North Korea Tests Hydrogen Bomb

lustylad's Avatar
You counting my posts SnitchyStalker? Originally Posted by WTF
Anyone can look at your profile and see what a lying cocksucker you are!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-03-2017, 04:53 PM

Now you're bumping up to 50 threads a day. ! Originally Posted by lustylad
You lying little snitch! I'm bumping maybe 10

. Originally Posted by WTF
Wrong again, you lying asshole. You have 80 posts so far today alone. You've posted almost 200 times in the past 3 days.

! Originally Posted by lustylad
First you say I bumped 50 threads, I say maybe 10 threads, you then call me a liar and proceed to change the subject to posts instead of bumped threads.

You counting my posts SnitchyStalker? Damn, I'm gonna have to start locking my bathroom door! Originally Posted by WTF
Anyone can look at your profile and see what a lying cocksucker you are! Originally Posted by lustylad
So you are counting my posts by going to my profile. Got it. I did not even know the system did that. But then I'm not a hypocritical snitch stalker.
LexusLover's Avatar
Anyone can look at your profile and see what a lying cocksucker you are! Originally Posted by lustylad
He doesn't know the "truth" so he really can't be "lying" by my definition. Now by his own definition he IS LYING. Because he calls anyone who draws the wrong conclusion from the existing set of facts at the time the conclusion is made ... a "liar"! ... even though at the time they drew the conclusion on only the facts available at that time.

For instance I didn't believe he lied when he stated that Zimmerman would be convicted of "something" (he wouldn't specify what!) for the death of Martin, ....

...because he was simply demonstrating he's a dumbshit and didn't know what the fuck he was talking about it! Dumbshits are necessarily liars just because they are dumb. So may be he just has some deep mental deficiencies and tries to mask them will all the boisterous threats and irrational behavior.

But he does that frequently when he jumps into threads over his head ... which doesn't take much. Look at the "Thor" threads in which he has posted!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-03-2017, 05:05 PM
No there has not been a trial where you then can play Monday morning quarterback.

What has been asked is wtf you think about what we know. If further evidence comes out that this nurse was a serial cop killer and about to murder this cop, one can then change their opinion.

You just do not have the balls to say a cop was wrong.

. Originally Posted by WTF
Now by his own definition he IS LYING. Because he calls anyone who draws the wrong conclusion from the existing set of facts at the time the conclusion is made ... a "liar"! ... even though at the time they drew the conclusion on only the facts available at that time.

! Originally Posted by LexusLover

Really ? Because in the case of the Utah nurse, I've asked your opinion based on the available facts. And stated that opinions can change based of future evidence.

Sounds nothing like what you just stated.

Why are you lying yet again?
If my take the liberty to correct your above comment ....

... they MAY be screaming, very few of them, but it will be one of those unintelligible shrieks from the pain of ones skin separating from the muscle tissue as it falls off their radiation cooked bodies.

Beyond that .... they will be silently dead .... unfortunately we won't end up in the same place so we can tell the dumbass Little Fuckers "we told you so"! But they will have won the "no wall" debate, because no one will want to come here for the next 100,000 years or so! Originally Posted by LexusLover
But even if ca got wiped out, it won't be that big of a dent in the # of illogical rabid liberals.. So there will still be plenty to scream..
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I have no issues with N. Korea or Iran having or testing nukes to be honest. Fact is America is the only country in the world to drop a Nuclear Bomb on innocent women and children. Maybe... just maybe we are afraid that our bad Karma will come back on us and bite us in the ass for our bad and wicked deed in Hiroshima. Like Reveren Wright said: "America's chickens are coming home to roost."
lustylad's Avatar
...maybe we are afraid that our bad Karma will come back on us and bite us in the ass for our bad and wicked deed in Hiroshima. Like Reverend Wright said: "America's chickens are coming home to roost." Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You've got it backwards again, shit-stained. Hiroshima was bad karma for Japan's wicked deed of attacking Pearl Harbor.

