Have any of you tried

And Sunkist is an amazing stand up awesome person for going out on a limb to help setlle ....this
Thank you sunkist ... there is still hope and good in this world and Wow ... Jam im sorry that your so paranoid... i appreciate your apologies it shouldn't have gone this far and maybe next time you could trying being a bit more respectful and understanding Originally Posted by xanthrumdtf
Stop fishing
This proves you have too much time on your hands, take off your tin foil hat, and should probably seek therapy.
That's hillarious and so true. I love it haha i couldn't agree more.

I can vouch that Xanthrumdtf is legit. I met with him a few months back. I found him to be nice, honest and very respectful. I would definitely meet with him again.

Have fun and stay safe everyone!

See you guys later this month Omaha 😊
Thank you Ellie i really appreciate you going out on a limb and i look foward to catch up your the best.
I'm %99 sure that Jam is an alt account but I'm not going to say shit.
We will leave it like it is without anymore drama
Mike1961's Avatar
I think this all confirms that Darth Maul and I am are a babe. I'm going to put on my princess dress and dance all around the house.
Nothing like adding fuel to the fire ... funny how things come full circle. I dont know nor do i care. Im just happy that he admitted he was wrong and apologized
I'm thinking cowboy john is a babe....
IQ160's Avatar
  • IQ160
  • 12-10-2018, 12:21 PM
I always thought that if someone makes an accusation of a fake ID that whomever makes the accusation gets a banning from the site for a couple of weeks. A lot of times, these accusations are made without proof and could cause damage to a person's reputation. It should be up to the accuser to provide proof rather than the accused.
I always thought that if someone makes an accusation of a fake ID that whomever makes the accusation gets a banning from the site for a couple of weeks. A lot of times, these accusations are made without proof and could cause damage to a person's reputation. It should be up to the accuser to provide proof rather than the accused. Originally Posted by IQ160
All right Genius I am going to have a little disagreement with your claims here. You should be used to it by now -- this is definitely not the first time nor I'm sure will it be the last.

You say I should be able to prove this before making such an accusation. That is nothing short of ridiculous. I have neither the equipment required nor the technical savvy required to prove such a thing beyond a shadow of a doubt. I am willing to bet that neither do you and I am sure the same can be said about the overwhelming majority of the members on this site. But it should be within the capabilities of the administrators on a site like Eccie. Now him getting one of his girls to post here in his defense is something that should be incredibly easy for a totally innocent person to accomplish.

I will freely accept a "couple week ban" for what I did if the powers that be feel such a thing is warranted. I am hiding in plain sight here. But if you do this to me then where do you stop? Do you ban everyone that claims they were scammed or ripped off by supposedly scandalous hooker? In almost every case of this, neither of the parties involved can offer any sort of credible proof to their claims and it turns into a "he said she said" sort of thing. Do they both deserve a ban too? Obviously not in the case of the hookers in question because at least a couple of them were cited as references by the guy under scrutiny in this particular case. How about hookers that are known to have pimps? They are apparently never banned either and at least one of them has come forward to defend the guy called into question here. How about hookers that post fake pics or misleading info about their weight or age on their site? Oh yes that is right. Such a thing never happens so I shouldn't be bringing it up.

Part of this site's acronym stands for "information exchange." You're proposed version of Eccie would eventually turn in to everyone sitting around the campfire holding hands and singing Kumbaya. No useful information would ever be exchanged.

I did silently report this to the powers that be using the little red report post triangle before I went public with the suspicion. And I am aware of a few other people that did the same thing. Just like the last time the aforementioned scandalous provider was banned for creating fake profiles and reviews. No one had iron clad proof there either, but the powers that be at Eccie quickly responded to the inquires, did their research and dug up the info themselves. Also just like last year when I caused a notable troll on this site to receive a ban for outing another member here. I did not have full and undeniable proof of that either, but the powers that again replied quickly, did their research and soon arrived at the truth.

This time not one of us has received a response from Eccie. So I decided to force the issue a bit and take things public. Obviously that did not work out like I had hoped. I still have no response from Eccie and I've been silently listening to some of these smart ass kids verbally strutting around like they are the student manager for a championship high school sports team.

I have no doubt in my mind that the scandalous bitch in question will again use fake accounts to post made up reviews in the near future, if she hasn't done so already. You guys can call me paranoid all you want. I will continue to be on the lookout for this scandalous rat to rear her ugly head again. One of the people that got busted because of her working with law enforcement happened to be a friend of mine. I don't want to see or hear about anybody else going through what he went through because of his attraction to and association with this scandalous rat. So please refrain from trying to tell me how I should behave or act unless you have walked in a similar pair of shoes yourself.

Perhaps I will follow the advice of the self glossed Genius -- the owner of the post to which I am replying. Perhaps I will wait to begin this sort of thing in the future until I have undeniable proof, which in all likely hood will never happen. That would leave all of you to sink or swim on your own. But the reputation of the potential accused will be totally intact. Apparently that is all that is important. And when the inevitable happens and some of you are busted because the rat or someone like her is again working with law enforcement, you can go to the likes of Genius to ask him why no one was willing to come forward and offer information that might have protected them from suffering the same fate as my friend.

I will speak no more on this subject. Any of your inevitable lame ass remarks or comments will receive no further response from me. I wish you all well.


I believe most of you, in candidly sharing your opinions on the purported authenticity of reviews, and the appropriate burden of proof to be met in even sharing your opinions on the authorship of those reviews, have missed the actual point of this thread. "Mike1961" has been elevated to exalted status of "babe", which he is now celebrating by dressing as a dancing princess. Now that is what has made ECCIE great. Enjoy this place while we can. [really, no one should be punished. There are too few of us to begin with nowadays. It simply was a playground dispute. No harm - no foul.]
Im curious did you question the other highly positive reviews of nicole that were posted. Jam your general tone and conduct makes it seem as if your better than and i can whole heartedly echo that you were far less than fair and ...i'm still not happy about the way you came at me. It was uncalled for. I think your fundamentally wrong and the last post you write seams demeaning in the way you are talking about the female providers.

Your approach to things like this is wrong. In taking to gals that ive seen and if they wanted to vouch for me ...the general sediment is no one wants to get involved in your drama .. i am very grateful that a couple were willing but on the backend the comments and remarks are far from positive especially concerning ....you Jam. You may want to seriously let it go
IQ160's Avatar
  • IQ160
  • 12-11-2018, 01:01 PM
Jam, just raise the issue privately with the mods. If they agree with you, then the person in question will receive the proper punishment for their infraction. If they do not, then just leave it alone. If you bring the accusation to the public without proof, that’s when your banning would take place.
More popcorn? This string has more drama than a middle school classroom. Perhaps the more prudent thing to do would be to peddle in truth and not innuendo? Set forth the reasons you take issue with the particular provider and supporting facts. This can be done in an educational and informative way and in the process members can learn to write reviews and provide information, moving forward, in a way that benefits all.