
notanewbie's Avatar
I'm 5'2, use cologne instead of a bath and drive a mail truck.

What does that make me?
Wakeup's Avatar
Hanging slider, up in the zone, who's going to swing first?
dearhunter's Avatar
Did NaN come back as a ninja turtle?
boardman's Avatar
I'm 5'2, use cologne instead of a bath and drive a mail truck.

What does that make me? Originally Posted by notanewbie
Just another fucktard like the rest of us....but you have a cooler ride.
Hey Nan, sounds to me like that makes you a Frenchman.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Not at all. It's what someone who doesn't meet the definition of a racist says to someone who has no clue what the word "racist" means, even when the very definitions have already been posted...

Point out where I said that my race was superior to any race that 1) crosses a river, 2) does gardening, or 3) provides for a living, and I'll admit that my statement was racist. Until then, it's simply a stereotype. Can you point that out to me? Originally Posted by Wakeuр
You guys should read more carefully. I never said Wakeup was a racist nor did I say I thought he was one.

Do you feel your race is superior? Do you feel superior to others here? One might infer from some of your posting history that you feel superior to other members here.

The whole point of this experiment is to 1) point out what racism is and what it isn't, and 2) to explain how people misuse that term without even realizing they're doing it, so maybe they'll reflect on this before using it in the future... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Experiment? This is a SHMB after all.

To his credit, a lot of people cling to horrible notions about me because it makes me easier to catagorize in their worlds. I don't blame him, he's just following the crowd, and I'm not angry at him, and maybe it's pointless, but I'll still try and drop a little knowledge on people every once in a while...I'm a giver...

P.S.-Jackie, I'm 6'-0", don't believe in God, and played baseball. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
You got another bacon and eggs review comming up soon?
Wakeup's Avatar
Do you feel your race is superior? Do you feel superior to others here? One might infer from some of your posting history that you feel superior to other members here. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
I AM superior to other members here...not because of my race though...

You got another bacon and eggs review comming up soon? Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Actually yes! It's not bacon and eggs's a churrascaria...due out Wednesday or Thursday.
dearhunter's Avatar
What do you expect from a fucktard who chooses to dance around the edges with words like "might" and "maybe".......all he needs is a pair of tights.....ijs.
Sarunga's Avatar
I AM superior to other members here...not because of my race though...

Actually yes! It's not bacon and eggs's a churrascaria...due out Wednesday or Thursday. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
So, just to clarify....are you superior to every other member here?
oilfieldscum's Avatar
I AM superior to other members here...not because of my race though...

Actually yes! It's not bacon and eggs's a churrascaria...due out Wednesday or Thursday. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Well I see my work is done here. One last thing though. Wakeup how do you walk around with a Doberman's nose stuck in your ass?
Wakeup's Avatar
So, just to clarify....are you superior to every other member here? Originally Posted by Sarunga
Of course not, that's ludicrous.

Well I see my work is done here. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
So your purpose here in this thread was to get me to say that I'm superior to other people here on the board? Shit OFS, you should have just asked, I'd have made it easy for you...

As to your other question, you can post it here and get an answer to it I guess...

Interesting question you look down on me because I say that I'm superior to others here on the board? We're about to have another lesson in linguistics here...
dearhunter's Avatar
Wakeup, they are afraid to ask the glaring question.....maybe deep inside they already know the answer....heh
oilfieldscum's Avatar

So your purpose here in this thread was to get me to say that I'm superior to other people here on the board? Shit OFS, you should have just asked, I'd have made it easy for you...
Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Actually I don't have a purpose in this thread unlike yourself. What would your purpose be? To inform the rest of us less educated (i.e. lower class) members than yourself here. Nada. Another look at me thread and at the same time a sensitive topic that might get others members upset and maybe pointed or banned? Well maybe.

As to your other question, you can post it here and get an answer to it I guess...
Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Wuff Wuff

Interesting question you look down on me because I say that I'm superior to others here on the board? We're about to have another lesson in linguistics here... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I try not to look down on anyone yourself Included. Do I dislike your posting style and some of the content? Why certainly I do.

Could it be that you are still upset about not being a mod here? And of course DH is just defending his buddy although that is a little gay. Oops now that is stereotyping for me to say that.

Back on topic though there are some good books and articles on racism. Here are a few. Perhaps you might want to check them out.

The Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination: Racism in America

By Jean Lau Chin

Ethnic and Racial Studies

Volume 16, Issue 1, 1993

Louk Hagendoorn

Journal of Social Issues

Volume 55, Issue 3, pages 445–472, Fall 1999
Lawrence D. Bobo

Here is a quote from one. "Stereotypes reflect misunderstanding, but also anchor social representations of a hierarchy of group positions (ethnic hierarchy)"

Which of course can lead to racism.
Wakeup's Avatar
Actually I don't have a purpose in this thread unlike yourself. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
That's strange, you said "my work is done here". Unless you do work for no reason, then you had a reason, a purpose, for doing what you've done in this thread. I wasn't asking if you had multiple purposes, some ulterior, some explicit. I was simply expounding on your comment that you had a purpose here, and that now it was done. I was inquiring what that purpose was, and now you're telling me there was no reason for the work you did here in this thread. It just seemed like a strange dichotomy is all.

What would your purpose be? Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
I believe I answered this back in post #32. I'll reprint it for your benefit since you missed it the first time.

"P.S.-The point of this thread wasn't to "apologize" for my comment. It wasn't to make people angry. It wasn't to stir a racism debate. It was a social experiment to see how other people would interpret the comment, and hence, how they would react here. Explaining it may cause someone to think about it, and possibly analyze how they react to others here on the Internet, where it's virtually (no pun intended) impossible to know the true intent of any typed comment."

To inform the rest of us less educated (i.e. lower class) members than yourself here. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Ah, I begin to see a bit more of the picture. Most people would apologize right now and say "Oh, I apologize OFS. You interpreted my 'I AM superior to people here on the board' to mean that I'm superior to you as an individual. That's not the case, and I'm sorry you took it that way." I'm not going to do any such thing. I will never apologize for someone misinterpreting my comments, that's their fault, not mine. I will say that you're also making an incorrect correlation. First of all, I think you meant to use "e.g.' instead of "i.e." When you mean “for example,” use e.g. It is an abbreviation for the Latin phrase exempli gratia. When you mean “that is,” use “i.e.” It is an abbreviation for the Latin phrase id est. Either can be used to clarify a preceding statement, the first by example, the second by restating the idea more clearly or expanding upon it. Since you weren't clarifying or expanding on the words "less educated" we assume you should have used i.e., meaning an example of "less educated" is "lower class." That point aside, less educated does not equate to lower class, again, that's simply a stereotype.

Nada. Another look at me thread and at the same time a sensitive topic that might get others members upset and maybe pointed or banned? Well maybe. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Again OFS, I'm not responsible for any ulterior motives you assign to this thread, or how you react to your opinions of those fabricated motives. I've explained exactly what this thread was about, anything else, and your reactions to that, is your issue, not mine.

Could it be that you are still upset about not being a mod here? Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
You'll have to connect the dots for me here OFS. Can you please lead me through the line of reasoning that connects me putting my name in for moderator almost a year ago, to me being upset about not being picked, to me starting this thread? I don't think I can fully answer your question until I see where you're coming from.

And of course DH is just defending his buddy although that is a little gay. Oops now that is stereotyping for me to say that. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
It is stereotyping, but this thread wasn't about whether stereotyping is bad or good, wrong or right, so feel free to stereotype all you want. Very rarely will anyone else but you know your true intent behind stating the stereotype.

Back on topic though there are some good books and articles on racism. Here are a few. Perhaps you might want to check them out. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Interesting reads, I'll focus only on your quote:

"Stereotypes reflect misunderstanding, but also anchor social representations of a hierarchy of group positions (ethnic hierarchy)"
Which of course can lead to racism."

This is quoted from the abstract of Ethnic and Racial Studies, not the text of the article, but nowhere does Dr. Hagendoorn make a connection between ethnic heirarchies and racism. The part in black is what you added on your own. Ethnic heirarchies are about privilege, rights, and comparison of social standing, perceived or real. Further, these heirarchies are defined not by the people at the top of the heirarchies, but by the people who perceive themselves to be below the top level. That's not racism, that's anti-racism. It's not the people at the top saying "WE'RE superior" it's the people at the bottom saying "THEY'RE superior". Massive difference, not only from a linguistic, but also a social psychological standpoint. For the people at the top, race plays almost no role in their lives. For the people who think of themselves as below that, it can not only shape wealth and prestige, but the very fabric of their lives.
dearhunter's Avatar
Did ofs just take a swipe at gay people?

So long have you despised gay people?

I bet sarunga even thincks that you stepped over the line belittling gays; by comparing Wakeup and I to them.