Anyone have any idea why

rioseco's Avatar
It's the republicans who do not believe in regulations for Wall Street.

It's the republicans who want to re-write the Dodd/Frank bill to allow the Wall Street Brokerage firms and the banks to go back to participating in very high risk trades that led to the "Wall Street" meltdown in 2008. Originally Posted by flghtr65
You mean those same regs that went into effect under Billy Clintons watch ?
flghtr65's Avatar
Obama is giving another 4.9 Billion dollars of American money to Iran????????


Everything this man has done has been inimical to the United States of America, and I belief it all fits in with his agenda to destroy America.

I got sent this email today from someone and it appears to all fall into place:

WHEN - it became known that George Soros, a multi-billionaire Marxist, spent a ton of money to get him elected, people said it didn't matter.

How much money did the Koch brothers give Mitt? Soros made a better investment. Obama won by 5 million votes.


WHEN - he designed plans to take over the health care system and put it under government control, people said it didn't matter.

Cherie, in case you did not know, the health insurance companies are the focal point of the health care system. They have some new rules to follow, like you can't deny someone from buying health insurance in the free market due to a pre-existing condition. Children can stay on their parents plan up to age 26. (People who don't like the ACA, like that rule). The health insurance companies do not have to sell policies on the government exchanges if they don't want to.

First President to spend a trillion dollars on 'shovel-ready' jobs when there was no such thing as 'shovel-ready' jobs.

The stimulus was needed to prevent a great depression. This is where the USA was headed after 8 years of Bush43 and Dick Cheney. Wall Street had a meltdown and the banking system almost completely collapsed.

First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.

Really? GM and Chysler are not controlled by the unions.

First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the taxpayer.

How many times did Bush43 go to the family compound in Maine or to the ranch in Crawford, Texas?

." Originally Posted by Cherie
Cherie, we could go back to December 2008, when the following companies were all bankrupt and Bush43 was in office.

Lehman Brothers, AIG, Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, Morgan Stanly, J.P. Morgan/Chase bank, CityGroup, Bank of America, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and dozen other banks, plus GM and Chysler.
flghtr65's Avatar
You mean those same regs that went into effect under Billy Clintons watch ? Originally Posted by rioseco
The repeal of Glass-Steagal in 1999 did not cause the Wall Street meltdown. It's true that the repeal allowed commercial banks to have a dual function as a bank and a securities firm.

Collectively Wall Street firms lost over a Trillion Dollars on transactions involving the mortgage-backed security. Which were sub-prime mortgages grouped together into a security and sold as a bond. Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns were the number one and two holders of the mortgage back security. They were brokerage firms, they were not a bank and did not merge with any banks. The banks were selling these securities as well but not to the level of Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns and AIG. The process of grouping the subprime mortgages together and getting an undeserved Triple "A" rating from the rating houses like Standard and Poor led to the Wall Street meltdown. Lehman Brothers was the first to go bankrupt. They were bankrupt before TARP was formed and could not be saved (bailed out). In October of 2008 all of the big banks failed their stress test and Hank Paulson formerly of Goldman Sachs who worked for Bush43, gave the 8 largest banks their first bailout loan. Study up.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Cherie, we could go back to December 2008, when the following companies were all bankrupt and Bush43 was in office.

Lehman Brothers, AIG, Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns, Morgan Stanly, J.P. Morgan/Chase bank, CityGroup, Bank of America, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and dozen other banks, plus GM and Chysler. Originally Posted by flghtr65

Technically (and all libs will argue the techicality) Freddie and Fannie were not companies. What does this have to do with the OP anyway. This is about Obama giving money to our enemies (can you say aid and comfort?).

Never forget Obama's involvement in all of this. Bush called in McCain and Obama asked them what they wanted him to do. Obama said bailout. Bush called in president-elect Obama and asked what Obama wanted him to do. Obama said more bailout (TARP). This monetary blood is on Obama's hands as well.
Obama is setting himself up for retirement. No doubt he will move to the middle east after he retires to live among his loved ones. Originally Posted by nwarounder
From what I hear he'll move to Hawaii and live in a 45 million dollar mansion courtesy of the American tax payer.

flghtr65's Avatar
Technically (and all libs will argue the techicality) Freddie and Fannie were not companies. What does this have to do with the OP anyway. This is about Obama giving money to our enemies (can you say aid and comfort?).

