"Give it to me good, Daddy"

monkish's Avatar
monkish, I like your terse, staccato style there. My comments were directed toward your sense that it was laughable and your disbelief that "some of you guys" might find daddy a problem. It seems to me that, even with limited imagination, my tale might have made it easier to understand. And yeah, it was pretty dramatic.

Should I have mentioned that I can conceive of a lot of situations in which "daddy" might not be a problem at all? I can. I'm sure you are among those. No offense meant. Originally Posted by jfred
What I lack in imagination I make up for in terse and staccato. Be thankful, they weren't commas, if you get, my drift.
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  • jfred
  • 03-18-2010, 09:24 PM
...Be thankful, they weren't commas, if you get, my drift. Originally Posted by monkish
It took some thought (and some help) to get your drift. But that's funny.

I've promised myself, and St Chris, that I won't say anything about her anymore. And that's all I'm gonna say.
I read what Kristin as well as Courtney posted however, for me, it has always bothered me. While I am not a person who is generally into power plays, I do like them every so often. Mostly I want a peer in the bedroom and for me to hear "daddy...", brother I head for the door real quick like. Now I will admit I like being in control while at other times, I like being surprised by letting her be in control but then to me it is that trade off that makes it fun.

Just don't call me Daddy... I would rather hear lover, babe, stud muffin, etc.
ShysterJon's Avatar
I think it's 2, actually, counsellor.... Originally Posted by jfred
Thank you for clarifying in a PM that you were mistaken about knowing two of my former SBs, when you know only one. The other girl you mention is a provider we both know. She was never my SB.
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  • jfred
  • 03-20-2010, 11:11 AM
You're welcome good sir. Always glad to correct factual errors.

Thank you for helping me understand how you make the distinction. I'd mistakenly assumed that, before I knew them, you'd had a special relationship with each.

By the way, I think your sb/sd posts are some of the most useful and informative I've read. As are your wise perspectives on matters pertaining to law.
cookie man's Avatar
Speaking of Freudian and how the mind works. Elisabeth when I read your thread, the first thing that came to my mind was...

-First you watching Zombieland, funny in itself, and your reference to sex with a Zombie in your previous thread.
-Second, the topic of "Who's your Daddy?" and my first thought was the hit song by the Zombies "Time of the Season" and my first known reference to "Who's Your Daddy" in 1968...obscure train of thought huh.

Anywhoooo...to me it's a term of dominance or contol. Still I would never use except in humor after I slam dunked a basketball over jfred.