Trumps approval rating up...WHAT!!!!

eccieuser9500's Avatar
So a moron is president...that's a first. Originally Posted by matchingmole

Obama could actually verbalize coherent sentences from words....Trump hasn't mastered that yet. Originally Posted by matchingmole
The TelePrompter...GOTCHA!!
matchingmole's Avatar

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
matchingmole's Avatar
The TelePrompter...GOTCHA!! Originally Posted by bb1961
At least Obama could hire proofreaders
I guess you have not inherited anything....thousands of posts and not one review Originally Posted by matchingmole
My SO is all I ever needed or wanted...I'm blessed and tell her all the time.
bambino's Avatar
At least Obama could hire proofreaders Originally Posted by matchingmole
You mean like 57 states!!!!
At least Obama could hire proofreaders Originally Posted by matchingmole
I guess they forgot to edit the 57 states...
I learned that in grammar school no Telly needed!!
matchingmole's Avatar
My SO is all I ever needed or wanted...I'm blessed and tell her all the time. Originally Posted by bb1961
Good for you!! So You are on here for the witty and engaging political discourse
Good for you!! So You are on here for the witty and engaging political discourse Originally Posted by matchingmole
I'm here to shoot the left down on every lie they spew.
matchingmole's Avatar
I'm here to shoot the left down on every lie they spew. Originally Posted by bb1961
Let me know how that works out for ya
bambino's Avatar
Let me know how that works out for ya Originally Posted by matchingmole
Pretty good so far. You’ve been a dismal failure. But hey, you’ve exposed yourself!
Let me know how that works out for ya Originally Posted by matchingmole
Then convince me of the veracious left and all their greatness.
Let's start with this...
matchingmole's Avatar
Pretty good so far. You’ve been a dismal failure. But hey, you’ve exposed yourself! Originally Posted by bambino
I haven't been able to shoot down any lies that the left spews
bambino's Avatar
I haven't been able to shoot down any lies that the left spews Originally Posted by matchingmole
No you haven’t, you just spew them. But they’re lies nonetheless. Time for you to leave. You’re dazed and confused.
matchingmole's Avatar
No you haven’t, you just spew them. But they’re lies nonetheless. Time for you to leave. You’re dazed and confused. Originally Posted by bambino
If you like lies...then you should love TRump