why do some girls only text

JRLawrence's Avatar
It could be a pimp. I suspect that's the main reason....unless the pimp can disguise his voice.

If I was a hoogar, I would say call only. Some women do that. Why? Calling is more personal than texting, and thus the client is probably more serious, and not some drunken teenager horsing around. Originally Posted by tinypenis
Very good, on every comment.

There is a lot you can tell by hearing a voice. No voice contact is a big red flag.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I don't answer calls I don't recognize & I'm not always in a place where I can talk, texting no one hears but if asked I will let you know when I'm able to talk Originally Posted by yourdesire
Very good. However, you are an established lady. That being said, when you say you don't recognize calls means that you have clients identified by phone number. Good, that is very common.

However the phone game works several ways, especially when another lady answers for a phone number that a guy thought belonged to a different lady when he called.

Texas Playboy's Avatar
I think it's a generational thing. Millennials just communicate that way naturally, and lack the years of practice in telephone banter and etiquette that we have. That is not just a hobby comment, but true in all phases of life. It's the rare millennial who is truly comfortable using the phone for its original purpose.
Emma you might think of posting your contact information to be better understood on your contact info. section. Explain your schedule and high lite NO CALLS AFTER HOURS.
AdoreDelilah's Avatar
I like to text .. then call eventually soon before the arrangement
roll_with_me's Avatar
I much prefer ladies who text only... ...much easier to text "do you swallow"than to try to ask it tactfully! Originally Posted by lickidyclit
Holy Shit! That's not an appropriate question for any form of first time communication. There's a reason you can't tactfully verbalize your question.

I understand the value of both forms of communication. At some point I would like to have a phone conversation before finalizing the appointment if it's my first time seeing a person.
I love hearing a voice prior to meeting however, prefer to text incase I am doing multiple things and to avoid conflicts of interest with Ears that may be listening..lol..
jokacz's Avatar
Most providers are text only because they are too stupid to organize their lies in real time. Texting provides a buffer to get their bull shit straight. It's another millennial shortcoming along with the inability to write cursive and have an intelligent conversation on the phone.
NaughtyMaddy's Avatar
I hate talking on the phone. Period.
VeronicaTurbay's Avatar
I use email only, my text number if for automatic response that sent clients to all my social media's, website, etc.
If they want to talk on the phone I have the number they can dial(nite flirt) on the auto text. I always take calls there. Of course... paid.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Most providers are text only because they are too stupid to organize their lies in real time. Texting provides a buffer to get their bull shit straight. It's another millennial shortcoming along with the inability to write cursive and have an intelligent conversation on the phone. Originally Posted by jokacz
Wow, I would not have put it that way; but, you have a very valid point: lack of ability to have an intelligent conversation on the phone".

Very good, and when they text: many people don't pay attention to spelling.

No phone conversation prior to the first meeting: that usually means that there will not be a meeting. Put her in the "no will see" file. Talking tells us very much about the other person: for the ladies the first idea concerns if the guy is a thug.

After one knows the person, it is a different question.

I have had a couple of exceptions to this rule concerning first meetings: the important thing about the exceptions was that we had had enough computer and texting experience that I was kinda sure about what kind of person I was about to meet. We are talking about your personal safety, not just about texting.
in my experiences i’ve noticed that they are scarred and act like they are on pins and needles. texting reduces the fear and i’m okay w that. remember gents, they make the rules, not us and if you don’t like their rules, move on...no love lost, i’m sure.
I don't make it a deal breaking thing to text but I am looking for some one with a sense of humor and a text won't disclose her ability to carry on an intelligent conversation. I have several ladies that I have been with many times. Dee and I are friends on face book with several others that I won't disclose. Ladies at some point you will be face to face with the client. Wouldn't it be better to talk a little over the phone before you discover he is a knuckle dragging idiot.
Private messaging at first via the paid site that initiated the meet or texting via talkatone app or one of the numerous talk to text apps that are available is what most providers do that I’ve run into and I do the same. If I get a call without notice , Im probably not answering . However i won’t feel comfortable meeting a provider for the first time unless I have a very short pre-planned voice to voice conversation to confirm the appointment.if the provider has little or no background info I take it a step further and ask for a short live video intro. This doesn’t entire eliminate cat fishing but it helps and I wish it was more the standard
JRLawrence's Avatar
.....l others that I won't disclose. Ladies at some point you will be face to face with the client. Wouldn't it be better to talk a little over the phone before you discover he is a knuckle dragging idiot. Originally Posted by tucson
An automatic no will see her; she has a picture of herself with platform hooker shoes. Then there is old joke from a few years back in the disco days:
Why do some guys wear platform shoes. To keep their knuckles from dragging!