Obama’s blue dress.......

Jacuzzme's Avatar
It's not worth the time. He's not worth the time.
This is what one says when they can’t defend their position, which, of course, you haven’t done. HF is wasting his keystrokes, attempting a grown up debate with a puerile opponent.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
This is what one says when they can’t defend their position, which, of course, you haven’t done. HF is wasting his keystrokes, attempting a grown up debate with a puerile opponent. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I was referring to Tucker Carlson in that quote. And I did say I would play. When I have the time to defend my position that Flynn lied to the FBI. SOUNDS LIKE COHEN NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT.

I have bigger fish to fry.

Trump says truckers honking near the White House were a 'sign of love,' but they were protesting shipping rates


After an early boom in demand for shipped goods at the onset of stay-at-home orders, truckers are now facing a lack of business or offers with rates they say are too low.

  • oeb11
  • 05-15-2020, 06:56 PM
9500- there you go again

Pretending to "Ignore" - while following my posts.

It is the fear of Factual Truth - You cannot deal with it
and shamefully resort to name-calling as a defense.

You are not ignoring me - U are fully aware of my posts.

How about some cogent and constructive debate - rather than name-calling and pictures of old, dead people.

It is laughable - to throw insults, and then hide behind a "Faux Ignore"!
Such 3rd grade behavior - Grow Up.
Hotrod511's Avatar
There he goes again.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 Retarded Lenny
Waco's right that's a perfect name for you Lenny
  • oeb11
  • 05-15-2020, 09:37 PM
Oh, let's not besmirch the name of a late brilliant comic/comedian with the 9500 label.

Lenny Bruce deserves better.

Not his choice to be co-opted. Let him rest in peace.

Same for YSL.
And - Robespierre - a controlling autocrat who was swallowed and beheaded by his own French revolution - maybe he and a certain poster are similar types. Ever seen pic of Robespierre's death mask???
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Then let me explain. I gave you a link to the NYT's just in case you need proof from your paper of record, that this hand written memo from the FBI, is what was actually found in the newest release of documents. I mean I could have posted Fox News and Carlson since both reported on this "fact" but then you would give me some lame ass excuse that you don't accept "facts" from Fox News and Tucker Carlson so I went out of my way to get it from the New York Times. I even had to subscribe to get it.

First let me commend you on subscribing to the NYT for the link. Second, I don't bunch all FOX reporters all together. I'm on record here as giving credit where I think it's worthy of me. Chris Wallace being one. "Shep" Smith being another.

I'm just looking for a worthy opponent which you use to be when I first got here and then dried up to one liner's and meme's.

I dried up to one-liners and memes (plural, not possessive) because of your adherence to the FOX cause. I think when you first signed up here, the impeachment case was being made. I did read more and had more time. This pandemic changed the game.

Thanks for your characterization of my opposing viewpoint.

The first "Just the news" site was an article explaining the topic, the second, was the actually PDF file just in case you didn't want to believe what was written in the article because it was done by John Soloman who I suppose isn't worthy of your time either. I'm going way out of my way to show you nothing but facts, the just released documents so you can't bitch about authors.

Your efforts on forwarding "just the news" are noted and appreciated. Yes, I give John Soloman little credit. If you post more of his reporting, I'll go out of MY way (more like "step out of my comfort zone") to think twice about dismissing it.

I got lazy on the 3rd cite "The Hill" which I guess you don't waste your time on either.

Your guess would be wrong, sir. I feel as though The Hill leans in my direction. Although I know their Op-Ed department is open to freelance.

It's tough to find you CNN and MSNBC reports because they don't report the facts.

You state CNN and MSNBC "don't report the facts." Aren't you as guilty as I when you do that?

Have you read any of the 57 super secret transcripts that Adam Schiff kept locked away because he knew they would show that nobody ever said they saw any information that linked Trump to Russian interference?

I have not. Has anybody here? They're supposed to be "super secret", as you put it. How do you know "they would show that nobody ever said they saw any information that linked Trump to Russian interference?" Flynn was supposed to be the link. Until, as Schiff put it in the impeachment trial in the Senate, "he . . . got . . . caught."

Do you have any interest in reading actual FBI files and actual transcripts? I do. Silly question, you don't have time, I mean why would you, you instinctively know the answers to all these questions I guess.

Yes. To both. I do have a nerdy interest in reading FBI files. And transcripts. (I wish I could read my own file.)

There was no evidence of Trump being a Russian asset. There was proof that the FISA Court was abused. Adam Schiff, CNN and MSNBC said it wasn't, they were wrong. The Steele dossier was Russian disinformation and even the NYT's said so. Now the files and the transcripts are all being released and everything you have been listening to for over 3 years were lies, that's just a now proven fact and there is a whole lot more coming.

Still waiting on the supposéd blue dress of evidence. Still turned on and tuned in.

What you don't have is any interest in finding out what the Obama Biden administration was doing, none but that's OK, John Durham is interested. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Can the Executive branch release the transcript of the phone call between Flynn and the Russian ambassador? Yes.

I'm still researching. But as of post time, I have to hit the sack and wake up at six a.m.

What is the president hiding from us? In this case. There's a shit load of other stuff.

Judges have discretion to find the truth.

Some call it abuse.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Oh, let's not besmirch the name of a late brilliant comic/comedian with the 9500 label.

Lenny Bruce deserves better.

Not his choice to be co-opted. Let him rest in peace.

Same for YSL.
And - Robespierre - a controlling autocrat who was swallowed and beheaded by his own French revolution - maybe he and a certain poster are similar types. Ever seen pic of Robespierre's death mask??? Originally Posted by oeb11

YES! Lenny deserves better than to be cruelly exploited in a whoreboard political forum! even if he wasn't really that funny except for cussing! i mean .. without little Lenny Schneider how could you have this? even if Lenny H'd himself by assident .. hey no one lives forever.


oh poor Robespierre! he lost his head. imagine however ...he watched Louis and Marie lose theirs only to be beheaded himself later.

thus the genesis of the phrase

"The revolution always eats its own children"

the exact quote is ..

"like Saturn, the Revolution devours its children,"

close enough.




