Don't take it so literally and get bent out of shape Originally Posted by ExNYer
Not to worry! Let's just say that I am "HYPOTHETICALLY" "bent out of shape." Shall we say for a "HYPOTHETICAL" 5 year period? Or would you prefer 20?
Not to worry! Let's just say that I am "HYPOTHETICALLY" "bent out of shape." Shall we say for a 5 year period? Originally Posted by bigtex
Well, I hope it is not that long.

You will have plenty of time to get bent out of shape when Hillary loses in 2016. If she even gets nominated.

You will have plenty of time to get bent out of shape when Hillary loses in 2016. If she even gets nominated. Originally Posted by ExNYer
How did Hillary factor into this "HYPOTHETICAL" conversation? That's yet another favorite play out of the Idiot Family playbook. It's called Fake Screen, Diversion Left!

It's true you are now singing out of the Idiot Family hymn book!

Let's count 'em, we've got JD, IB, LL and NY. Could Cousin Trendy be far behind?
I believe they "HYPOTHETICALLY" have enough for a Idiot Family Reunion!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I have an idea. Let's sell the naming rights for warships and other military vehicles! We could reduce our deficit, and get the corporations who keep finding and creating wars for us to fight to fund them directly, instead of through lobbyists, like they do now. C'mon, it's a great idea! The USS Halliburton. PT Boat Home Depot. Swift Boat Heinz. Aircraft Carrier Boeing.

This is great!
I have an idea. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I hate to shit in your mess kit but your "HYPOTHETICAL" idea wasn't any better than NY'ers "HYPOTHETICAL" gangbang idea.

You both need to go back to the "HYPOTHETICAL" drawing boards!
How did Hillary factor into this "HYPOTHETICAL" conversation? That's yet another favorite play out of the Idiot Family playbook. It's called Fake Screen, Diversion Left! Originally Posted by bigtex
Never said that Hillary factored into the Giffords hypothetical.

I'm just referring to what would get you bent out of shape. I know you have a sweet spot for the Hildebeast.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No, he opposed immigration on economic grounds, like me. That will get you a ship name in my book any day.
Plus, didn't he actually serve in the fucking Navy!!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
+1 Excellent!

Here are at least two from WWII..probably dozens more since then and maybe some before

Two Liberty Ships Named After Jewish Labor Leaders Launched in One Week

October 13, 1944
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (Oct. 12)
The Liberty ship Morris C. Feinstone, named after the late general secretary of the United Hebrew Trades, was launched here yesterday at the St. John shipyards by Mrs. Florence Feinstone, widow of the Jewish labor leader.
A message from William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, paid tribute to Mr. Feinstone as “a devoted member of organized labor.” Speakers at the launching ceremonies included M. G. Boyce, president of the Jacksonville central labor union council, William G. Wolpert, secretary of the United Hebrew Trades and delegates from the Jacksonville Jewish community council.
(Earlier this week, a Liberty ship named after Abraham Rosenberg, a former president of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, was launched at the yards of the New England Shipbuilding Corp. at Portland, Maine.)

Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

It's true you are now singing out of the Idiot Family hymn book!
Originally Posted by bigtex
That must be your one and only self-published copy, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, because no one else here has seen or heard of -- let alone possessed -- such a book.
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  • WTF
  • 04-24-2014, 07:35 AM
Fine, if you want to make it 20 years, I am OK with that. The POINT is to wait for a significant period after death. Now you are just arguing about the length, not the principle.

. Originally Posted by ExNYer
No he was showing the naivety of your suggestion.

How about slave owners? Should they have things named after them?

All we are doing is arguing politics when we discuss dumbass shit like this, despite your ascertain to the contrary.

That was my point. You will never be able to take the politics out of these things and somebody will always find something offensive about who ever gets named. I find Reagan offensive and think him the one responsible for the GOP to spend at any cost with the mantra that the end justifies the means ... as you have so demonstrated.

Of the first five presidents, four owned slaves. All four of these owned slaves while they were president.
Of the next five presidents (#6-10), four owned slaves. Only two of them owned slaves while they were president.
Of the next five presidents (#11-15), two owned slaves. Both of these two owned slaves while they were president.
Of the next three presidents (#16-18) two owned slaves. neither of them owned slaves while serving as president.
The last president to own slaves while in office was the twelfth president, Zachary Taylor (1849-1850).
The last president to own slaves at all was the eighteenth president, Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877).
So twelve of our presidents owned slaves and eight of them owned slaves while serving as president.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I have an idea. Let's sell the naming rights for warships and other military vehicles! We could reduce our deficit, and get the corporations who keep finding and creating wars for us to fight to fund them directly, instead of through lobbyists, like they do now. C'mon, it's a great idea! The USS Halliburton. PT Boat Home Depot. Swift Boat Heinz. Aircraft Carrier Boeing.

