Mexican President Celebrates ’40 Million’ Mexicans in the U.S.

Leave it to you to use numbers you pull out of your ass. Or for you to misunderstand information you "read". The NYT didn't whitewash anything. They explained both sides of the use of the information. They didn't say it was okay. They pointed out that the money deposits added money to SS.
They pointed out the problems it causes. How would the president of Mexico know how many illegal immigrants there are in the US? How would you know how many illegals
use US tax payer information? You came up with 1 link from 3 years ago. The Dep of Justice article was from Nov. 2019 (under trump). Your NYT story is near 20 years old. The NYT article was from 2006.
What else would we expect from an election denier who has no evidence of fraud?

where's the trick question in "illegals can't legally pay taxes"?

many do pay taxes, using stolen info that can actually deny real citizens their benefits. How do they deny benefits to the real people? I can see it causing a hassle, but tell us how it denies benefits.
You're assuming the illegals are using the accounts for getting benefits other than making them appear to be legal.
so tell me again you are okay with this just because you clearly support millions of illegals flooding in the country?

119 Illegal Aliens Prosecuted For Stealing Identities of Americans, Falsifying Immigration Documents, Fraudulently Claiming to be U.S. Citizens, Other Crimes

Immigrants stealing U.S. Social Security numbers for jobs, not profits - Americas - International Herald Tribune

leave it to the notoriously liberal NY Times to whitewash a crime because it was for "noble purposes" .. a job.


For Lybbert and her husband, Tyson, the call was the beginning of a five- month scramble trying to clear up their daughter's credit history. As it turned out, an illegal immigrant, Jose Tinoco, was using their daughter's stolen Social Security number, not in pursuit of a financial crime, but in order to get a job.

The numbers are used in the United States by the government to track employees for tax purposes.

"From what I've picked up, he wasn't using it maliciously," said Lybbert, who lives in Draper, Utah. "He was using it to have a job, to get a car, provide for his family. My husband's like, 'Don't you feel bad, you've ruined this guy's life?'

"But at the same time," Lybbert added, referring to her daughter, "he's ruined the innocence of her Social Security number because when she goes to apply for loans, she's going to have this history."

Though most people think of identity theft as a financial crime, one of the most common forms in the United States involves illegal immigrants using fraudulent Social Security numbers to conduct their daily lives.

With tacit acceptance from some employers and poor coordination among government agencies, this practice provides the backbone of some low- wage businesses and a boon to the Social Security trust fund.

During the 1990s, such mismatches accounted for about $20 billion in Social Security taxes paid.

"It's clear that it is a different intent or purpose than trying to get someone's MasterCard and charge it up, knowing they're going to get the bill," said Richard Hamp, an assistant attorney general in Utah. "But it has some similarities. It goes on the other person's credit record. Illegals are filing for bankruptcy, using someone else's number.

"I had one 78-year-old with three defaults on houses she never owned."

The Federal Trade Commission, which estimates that 10 million Americans have their identities stolen each year, does not distinguish between people who steal Social Security numbers so they can work and those who are out to steal money.

Illegal immigrants make up nearly one of every 20 workers in the United States, according to estimates by the Pew Hispanic Center, and most are working under fraudulent Social Security numbers, which can be bought in any immigrant community or in Mexico.

Like most victims of identity theft, the Lybberts did not lose any money in the long run, but Camber Lybbert estimated that for four or five months she spent 30 hours or more a week making telephone calls, feeling passed from one agency or voice-mail system to another: the Social Security Administration; the Utah attorney general; the three credit bureaus that issue credit ratings; and the police departments in two cities.

"Everyone I talked to handed me off to someone else, saying that's not our department, call this number," she said. "I was being led in a circle."

The Social Security Administration each year receives eight million to nine million earnings reports from the Internal Revenue Service filed under names that do not match the Social Security numbers. Some are from workers whose employers botched their personnel forms or women who recently changed their names after marriage.

Others are from people using a Social Security number that is not their own.

"It's basically a subsidy from migrant workers to the aggregate of American taxpayers," said Douglas Massey, a professor of sociology at Princeton who studies Mexican migration, about the taxes paid to the government.

ah! so as long as it props up the social security reserves it's all good! the Government turning a blind eye to fraud as long as it benefits the Government. who knew???

While no one knows how many of these mismatches are illegal immigrants, a Government Accountability Office study found that employers with the most mismatches were concentrated in industries that hire a lot of illegal immigrants, including agriculture, construction and food services.

