A Question for the Ladies - Just how is it that YOU look out for a guys safety?

NipLover's Avatar
What is the motivation in keeping a gentleman's information? Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
I have no idea what the motivation might be. I am still trying to figure out Monica Lewinsky's motivation for keeping a blue cum-stained dress in her closet for a year, without sending it to the cleaners!
Whispers's Avatar
and you know what, i do accept that you don't agree with me. i am also not the one making remarks about 'BROWN SPOTS' or 'CROWBARS'. so i don't think you try all that hard to no be insulting. Originally Posted by WickedHeather
I don't believe either of those comments were directed to a lady. Which was what your first supposition seemed to be about.

as a matter of fact, i haven't said one insulting thing to anyone no matter how they try to misquote, or make untrue assumptions about me collecting and keeping personal info.

if you had a valid question there would be no need for all the other bs. but for you to get on here and act as if we, the ladies, are doing something wrong or shady by screening is just plain weird. thread after thread you start or jump on and bitch and bitch, and yet after all this time you can't come up with one single idea that would help solve your little crisis...oh that's right, it's not your problem...it's just your right to bitch about it endlessly.
Thread was not about bitching. It proposed a question based on a comment frequently heard... That screening protects the guys as well......

Just be professional enough to say Look.... I screen for MY safety and well being and to set MY comfort level..... if you want to see ME that is what you need to do.....

That, by the way, is not necessarily directed at you Heather...... You clearly stated already you screen for YOUR safety....

Don't wrap it up in some premise that it is for OUR safety and well being as well..
I don't believe either of those comments were directed to a lady. Which was what your first supposition seemed to be about.
ummmm....no it wasn't. i spoke of the gents as well that you make fun of and call names (wk, pw, blah, blah) and there was no such supposition that i meant just the ladies.

but, hell of a side step...just couldn't stick the landing.
  • Blaze
  • 02-10-2010, 07:55 PM
Here's a twist for ya! If I have to do dbl time on screening because they didnt contact me through a verification site I actually write it down on a piece of paper. When I have it all collected and have seen the gent I only keep email address and board handles. Its all I need for future trips etc. I go through a lot of post it notes!!! I also take the trash out daily.

#1. Once screened I have no need for the other info.
#2. I like the fact I could honestly say I haven't a clue who that is. Meaning I seriously can't remember their real name. That doesn't mean I wont with repeat gents I am giving a vouch for and usually its a first name only.
#3. Why would I have any need to keep that info? I am interested in 4 things only. Safety, money, and #$%, AND I hope it was good!
#4. A gent SHOULD be secure if he is dealing with a reputable provider. Good screening practices should get good results for both. Once a gent has a few or even a couple of reputable okays he shouldn't have to go through much to get a session. If he did his homework he shouldn't run into crazy ass providers with agendas. That in itself is worth a lot if you ask me and should make them feel safe!


I won't give up info to just anyone whos asks for it. I take the time to find out who the lady is before I type or say anything. I have had chats with wives before and I didnt appreciate it. Why? Because the gents were careless with my info. To date they are thankful I am a quick thinker as well as my sanity.
ManUp's Avatar
  • ManUp
  • 02-10-2010, 09:56 PM
I think Whisper's original question was legitimate. I thought this was supposed to be "coed discussion", and we're all grown up so if anyone doesn't like a topic he or she can simply skip the thread or hit the ignore button. Trust me it's very easy and faster than the time it'd take you to reply back "Do Not Feed The Trolls".

You don't have to like all the topics presented in this forum but allow others to participate with intelligent feedbacks. Just my 2 cents.
AustinBusinessTraveler's Avatar

Thank you for an intelligent and insightful post. My only thought would be to make sure to keep the post it trash separate from anything connected to your personal information (i.e. mail with your name / address on it). Other than that, I personally would prefer to see it shredded or burned for 100% certainty it was gone, but you have a very good system.

Again, it's nice to have someone contribute to the board and show that they have put some thought into their clients concerns. I'm sure many of the ladies have put some thought into this and I would venture to say that showing some concern for privacy will be a good thing for business.

