What would you do if you found out your daughter was an escort

I agree ties should run just as deep but thats not unfortunetly how my mother n father think
OMG! If my mom find out about what I do now. I will be grounded for life! Originally Posted by sweetjasmine
K2S0's Avatar
  • K2S0
  • 05-27-2011, 01:49 PM
I think with adoptive parents, they dont have the same connection with their adoptive kids as in comparison to giving birth and raising them on your own. So its easier for them to take them out of their lives Originally Posted by Sweet Mandy
Maybe. It depends on how you look at it. Just my opinion but

Blood alone doesn't necessarily make a relationship strong. Personally,
I don't have a good relationship with my dad. I can say that I love him
and while he would probably say the same of me, it is obligatory. I do feel
that it's just because I am his son that we have any relationship at all.

I feel that a relationship you work for, when there isn't any social obligation,
can be just as strong if not stronger.

I don't know why your mom cut off ties with you. Dont want to speculate because
there is no way to know for certain but I think it's safe to say that she still cares.

The opposite of love is not hate... It's indifference. If she really did want to cut off ties
completely and didn't want anything to do with you, she wouldn't be keeping tabs on you.

just a thought
Naomi4u's Avatar
Oh, and I'd be her security ready to fuck up any douche who tries to bareback her or slip monopoly money to her. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
Better me than some ghetto piece of trash that would beat her adi don't you think? Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
Isis, I'm going to assume(forgive me if I'm wrong) that you have no children. My child is the center of my universe. I'd do anything to keep them safe from harm. And it may not be just about the $ that would cause them to get involved in such a situation. Yes I'd reason against there being in this industry but refer to my first post in this thread as to the outcome. I would move heaven and earth to keep my youngling safe. I will even go so far as to say this and believe me when I do. If something were to fatally happen to my child I would either end my own life or have to be committed to the nearest asylum for my own safety. That's my level of committment and love to my progeny. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
Pimping your child to strange men/ allowing your child to have sex with strange men for money that could possibly hurt her is not exactly "nurturing" or "keeping her safe". Your comments are completely off to me. My parents didn't know I was an escort and if they found out I'm sure the last thing my father would say was "Let me be your security guard/pimp". I've joked many times on this board if they were to ever find out that I'd have to move to a remote island, shave all my hair and change my name to "Bruce".

So yeah I'm a being hypocritical so what? I plan on putting my daughter through school, paying her rent/morgage/bills forever if I have to so she can reach her full potential and never have to think of entering this field. You know, they say parenting isn't for everyone and this thread has proved why.

Anyone can be a mom/dad but not everyone can be a mother or father.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Once again Naomi your youth shows the narrow-minded views of what you cannot comprehend. Being a parent is unknowable until you are one. Have a child and you will see what I mean. My comment for being my daughters pimp was more tongue in cheek than anything. And taking my comments out of context is not good. As I said before I would reason AGAINST her persuing that path. But I believe in one making their own choices. Choosing their own path. Children are willful. Sometimes you have to let them make their own decision. And live with it unfortunately.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Once again Naomi your youth shows the narrow-minded views of what you cannot comprehend. Being a parent is unknowable until you are one. Have a child and you will see what I mean. My comment for being my daughters pimp was more tongue in cheek than anything. And taking my comments out of context is not good. As I said before I would reason AGAINST her persuing that path. But I believe in one making their own choices. Choosing their own path. Children are willful. Sometimes you have to let them make their own decision. And live with it unfortunately. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
Again, I am a mother and my daughter is very well taken care of. I would not allow her to prostitute herself. I know children are willful because I'm a big kid myself . However, I know for a fact that if my parents were in the country there is no way I would have considered escorting. My parents do not play! I was only able to get away with it because they are thousands and thousands of miles away. Thanks!

I'm not "narrowminded" because I disagree with your views. There are others that disagree with what you wrote and thought it was "disgusting" but decided not to post. Their words not mine. Like I said, Parenting is not for everyone! I don't know how someone can pimp someone that's the "center of their universe" that's a bit scary .

"Tongue in cheek"? Sure! It's one thing to say "I don't give a fuck about her, of course I'll pimp her", "Hell yeah I'll pimp her, let her make us the money for once", "She can escort, I don't care!" but you're saying "I love her so much, she's the center of my universe, I'll protect her by being her by pimping her myself" If you think that's ok and that that's what being a father is all about then you've got some issues, Sir.. that's just odd.