"Right now, employers are not motivated to care if their workers give them false Social Security numbers," said Barbara Bovbjerg, the office's director of education, workforce and income security issues.

The Social Security Administration is legally barred from sharing information with immigration or law enforcement agencies, or from telling the rightful owner of a Social Security number that someone else is working under their number, said Mark Hinkle, a spokesman.

The rightful owner of a stolen number does not get the benefits accrued under its false use.

Bovbjerg's office and others have called for better cooperation among the Social Security Administration, Internal Revenue Service, or IRS, and Department of Homeland Security to prosecute workers who use false Social Security numbers and companies that hire them.

"We've had this ridiculous situation where, theoretically, this information could be shared and we could identify these people and repair the situation," said Marti Dinerstein, a fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, a nonprofit organization that supports tighter restrictions on immigration.

"Falsely using a Social Security number is a felony. Our own federal agencies are working against those laws. The IRS says privacy laws prevent them from sharing information. So we know who the guilty employers are," Dinerstein said. "The IRS knows who the guilty employees are. And nothing's being done about it."

In 2000, using data from the Social Security Administration, the Utah attorney general's office found that the Social Security numbers of 132,000 people in the state were being used by other people, far more than the state could prosecute.

This use caused problems even when the person using the number led a financially responsible life, said Hamp, the assistant attorney general. "I've had families denied public assistance for their children or disability payments because records show somebody is working in their Social Security number," he said.

Scott Smith, of Ogden, Utah, discovered that someone was using the Social Security number of his daughter, Bailey, when he applied for public health insurance for her.

Smith, who owns four paper shredders, is by his own description "real paranoid" about identity theft. "We even take the shreddings and put them in different garbage cans," he said.

Like Lybbert, he has mixed feelings about what happened next.

"All that was happening was that the illegal alien who had gotten the card had gotten a job at a Sizzler steakhouse in Provo and was paying her bills and doing a good job," he said.

the immigration system isn't broken and doesn't need "fixing". that's all liberal nonsense because the quotas simply aren't big enough to suit them. the Government knows these illegals are propping up benefits and turns a blind eye to it.

if the US needs all these workers just give them all resident worker status and stop all this fraud.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Trump used illegal Polish immigrants as labor to demolish the buildings that stood where trump tower was built.

The only comment you made is sticking to the word "legal."
That is moot to the subject since you foam at the mouth about illegal.

So, over a month and you can't come up with a pithy comeback since you can't deny *illegals* pay into SSN without hope of getting anything out of it.

No need to bother to reply UNLESS you got proof they LEGALLY get a return on it LOL! Originally Posted by Precious_b
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Leave it to you to use numbers you pull out of your ass. Or for you to misunderstand information you "read". The NYT didn't whitewash anything. They explained both sides of the use of the information. They didn't say it was okay. They pointed out that the money deposits added money to SS.
They pointed out the problems it causes. How would the president of Mexico know how many illegal immigrants there are in the US? How would you know how many illegals
use US tax payer information? You came up with 1 link from 3 years ago. The Dep of Justice article was from Nov. 2019 (under trump). Your NYT story is near 20 years old. The NYT article was from 2006.
What else would we expect from an election denier who has no evidence of fraud? Originally Posted by Tigbitties38

that's the point, no one really knows. the issue of illegals using stolen/fraudulent tax info goes back many decades in the US. every link is valid regardless of how long ago it was.

and no denials of the topic, i see. i'll take that as an admission of the problem.

Trump used illegal Polish immigrants as labor to demolish the buildings that stood where trump tower was built. Originally Posted by Tigbitties38

if you are gonna "headline" grab you might want to read it first ..

In an interview with NBC News earlier in the campaign about the Polish workers, Trump blamed the problems on a “bad contractor” and said he had been “exonerated” by the courts.

Trump has said he did not know the workers' legal status at the time and no court has ever found that Trump Equitable, the development company, was responsible for paying them.

His contractor, Kaszycki & Sons, which had never done a total demolition before, had promised to tear down the former Bonwit Teller department store for $775,000 — the lowest of 12 bids, according to the New York Times.

so like most developers would, Trump took the low bidder and the contractor is always responsible for their workers.
Ripmany's Avatar
Soon there will be Mexicans in the United States then in Mexico. Either way Mexican females make my dick really hard and a very good in bed something about Mexican p**** and Mexican sex is a plus even though I have to compete with a lot of Mexican men since coyotes bring five to one men to women