A New MOD? Elchapo? Really? do you guys thinck this is Okay?

Still Looking's Avatar
On a side note I have to agree with SL. I think a name change is in order. I think EC has set the bar too low. I'd be seriously impressed if he aimed higher. Perhaps an ex president? All the recent ones are responsible for deaths of countless thousands, and more distant, hundreds of thousands of innocent people. The current one has the potential to be a record setter. Like Mickey D's. Billions served. I'm voting for El Trump Originally Posted by Ronin3
A real man would have the balls to change it!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Respectfully, please don't try to guess.

You might get it right, and it is for very personal and private reasons that I can't return as my old self to enjoy the comeraderie of day's past. Originally Posted by elchapo
Oh waaahhhh.
Ignoring the rules stuff, thanks for trying out for comedian of the moment.
But, is not the past a different universe now?
Why does the Langoliers movie come to mind?
I can't believe I'm going to agree with SL on another name change. But did you even research the name you chose? For todays amusement I wonder if your handle violates guideline 15.

Of course, we could simply nick name you Elchepo as has been suggested.
All in favor?
wakethefuckup's Avatar
El Cheapo seems about right!
Still Looking's Avatar
Well what say you "elchapo"? Are you man enough to make the / a change?
elchapo's Avatar
El Cheapo seems about right! Originally Posted by wakethefuckup
Lol, good one.

SL- I don't have any plans to change my name and I'm sorry that it's consuming your thoughts currently. I have a feeling you'll get over it eventually, but not until you drag it out aways longer and encourage as many others as you can to join in with your fun little protest of me.

Signing out on this subject now. I have other things to do.
I believe Adolph Hitler, Ted Bundy and Timothy McVeigh are already taken....
Still Looking's Avatar
Lol, good one.

SL- I don't have any plans to change my name and I'm sorry that it's consuming your thoughts currently. I have a feeling you'll get over it eventually, but not until you drag it out aways longer and encourage as many others as you can to join in with your fun little protest of me.

Signing out on this subject now. I have other things to do. Originally Posted by elchapo
No sir... I made my case. I was hoping that others might feel as I do. I was hoping that the site owners / management would review and feel the same way. And last but not least I thought it might be easy enough to do and after making you aware that you might rise up and make the change.

You have my word that I will NOT flex my "OWNERSHIP" here in any way to cause difficulty for you. I wish you the best of luck in completing the mission handed to you. Texas looks forward to your support.
Still Looking's Avatar
El Cheapo seems about right! Originally Posted by wakethefuckup
Will you be sharing who created you any time soon?
dearhunter's Avatar
I never did like elchapo no how.......but, I do like clubbing baby seals......where is crypto today.....ijs
pyramider's Avatar
Elchapo will never have the love of the masses like Pistolero.
Still Looking's Avatar
I see the staff jacked the poll numbers! Am I surprised? Hello NO! Maybe they can make my reviews disappear as well? I darn you BITCHES! Screw it... I double dare you!

burkalini's Avatar
Will he play favorites? Ignore others? Selectively point for ThreAD hijacking? Point 10 points for SPAM if you post the same thing in two different forums? DELETE / RECYCLE anything they find offensive? Give TS'S special treatment both in and out of the closet? Play favorites with 300 PLUS lbs BBW'S?

If the answer is YES to these he'll be in as a MOD and maybe an ADMIN.
Originally Posted by Still Looking
I was asked to be a mod twice in my state. Now that ought to tell you how easy it is.
Still Looking's Avatar
I was asked to be a mod twice in my state. Now that ought to tell you how easy it is. Originally Posted by burkalini
What did you tell them Burk?

when I saw Kaysunshine yesterday, she mentioned my avatar, and how I wasn't the old man she thought I might be.. I said to her, "aren't you glad"? Originally Posted by Chung Tran

ROTFL, Yes, I was very happy you weren't as old as your avatar. Hahahahaha Don't get me wrong, I prefer an older gentleman (I am referring to mental and physical age) both in and out the hobby, but there is such a thing as too old for me.
burkalini's Avatar
What did you tell them Burk? Originally Posted by Still Looking
I get on here because it's my choice to. I don't want it to be a job. I also don't want to be the eccie police. I told them thanks but no thanks