We will just agree to disagree.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
If that's how you choose to interpret the attitude I'd take from my words well nothing I can do about that. As you said we'll just have to agree to disagree.
Ok, lets toss this out to EVERYONE:

To the ladies: You are someone's daughter, would THEY approve of your line of work?
If your daughter is of legal age and she is living out on her own, all her life decisions are made by her, would you try to talk her out of doing this line of work? Would you offer her financial support to keep her out of this line of work even though the very money you offer was made IN THIS LINE of work?

To the guys, how far would you go to keep your daughter out of this line? Would you give up the hobby 100% and give your DAUGHTER the very same money you were paying an escort?
burner2157's Avatar
Really. That's fucked up. Originally Posted by Budman
Originally Posted by burner2157
As much as it would break my heart.I would disown my only daughter,quit this hobby and never see another provider for as long as I live.Call me a hypocrite all you want but this is the truth.

Yea really.It took me 2 seconds to come to my conclusion.It doesn't matter to me what anyone thinks of my stance.I've seen what this industry can do to my family and some female friends before it was ever called a hobby.If I can't keep my daughter off the pole and streets then I've failed as a father.
burner2157's Avatar
I could never disown my children. I love them too damn much. I want to be there for them when they have their successes in life and when they make mistakes in life. We can't control what our children do, we can only try to guide them as best we can. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
Originally Posted by burner2157
As much as it would break my heart.I would disown my only daughter,quit this hobby and never see another provider for as long as I live.Call me a hypocrite all you want but this is the truth.
Luckily for me my daughter is a good hearted sweet natured young lady that I think would never even consider this industry.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Many a good hearted, sweet natured girls grew up to choose to be in this industry.....

Well when it comes to children we do our best to raise them and instill in them what we think is best, to the best our ability. In the end you almost have to let the chips fall where they are gonna fall and be there for them when they need you. There are many, many cases where two children grew up side by side in the same household, with the same parents, raised the same way and turned out night and day. Every child grows up to make their own decisions. It is our responsibility as parents to love them and be there to offer guidance and emotional support when they need us.

In my opinion disowning a child is running away from being their parent....
burner2157's Avatar
Many a good hearted, sweet natured girls grew up to choose to be in this industry.....

Well when it comes to children we do our best to raise them and instill in them what we think is best, to the best our ability. In the end you almost have to let the chips fall where they are gonna fall and be there for them when they need you. There are many, many cases where two children grew up side by side in the same household, with the same parents, raised the same way and turned out night and day. Every child grows up to make their own decisions. It is our responsibility as parents to love them and be there to offer guidance and emotional support when they need us.

In my opinion disowning a child is running away from being their parent.... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Thats why everyone likes you EA because you take the popular stance. Doesn't matter if it's the right one or not.Who doesn't like a little fury bunny rabbit.Well I'm the opposite.I don't care if other people like me.If they know (our children) the consequences then there less likely to choose the wrong path if they love there parents enough.Also theres a time to cut the umbilical cord and let them sink or swim.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
My man.... I didn't pick my stance because it's popular or to make people like me. I pick that stance because I believe it's the right stance. This world is full of people that make decisions regardless of the consequences. You can let your kids sink or swim by letting them make their own decisions and offering guidance to the best of your ability.

Let me ask you this.... As much as you talk about having compassion and how much you care about the ladies in this business you're telling me that you would turn your back on your own daughter?
ilsjs's Avatar
  • ilsjs
  • 05-27-2011, 07:15 PM
I have been doing that for my "adult" children, if it came to the point of giving up hobby, I'm sure it'd def happen.

I've been falling for girl(s) here too, but I can't solve the "world's hunger problem" ....

I'm a man with sin ... Amen

Ok, lets toss this out to EVERYONE:

To the guys, how far would you go to keep your daughter out of this line? Would you give up the hobby 100% and give your DAUGHTER the very same money you were paying an escort? Originally Posted by Spirit13
burner2157's Avatar
My man.... I didn't pick my stance because it's popular or to make people like me. I pick that stance because I believe it's the right stance. This world is full of people that make decisions regardless of the consequences. You can let your kids sink or swim by letting them make their own decisions and offering guidance to the best of your ability.

Let me ask you this.... As much as you talk about having compassion and how much you care about the ladies in this business you're telling me that you would turn your back on your own daughter? Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
In a nut shell EA I don't want my daughter or any other provider to wind up like my mother did dead in lake for over a week.Or my sister to get turned into a provider by my mothers husband after she was killed along with lots of other providers in the mid 80's.Then a few years later to die at the age of 19 all of a sudden by Pneumonia ( I think she od'ed).My daughter knows this story and she knows it would devastate me to see her go down this path.So your answer is yes, I would turn my back on my only daughter if she still choose this lifestyle.