We see Y’all

Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 01-06-2019, 08:39 PM
I never used the words rascist in my original statement.

I said..

A lot of guys don’t see value in women or poc in comparison to white.


Of course I won’t provide proof. You are more than capable of googling and researching on your own. You guys know it exists and if you don’t then that’s not my responsibility. I honestly don’t care who believes it or not...my statement still stands
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 01-06-2019, 08:41 PM
Matter of fact..

Why not check out twitter...

It’s more than enough for you to observe
Audreyg's Avatar
I never used the words rascist in my original statement.

I said..

A lot of guys don’t see value in women or poc in comparison to white.


Of course I won’t provide proof. You are more than capable of googling and researching on your own. You guys know it exists and if you don’t then that’s not my responsibility. I honestly don’t care who believes it or not...my statement still stands Originally Posted by Lia88
This ^^^^^

Why are y'all trying to tear down what Lia has written? It's downright lazy & entitled to not go do this work on your own.....
Audreyg's Avatar
It occurs to me.....if a guy was a racist..... ......would he make arrangements to see a provider that he was a racist against???? Not likely.... Originally Posted by Kernelingus
This thread is getting away from the point and what was originally posted, but I really cannot help myself and I need to reply to this ignorant statement.

YES, a racist man would do that. How do I know this? I have heard stories from providers who are POC about the racism they have experienced in this industry, and I BELIEVE them.

Also, men who are sexist/don't like women hire providers too and I've experienced it firsthand.

So, again to answer this question, YES of course this happens....
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 01-07-2019, 02:03 PM
This thread is getting away from the point and what was originally posted, but I really cannot help myself and I need to reply to this ignorant statement.

YES, a racist man would do that. How do I know this? I have heard stories from providers who are POC about the racism they have experienced in this industry, and I BELIEVE them.

Also, men who are sexist/don't like women hire providers too and I've experienced it firsthand.

So, again to answer this question, YES of course this happens.... Originally Posted by Audreyg
Thank you!!!

Because girl this post going everywhere but I know better lol

I know good and well they know exactly what I mean And know that this happens. I mean ted bundy who hated women still had girlfriends and dated.... so it’s very possible to not value a race but still see them.... I mean a lot of people don’t care for Walmart but I bet you still go...

Lol it’s a shame but these responses are actually pretty funny and entertaining lolololl
Lia, Your post WAS ALL ABOUT RACE...

This is what a "Narrative" is!!! It's never happened to you, but you've heard that it has happened to other "Providers of Color, it fits with the way you think, so SURELY it must be true???? Therefore.....it must only happen to black providers!!!!!

Have you ever asked any white provider is she/he has been asked for a fee reduction, and if they have been.....what does that tell you???

You're a great looking lady Lia, and you definitely "Fit My Type"....But making a decision using an assumption is a dangerous thing!!!
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 01-07-2019, 05:12 PM
It’s always dangerous.

Call me rebellious then...
bigd1962's Avatar
You know what else is dangerous, shaving my sack every night. Luv them curls girl looking good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 01-08-2019, 06:25 AM
@Bigd1962. Yes that’s definitely dangerous too. I can imagine shaving your balls is living on the wild side lmaooo

But thanks I just went back curly lol Was straight for about a month
Audreyg's Avatar
LOL...the main argument happening in this thread seems to be something like "we don't see skin color-- we haggle with all the ladies equally!"

Very classy guys!
Let's boil this down to what the real issue is and let's get race and finger pointing out of the conversation.

You set a price based on what you value your product or services as.....and BAM...some jerk comes along and wants a better price!!!!

I deal with it EVERYDAY in my businesses.....and so does everyone else in their business.....EVERYDAY!!!! I own a retail business and a good bit of real-estate....everyday someone is wanting me to lower the price on something or negotiate if they buy more than 1, 2, 3...whatever...IT'S MADDENING!

When I am setting up a lease or rental contract.....THEY ALWAYS.....ALWAYS want a better deal.....ALWAYS!!! What if i sign a 2 or 3 year deal....what if i pay annually.....how much of a discount can i get.....IT DOESN'T STOP!!!

There is an old adage in the business world that states......

Be Careful About How You Train Your Customers

You chose this business and you have to learn how to handle problem customers. If they want a better price...All you have to do is tell them no!!

theccccrider2015's Avatar
Also wanted to add, that in this game I would never ever pay someone a premium price if they have less then a page of reviews. Premium to me is 3 or 4 c notes, and it's has nothing to do with origin of where they are from. As far as reviews go, sure guys are going to rant and rave giving kudos about their time. It takes time to get up to where a seasoned veteran is at. Sure everyone has the same goods, but I have found out there are people who are magnetic to people, and there are those who are not. I'm not calling anyone out here, just saying. So if you are new here, instead of getting mad or disillusioned off topic. Think, with a business sense, how can I get more revenue? Answer = By lowering prices, or running deals, get yourself out there, be a people person. Just my input.. When someone asks for 3 or more c notes it takes it into a decision of economics. At 3 or 4 c notes my time spent better be spotless.. Meaning I walk away smiling and want to ride that ride again kind of thinking. Just saying..
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 01-08-2019, 01:13 PM
Still missed the point lol man man man...

But okay I get what you guys are saying but that applies to a different topic..

Not this one...

I think just like people say my message is being lost in Translation or “Text”

You know how you text someone a long message and some get what your saying and some get another version..

That’s what’s happening here.. y’all are assuming that I’m just talking about people haggling rates.. which I was towards the end of my statement BUT the main topic was in the beginning ....

I get the argument you guys are making ...makes a lot of sense..but you seem to not be getting mine...

...and I understand business very well which is why my business runs like a well oiled machine... I have a lot of peace of mind and I haven’t had anyone haggle my rates since 2017 ... people seem to only contact me if they can afford my rates so *Knock on wood* I’ve been fortunate....plus I really just mainly stick to who I’ve seen before..I hardly see new people anyway...maybe that has something to do with it lol

Like Fight club lol cool movie I have to watch that today lololol


Also I may turn a lot of people off with this thread , which isn’t my intention, but I also turn a lot of people on with my topics....
Being sexy is one thing but being able to hold and handle a conversation and have a brain is another... people that reach out to me love that I also have a brain but I’m honestly a sweetheart I just say what’s on my mind...

Which in my opinion is the difference between a escort and a companion..yes they’re the same thing for the Webster dictionaries coming in lol I know lol but my branding is more of the companion route more than escort ..
Lia88's Avatar
  • Lia88
  • 01-08-2019, 01:18 PM
LOL...the main argument happening in this thread seems to be something like "we don't see skin color-- we haggle with all the ladies equally!"

Very classy guys! Originally Posted by Audreyg
This is really interesting lol It’s like everyone is defending haggling rates and I’m not even really talking about that .. lol oh well lol
David2567's Avatar
if you see what providers rates are, then pay what they ask and move on ( HAGGLING WHY) if it was a great time you'll be back if not just move on, I personally don't see a difference because and wouild never haggle a women, they are all beautiful creatures that we cant live without...... if so we wouldn't be paying them.....