Now go find a rooster to TUMA you.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I have no issues with N. Korea or Iran having or testing nukes to be honest. Fact is America is the only country in the world to drop a Nuclear Bomb on innocent women and children. Maybe... just maybe we are afraid that our bad Karma will come back on us and bite us in the ass for our bad and wicked deed in Hiroshima. Like Reveren Wright said: "America's chickens are coming home to roost." Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
There were no "innocents" in Japan by 1945, Shit-stained Chapped-ass. By that point in the war millions had died because of Japanese imperialism, Shit-stained Chapped-ass.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Attacking Pearl Harbor was nothing more than attacking a military base which is fair game during War time. However the US had to take it to a new low with their terrorism by dropping a Nuke on innocent women and children. The US is actually the first terrorist state in the World. We started all this shit and you fucking racist ass Bible thumpers have your heads constantly buried in the sand while coming up with lame ass excuses for American barbarism and terrorism.

again We're the only Nation to a drop a nuke on innocent men, women, and children. What a disgrace and we have the nerve to say: "In God We Trust". How about we change that to: "In The Devil We Trust"
LexusLover's Avatar
Fact is America is the only country in the world to drop a Nuclear Bomb .... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
That's not a "Fact" ... that's just your whining bullshit.

It would have probably been worthwhile for you to have had some education on the decision making that went into the development of the ATOMIC BOMBS toward the end of WWII and the use of them on Japan based on the Pacific experience the Allies had with the Japanese, which included the experience the Chinese had with the Japanese. It probably wouldn't change your bullshit remarks, but it might give you some hesitation to spout off so much about something you know little, if anything about.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Attacking Pearl Harbor was nothing more than attacking a military base which is fair game during War time. However the US had to take it to a new low with their terrorism by dropping a Nuke on innocent women and children. The US is actually the first terrorist state in the World. We started all this shit and you fucking racist ass Bible thumpers have your heads constantly buried in the sand while coming up with lame ass excuses for American barbarism and terrorism.

again We're the only Nation to a drop a nuke on innocent men, women, and children. What a disgrace and we have the nerve to say: "In God We Trust". How about we change that to: "In The Devil We Trust"
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You equivocate, Shit-stained Chapped-ass. Pearl Harbor was a military base on an island inhabited by civilians of a nation which was not at war with Japan, Shit-stained Chapped-ass, and you wholly stick your head up your ass when you try to ignore what the Japanese did to Filipino civilians when they invaded the Philippines, Shit-stained Chapped-ass... or Vietnamese civilians ... or Koreans ... or the Chinese civilians who the Japanese killed by the tens of millions, Shit-stained Chapped-ass. You and your ilk are the only devils, Shit-stained Chapped-ass. Pack up and move your miserable, thankless ass to the Somalia or Venezuela, Shit-stained Chapped-ass.
Inversion's Avatar
Ironically the hydrogen bomb and nuclear capabilities of N.Korea are probably less of a threat than their potential "dirty tactics" like detonating shipping containers and contaminating food shipments from S.Korea. Don't underestimate the cunning, but be prepared on every level.
bambino's Avatar
First you say I bumped 50 threads, I say maybe 10 threads, you then call me a liar and proceed to change the subject to posts instead of bumped threads.

So you are counting my posts by going to my profile. Got it. I did not even know the system did that. But then I'm not a hypocritical snitch stalker. Originally Posted by WTF
You are a snitch stalker. You lying hypocrite. Do you know your dad? Does he know what a ferret you are?
lustylad's Avatar
You are a snitch stalker. You lying hypocrite. Do you know your dad? Does he know what a ferret you are? Originally Posted by bambino
He's way too ugly to be a ferret. And he's far more snitchy-stalky than a ferret. If you ferret-proof your house, snitchfuck will still try to chew and claw his way in.

Ferrets also have more intelligence and integrity than WTF does.
I advocate for turning the Norks landscape into green glass.

The pathetic leadershit of the rapist Clinton lead to the Norks getting a nuke. With the limp-dick "leadership" of Obamonkey making sure the Norks could accelerate their nuke program with impunity.

Oh, of course obamonkey made sure the Iranians have plenty of money to build their nukes.

This lefty ideology of putting every nation on the world stage on equal footing is total treachery and a gross misunderstanding of human nature.