Never forget Obama's involvement in all of this. Bush called in McCain and Obama asked them what they wanted him to do. Obama said bailout. Bush called in president-elect Obama and asked what Obama wanted him to do. Obama said more bailout (TARP). This monetary blood is on Obama's hands as well. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The OP made a statement that Obama is trying to destroy the USA. Therefore, the discussion of the Wall Street meltdown is relevant. In reality it was eight years of Bush43 and Dick Cheney that the USA was almost destroyed.

It's true that Freddie and Fannie were not companies. However, they were not non-profits either, and when they lose money the tax payer loses money.

The concept of TARP started with Bush. Both Bush and Obama made bailout loans. TARP was absolutely necessary. Wall street was allowed to make risky bets that did not pay off. A great depression was right around the corner. The Dodd/Frank bill was put in place to control how much risk Wall Street could take, now the republicans want to re-write it and let Wall Street firms go back to participate in risky bets.
That would be Bush43 the president who left office with the USA in the steepest recession since the great depression and a disapproval rating of 69%, the highest in HISTORY. Originally Posted by flghtr65
As usual you only see half the reality. It usually takes a few long years for a presidents good and bad decisions to surface. Most of the time we see this manifest itself during a new elected presidents term. Clinton in all his glory left George Bush the task of reversing a recession that originally began during the Clinton administration. Bush did a poor job of alleviating it. His bail out programs and tax cuts were just some of his desperate measures to turn the economy around. Obama is reaping this domino affect from the past two administrations. Obama is using his own lame versions to strengthen the economy by repeating basically the same measures the other two dipshits did. It's like wrapping duct tape around a leaky radiator hose," yeah it will hold for awhile". That's pretty much what QE is all about. Each president picks up where the last one left off. When Obama leaves office the mess he'll leave will be even more outrageous. The only real way out of this mess unfortunately is Crash of the Dollar, Martial Law, WW3, New world Order. That's the horror of it. You can thank these three stooges for getting us there.

flghtr65's Avatar
As usual you only see half the reality. It usually takes a few long years for a presidents good and bad decisions to surface. Most of the time we see this manifest itself during a new elected presidents term. Clinton in all his glory left George Bush the task of reversing a recession that originally began during the Clinton administration. Bush did a poor job of alleviating it. His bail out programs and tax cuts were just some of his desperate measures to turn the economy around. Obama is reaping this domino affect from the past two administrations. Obama is using his own lame versions to strengthen the economy by repeating basically the same measures the other two dipshits did. It's like wrapping duct tape around a leaky radiator hose," yeah it will hold for awhile". That's pretty much what QE is all about. Each president picks up where the last one left off. When Obama leaves office the mess he'll leave will be even more outrageous. The only real way out of this mess unfortunately is Crash of the Dollar, Martial Law, WW3, New world Order. That's the horror of it. You can thank these three stooges for getting us there.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
This is so inaccurate that I don't want to spend a lot of time with this.

1. Clinton left Bush43 with a budget surplus.

2. Bush43 set record with the deficits he created. Did you forget about the two trillion that Bush spent in Iraq looking for corroded weapons from the 1980's that no longer work? (In addition to that he had borrow the money to pay for that). At the same time Wall street was allowed to make very risky bets that did not pay off.

3. Obama is cleaning up the mess that Bush43 and Dick Cheney left behind. The bailouts and the QE1, 2 etc had to happen, at the end of 2008 the banking system almost completely collapsed.

