Serious funny guys... just dont read this

BobsAlias's Avatar
It's nice to know which providers would try to save me & which would just dump my body. Can we start adding this to our reviews? I could run down my checklist of requirements...

bartipero's Avatar
Dirty Dog and Smut Monkey nailed it. It's a random hook up or a f-buddy and you don't need a lot of details by definition--that was you're deal. I wouldn't recommend lying, but that doesn't mean you have to admit anything, either. Even a simple 'our relationship isn't important, his well being is' covers it--and 'that's all I'm saying' when pressed works. Don't fall for cop threats and pressure tactics. You don't have to answer any questions beyond your name, rank and serial number.

As for a 360 lb guy in the middle of the afternoon, that was your fetish. Who will prove otherwise? After all, Jack Nicholson doesn't get dates because he's so sexy, svelt and appealing. The cops have seen it all, and that won't shock them any more than guys doing fat girls. Besides, it's true enough.

The cops aren't going to ask that many questions absent something very astray--just get the paramedics there, do what you can CPR-wise, and roll with it. The cops have enough to do far more pressing so you doing who is less important to them than clearing the scene of foul play. Remember, the least said is the best and if you can get by with saying little or nothing at all, then say little or nothing. But leaving without trying will turn attention to finding you and more.

If you know how to use a de-fib device, then great. Some airlines and public buildings now have them for public use as studies support their effectiveness even with laymen use. Some pacemaker-type devices have them built in. Those you don't shock--it takes care of it. (Besides, you likely aren't seeing guys like that anyway--that is someone aleady in heart failure, which can go on for years.)

If you can, avoid CPR on a bed if you can get them on the floor or a solid backing behind them as it will be more effective, but don't waste time on that if you can't. If they're conscious and symptomatic, an aspirin is your best nitroglycerin substitute while awaiting medical care. Studies show that to be an effective short term life saving tool.

Don't worry if the CPR appears ineffective as the idea isn't just to get them started again, and probably won't--it's to keep them in a position for the pros to save them when they get there.