad. Feeding trolls: also bad. Feeding poison to trolls: barbaric.

Let's have some good clean (i.e., dirty) fun here!
I am actually on the verge of failing my entire life right now
pyramider's Avatar
Self awareness is important ... now take care of business.
burkalini's Avatar
All I can think of right now is DUCT TAPE.
I don't understand the last two comments, but I'm assuming they have something to do with me committing suicide.
I am actually on the verge of failing my entire life right now Originally Posted by yitzchak
You gone over that verge long ago buddy. You're either a 29 year old unemployed virgin persistently grubbing for attention from people who despise you and want you to kill yourself, or you're a troll impersonating a loser so you can get attention from people who despise you and want you to kill yourself. Either counts as failure.
Murder self is the only solution
Buddys Place's Avatar
Any of you ladies have little sisters or daughters new to the hobby who are virgins? Get in touch. I am disease free.
pyramider's Avatar
You know this how?
I'm taking some advice I recieved a few months ago and am auctioning my virginity. I'm a 27 year old virgin, I am educated, I go to the gym, I have an above average sized penis (according to most sources) and I like having fun. Private message me with your offers.

Thank you. Originally Posted by yitzchak
Marketing virginity to client.No different hookers marketing to clients in emails or texts on boards posts.