4. You are a chemist right? You should stick to the Ideal Gas Law, you know PV=NRT. LOL.
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From what I hear he'll move to Hawaii and live in a 45 million dollar mansion courtesy of the American tax payer.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
And you believe that...? God damn man do just a tad bit of research.
The OP made a statement that Obama is trying to destroy the USA. Therefore, the discussion of the Wall Street meltdown is relevant. In reality it was eight years of Bush43 and Dick Cheney that the USA was almost destroyed.

It's true that Freddie and Fannie were not companies. However, they were not non-profits either, and when they lose money the tax payer loses money.

The concept of TARP started with Bush. Both Bush and Obama made bailout loans. TARP was absolutely necessary. Wall street was allowed to make risky bets that did not pay off. A great depression was right around the corner. The Dodd/Frank bill was put in place to control how much risk Wall Street could take, now the republicans want to re-write it and let Wall Street firms go back to participate in risky bets. Originally Posted by flghtr65
The meltdown actually started on Clinton's watch, as MoJo said, it takes a few years for certain acts of government to work through the system.

Had Clinton not repealed parts of the Glass Steagall Act, which was the genesis for Banking, Insurance and Securities companies to merge, forming the Gramm Leach Bliley Act. Not solely on Clinton, as it was a bi partisan act, kind of like when we went to war in Iraq, it was bi partisan, oh sorry, I digress. Gramm Leach Bliley also nullified a very crucial banking reform that Roosevelt put into place in the early '30's, which was 20% down and no more that 33% of ones take home pay. Now nullified, everybody and their brother could buy homes with nothing down. Why would anyone sell something to someone who has nothing to lose (no money down) why indeed, they didn't, they just bundle it up and sold the mortgages off to the next investor, they don't own it either, talk about trickle down.

President Bush actually started talking about the housing problems in '01, '03, but good old bully Barney wanted nothing to do with that, everything was fine.
I B Hankering's Avatar
It's the republicans who do not believe in regulations for Wall Street.

It's the republicans who want to re-write the Dodd/Frank bill to allow the Wall Street Brokerage firms and the banks to go back to participating in very high risk trades that led to the "Wall Street" meltdown in 2008.
Originally Posted by flghtr65
Dodd Frank needs to be revised, flighty. Dodd Frank makes certain necessary financial actions illegal, while it doesn't prevent banks from engaging in risky financial transactions, flighty: e.g., dim-retard Jamie Dimon.
Technically (and all libs will argue the techicality) Freddie and Fannie were not companies. What does this have to do with the OP anyway. This is about Obama giving money to our enemies (can you say aid and comfort?).

Never forget Obama's involvement in all of this. Bush called in McCain and Obama asked them what they wanted him to do. Obama said bailout. Bush called in president-elect Obama and asked what Obama wanted him to do. Obama said more bailout (TARP). This monetary blood is on Obama's hands as well. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
We've been giving aid to countries in the middle east for generations. Why are you all of a sudden pissed about it when Obama is president?
The meltdown actually started on Clinton's watch, as MoJo said, it takes a few years for certain acts of government to work through the system.

Had Clinton not repealed parts of the Glass Steagall Act, which was the genesis for Banking, Insurance and Securities companies to merge, forming the Gramm Leach Bliley Act. Not solely on Clinton, as it was a bi partisan act, kind of like when we went to war in Iraq, it was bi partisan, oh sorry, I digress. Gramm Leach Bliley also nullified a very crucial banking reform that Roosevelt put into place in the early '30's, which was 20% down and no more that 33% of ones take home pay. Now nullified, everybody and their brother could buy homes with nothing down. Why would anyone sell something to someone who has nothing to lose (no money down) why indeed, they didn't, they just bundle it up and sold the mortgages off to the next investor, they don't own it either, talk about trickle down.

President Bush actually started talking about the housing problems in '01, '03, but good old bully Barney wanted nothing to do with that, everything was fine. Originally Posted by Cherie
It all depends on how far you want to go back. The recession actually started the minute after the Constitution was signed.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We've been giving aid to countries in the middle east for generations. Why are you all of a sudden pissed about it when Obama is president? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I can't speak for JD, but I have opposed foreign aid since the Johnson administration, regardless of who was President, or which party is in power.