Mrs Kerry might have to OK that

This is great! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Same for government buildings.
The Papa John's Drivers License Center, The Jon Stewart Show's Sewage Management Plant, etc
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-24-2014, 08:56 AM
Same for government buildings.
The Papa John's Drivers License Center, The Jon Stewart Show's Sewage Management Plant, etc Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
There would just be more politics in that regard. The health nuts would want to ban PaPa John's from advertising!
No he was showing the naivety of your suggestion.

What's naive about waiting until after people are dead before naming shit after them?

How about slave owners? Should they have things named after them?

No, dumb ass. How EXACTLY did you connect those two dots? Did you take advice from IBLying on putting words in other people's mouths?

The waiting period is only ONE criterion. It lets you make sure they don't do something stupid while they are still alive.

But you still vote on whether or not something gets named after a dead guy. And if you think nothing should be named after a former slave owner, you vote "NO". Is it that hard to comprehend?

All we are doing is arguing politics when we discuss dumbass shit like this, despite your ascertain to the contrary.

Speaking of dumb ass, read above. If a 5 year period after death is a requirement for everyone - not just members of one party - then we are NOT arguing politics. It is a fair and balanced criterion, despite your idiocy to the contrary.

That was my point. You will never be able to take the politics out of these things and somebody will always find something offensive about who ever gets named.

Re-read above. The 5 year period is NOT political if it is applied to everyone.

And while the selection AFTER death may still be political, that is a different issue. The 5 year period avoids an unpleasant situation where a nominee disgraces himself or herself - regardless of their party.

Also, while waiting 5 years after death does not eliminate the politics in the subsequent voting, it does reduce it somewhat.

I don't remember any controversy when they named an aircraft carrier after Harry Truman. How much controversy do you think there would be if they tried to name one NOW after Bill Clinton?

I find Reagan offensive and think him the one responsible for the GOP to spend at any cost with the mantra that the end justifies the means ... as you have so demonstrated.

Fine, he is dead 5 years. If they try to name something else after him, vote "NO", idiot. See how the 5-year policy works? See how apolitical it is? Isn't it grand?

When I propose a five year rule, I am not trying to debate the merits of any one individual - a concept you seem determined NOT to understand. If applies to everyone, including the people you like and the people you do not like.
Originally Posted by WTF
Wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?
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  • WTF
  • 04-24-2014, 10:59 PM
Fine, he is dead 5 years. If they try to name something else after him, vote "NO", idiot. See how the 5-year policy works? See how apolitical it is? Isn't it grand?

When I propose a five year rule, I am not trying to debate the merits of any one individual - a concept you seem determined NOT to understand. If applies to everyone, including the people you like and the people you do not like

Originally Posted by ExNYer
I understand perfectly...

It does not make it apolitical. It just makes it political 5 years after their death. Something you seem to be having a hard time grasping.

It will always be political, no matter the time frame. If that reality makes me a idiot, then I'm fine with it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There are a lot of things that make you an idiot, WPF. This is just one of them.
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  • 04-25-2014, 06:32 AM
There are a lot of things that make you an idiot, WPF. This is just one of them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG, if I wanted any cumbacks from you. I'd wipe it off your lip.

You had a great idea with the naming rights but you're outta your league trying to get into a pissing match with me.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No he was showing the naivety of your suggestion.

How about slave owners? Should they have things named after them?

All we are doing is arguing politics when we discuss dumbass shit like this, despite your ascertain to the contrary.

That was my point. You will never be able to take the politics out of these things and somebody will always find something offensive about who ever gets named. I find Reagan offensive and think him the one responsible for the GOP to spend at any cost with the mantra that the end justifies the means ... as you have so demonstrated. Originally Posted by WTF

Did you take advice from IBLying on putting words in other people's mouths? Originally Posted by ExNYer
You only ASSume such a thing happens because you're just barely bright enough to realize you're too damn stupid to formulate a cogent argument of you own, you mentally crippled Yankee jackass.