Is it OK to talk about federal law enforcement on here?

lilylivered's Avatar
Wrong, try me.

Another dickless wonder heard from.

Do you have a pickup truck too? Originally Posted by jokacz
Of course I have a truck.
What do you drive around in. An Oblama car I suppose.
That would fit you
No. No he's not. We'll stop it.

Who is "we", and what are we going to do to "stop it".

Indefensible. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
thing is these morons couldn't stop shit , even with the full force and financing of the federal government

killary- total failure couldn't even beat Trump with ALL the media minus fox and even then there were a good amount against him

then All of Hollywood , black lives matter, the gays , you name it

Obama total failure

when they fail they cant take responsibility and change just scream racism faster then a fat hooker screams at the first typed word of desent

you cant beat a motivated private sector
on the border their faux outrage for the "children" is laughable

they been aborting how many babies for years then selling the body parts

and descimating the black family structure through welfare payments
Plastic Man's Avatar
on the border their faux outrage for the "children" is laughable

they been aborting how many babies for years then selling the body parts

and descimating the black family structure through welfare payments Originally Posted by JONBALLS
gods bless ...ya
Next Best Thing's Avatar
on the border their faux outrage for the "children" is laughable

they been aborting how many babies for years then selling the body parts

and descimating the black family structure through welfare payments Originally Posted by JONBALLS
The American electorate is overwhelmingly in support of border control.

The audio that I have heard, so far, alleging that these sounds being made are wailing kids screeching and screaming because the evil US government is separating them from their low-life parents or guardians or whatever the fuck they are, sounds like every smartassed entitled child whining in a supermarket checkout line because his or her mommy won't buy him, her, or it, a bag of peanut M & Ms or a Snickers candy bar.

Totally unimpressive. Zero impact.

Legacy media appealing to the weak minds of the standard casual observer of what is going on more than 2 feet in front of their faces.

Scumbag manipulative anti-American pop-star president Hussein Obama spoke openly about deterring illegal immigration by separating minors from shithole countries from their repulsive parents if the parents and their creepy kids are/were caught illegally entering our country. Crickets from the media and from idiots like Elijah Cummings and that babbling, stinking hag Maxine Waters.

These people represent small pockets of mongoloids who happen to (unfortunately) hold US citizenship. What they say is no more persuasive than fat pig whores and male lesbians reassuring one another that they have the world completely figured out and that anyone who points out how fucking stupid both groups are is a toxic troll.

Wake up jackasses.

MAGA dum-dums.
its kinda amazing

and hilarious

the more underhanded these demoncrats get

the more the opportunities begin to open up

great news on the Supreme Court
I mean think they had it going so well

got rid of Scalia in hopes obummer would appoint the leftie

how things turn

there has to be some higher power cause you couldn't have scripted this

shits falling out of thesky into the Donalds lap the harder these communists push
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Confirming a Supreme Court Justice without a filibuster-proof Senate is going to be a siege.

This is an unbelievably obstructionist collection of mongoloid Democrat congress people.

The amount of pressure that these scumbags are under to fuck middle-class Americans over in favor of illegal border jumpers, out and out criminals, race-baiters, millennial feminists, and every other form of progressive shithead liberal not yet invented is immense.

I think this is a job for either Conor McGregor, Plastic Man, or better yet both.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Hard not to give Rod Rosenstein credit for standing in the pocket and taking quite a bit of shit from some of the premiere assassins in the neutering game today, although we do need to keep in mind that he does have the advantage of being able to credibly claim that Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and friends pulled most of their shit before he (Rosenstein) was running the show.

A little disappointed in Jim Jordan for being over-aggressive and allowing Rosenstein to pretty effectively finger-point, and more importantly, counterpunch.

Trey Gowdy gave a characteristically effective speech but unfortunately ran out of time before he was able to ask questions.

Gowdy is obviously the most confident and lethal motherfucker in the room.

Luis Gutierrez is a smarmy pussy. Chris Wray is a pitiful example of a male homo sapien.

A lot of these betas are the same male lesbians who would give fat hooks their employment information, real name, etc, for the privilege of splooging on their flabby bellies or asses in exchange for real money.

The best thing to come out of this is that I'm a little less sure that these fuckers are going to go one inch out of their way for Strzok, Comey, et al when the shit actually hits the fan.
Ceremony's Avatar
Confirming a Supreme Court Justice without a filibuster-proof Senate is going to be a siege. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
There is no longer a filibuster on a Supreme Court nominee.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
There is no longer a filibuster on a Supreme Court nominee. Originally Posted by Ceremony
Excellent thank you for this very valuable piece of information. Hopefully reduces the impact of douchebag obstructionists.
they cant stop the Trump train

nobody Trumps Trump not even Trump
offshoredrilling's Avatar
more ICE please for the boarder
Next Best Thing's Avatar
The press is the enemy of the people.
lilylivered's Avatar
The press is the enemy of the people. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Only half. The ones stupid enough to believe what they print.