Loosing Virginity

Slim, first off, do you have a therapist? If not I would strongly advise getting one ASAP. They can really help you work through your issues in a productive and positive way.

If you have a therapist, I would highly recommend you speak to them about this endeavor. Get their opinion on it at least. Be upfront with them.

I wish you the best of luck. Originally Posted by Gramatik
Sorry slim07 I did not see you had logged back in, I thought u maybe were trolling but you are not. DO NOT GO SEE A THERAPIST YET. Do you want to be an addition to the already 40%+ of Americans on anti-depressants. Now talk about something that is going to kill your sex drive start taking anti-depressants.

DO NOT go see a SW, you will be paying the SW money just to get out of the car once she knows she has the upper hand on you street smart wise. I have nothing against SWs.

I will send u a PM(private message).

As far as foreign fun, girls in Europe are very open-minded and there are some great spas in Germany and Belgium, but then getting there is costly and the living and fun ain't cheap either. Latin American women are very passionate, but I don't skimp there either due to safety, disease issues and language issues.
Actually air fare gets rather cheap out of Dallas after the month of November. This has always been the case. I travel during those months world wide. Hotels are not that expensive that I saw and were really nice. A hostel is another way to go really cheap but is usually geared toward the college age world traveler.
Perhaps backing up a bit -- look for some books on intimacy -- which as many ladies who know me understand I am talking about everything in "companionship" and excluding the sexual part.

To me, intimacy is the much more important part of human sexuality. Way more important than the s-e-x part of human sexuality.

In fact, my counsel would be NOT to engage a provider merely for s-e-x. I say this because, due to your upbringing, the resulting "guilt" could last a very long time and definitely interfere with what you appear to want in the end stage -- a real relationship.
ck1942 posted true statements but my concern is the opposite, slim07 will start seeing providers with open menus and then once he finds a civie woman the menu may not be very open at all like what happened to me.

The biggest complaint I hear from married friends is once the ring went on the finger the PSE stopped in the bedroom. I have heard this from EVERY friend of mine who is married.
pyramider's Avatar
Farm animals might be a good alternative.
Theknight, seeing a therapist doesn't go hand in hand with taking meds. In fact, in thus guys case, I don't think mess are what he needs at all. He would benefit immensely from psychotherapy though. You don't just go fuck a hooker and automatically get over a lifetime of mental trauma. I think a good therapist would hear out his idea too see a provider, and give him sound advice regarding the situation.