Bad news from Kynsley Morgan

I've got more points to give out if anyone wishes OR we can get back on track.
Kynsley I could be wrong but I think Ninotsugi was saying that Billy was acting insane because he keeps up with the same shit over and over again expecting different results. I could be wrong but that's how I understood her post. I honestly have no idea what her thought process was when posting but it seems like she was making an observation about Billyland and not you. I know the two of you have had some issues but this one time unless I am wrong she actually wasn't taking a jab at you.

When Billy signs back on with his other handle he can read this. Dude you really are ate up with it. There is no way you win this feud with RL. Give it up and move on. If you want revenge go find a new hot young girl and have her get rave reviews then never let her see RL. Go as far as to put in her adds that RL is not welcome but basscat gets half price rates. I promise if this girl is hot I will rub it in his face every chance I get.
Ms Morgan:

I do declare you know more about MY Hobbying Career... than I know myself and I'm very flattered that you take the time from your busy schedule to monitor me so very closely, b.t.w. how has Married Life been treating you

Love & Kisses,
Maybe I was wrong maybe it was a dig at you? IDK anymore who is mad at who. Man there sure is a lot of drama on our once quiet board
I read it as Ninot was commenting on billyland and nothing more.This thread went into a clusterfuck fast and I was trying my best take on the offenders and get this back on track.

Let's just let this thread die please.
DocHolyday's Avatar
I thought this thread was about crappy road conditions and their effect on KM traveling. I didn’t see the drama in that but...if we stick with that topic, I predict the drama will evaporate along with the sleet, snow and ice on the roadway. js
Thank you Doc!
I do hope all of yall werent affected to bad with all that mess last week. I am just glad the 2nd wave is through.

Married life is amazing, thank you for asking.
guest071618-1's Avatar
Damn, sorry I made a joke about east weather and road conditions.... that result of dragged back into MS... let this thread die and I will start new thread to start new stupid drama.... hope billy be back soon with fake id to defend himself....
What is there to defend??
Let it lie.
KM: Calling white people a cracker is racist correct and it is against eccie rules if im not mistaken. If you are a racist you may be in the wrong business.
Lmao, Hi there. No, I am not racist.

BL leaves and TJB appears
Cravinhead69's Avatar
I'm just sitting here SMDH at all the crazy drama, wishing I had more money to spend on more pussy.
There are several ladies I want to see, but I have to be patient and wait and watch the drama unfold.
I just need sex and lots of it.
Send me some money, I'll try out some more ladies and post more reviews so there will be something good to read. HA!
DocHolyday's Avatar
KM: Calling white people a cracker is racist correct and it is against eccie rules if im not mistaken. If you are a racist you may be in the wrong business. Originally Posted by Tomjunebaby
Well...I tried to get this thread back on track but...

I give up. This drama ^^^^^ is not weather / road condition related. I’m done with this thread. I don’t want to be around when RL decides a points party is in order.
How come KM cracker remark have not been edited out by unbiased fair mod? Calling a white person a cracker is ok since she is white? And since there r no white people on ECCIE its ok. So if KM was black and she said the n word it would b ok also? Unless u think she was talking about saltine or ritz crackers than im wrong. Maybe she putting crackers on bbq boobs for unbiased mod? If I put a racist remark on post I bet it would get removed. RTM button is worthless if someone deletes it. I must b the only white person on this site.