I would also say that the less personal information on clients you have, the better. Do you really want to have to answer to this massive list of information connecting gentlemens names with board ID's and email addresses, if it were to come to the worst.
Whispers's Avatar
Here's a twist for ya! If I have to do dbl time on screening because they didnt contact me through a verification site I actually write it down on a piece of paper. When I have it all collected and have seen the gent I only keep email address and board handles. Its all I need for future trips etc. I go through a lot of post it notes!!! I also take the trash out daily. Originally Posted by Blaze
Two observations darlin.....

1) You mention that AFTER you see the guy you dispose of the information.... so until actually seeing him you are storing it in some manner... that creates some exposure.... especially being written on post-its!..... Please consider some electronic storage medium that makes use of a high level of encryption and shredding features....

2) INVEST in a quality crosscut shredder and shred the paper before disposing it... Your trash becomes free public access when you take it to the curb or dumpster.... Anyone can go through it and gather information from it... Especially LEO if they for some reason took an interest in you....

Thanks for participating...
screwey's Avatar
Funny how both the "I will not feed the trolls." posters, ended up feeding the trolls and pretty much answering the questions.

I'm not sure that NOT answering will hurt business, but the attitudes, and such which can perceived negatively, might.

However, a well thought out response which addresses the initial question certainly could help business.

Just My $0.02
Funny how both the "I will not feed the trolls." posters, ended up feeding the trolls and pretty much answering the questions.

I'm not sure that NOT answering will hurt business, but the attitudes, and such which can perceived negatively, might.

However, a well thought out response which addresses the initial question certainly could help business.

Just My $0.02 Originally Posted by screwey
the original 'i will not feed the trolls' was becuase the borrowed quote was mine from another thread...as if i haven't said this already. and the way it was misused in this thread as if i meant that screening had to do with me protecting the guy...and you'll just have to go back in time for that cause i am sick of repeating it.

and if you want to think it 'funny' that is fine, but i didn't chime in until yet another implied that because i and others responded that way it was because we were the 'types' to collect personal info on hobbyist and at that point i'll be damned if i am just going to let someone imply such things about me.

if you find me negative, fine. but when my words are twisted, and someone has the nerve to imply something about me that is completely not true, i will say something.

so whatever, ha ha.

it's one thing if you want to beat a point to death, but please don't think that you know anything about the way i conduct myself and that if you don't have any proof that you can make implications about me doing something shady.
  • Blaze
  • 02-11-2010, 10:19 PM
I do have a shredder.
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Safe practices can certainly help everyone stay UTR for a while, but face it... If LE wants you, they will get you. They have all the power & we have none other than to stick together & not "up" anything more when given the right to remain silent. I'm really, really glad I haven't had any hobby-related run-in's with the law. Any run-in's are scary, but when there are many others who could possibly be affected by your fate, it's bound to be a painful reality to face.

I'm not championing apathy. If you are a troublemaker who causes scenes & draws attention by the neighbors at your incall or hotel, you're more likely to raise interest in LE. When you have complaints called into CPS about a number of male visitors, you're under a microscope. The less you do to attract attention, the more likely it is that when election time rolls around and LE pulls out the list of known escorts *which ain't all that hard to do, ya' know?* you're not going to be the first one they call up for service.
Turn about is fair play.

You can quiz us on our business practices to try to find a way to poke yet another stick at us ladies. (I'm sure you thought long and hard on that, and are scheming up the next one) However, each of us dispose of info in our own way. We have to maintain some info to vouch for you. Some of us use codes or handles and some use last digits of numbers. What we store we need for you in the future but I guarantee no one I do business with keeps anything crucial. The proof is in the pudding. Not one client has ever been called by me unless first contacted by them and I have never had a complaint. In three years I have never misused any info given nor have I stored out right blatant info that can be used negatively. So that's all you need to know.

HOWEVER!!!!!! I JUST received a call from a wife yesterday because a prominent hobbiest decided to store my number in HIS phone and he outed me! WOW! So now how about ME asking YOU what you and other hobbiest do to protect the ladies? Yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll hear about the hobby phone and all that but how do we know? We trust that you are on your game just like you trust we are. As stated prior, there is some level of risk in this hobby so choose wisely.

A good track record speaks more volume than me sitting here typing words and defining my methods IMO.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
May I add using our pics as you screensaver whether at home with roomates or at work is not cool...