SofaKingFun's Avatar
Hambone, I appreciate you coming forward with an explanation about all of this but what does all of the above have to do with the social bust?

With all due respect it's not earth-shattering news that LE knows about as well as uses these boards. And of course, anyone in their right mind should proceed with caution when it comes to new members/talent. Were these suspicious members allowed into the December event
or am I missing the point?

You also cast allegations that Kosair was somehow involved with this raid. Was there any solid, first-hand proof to back that allegation?

Again, I appreciate you coming forward and everything but there's tons of questions left unanswered.




Hambone, I appreciate you coming forward with an explanation about all of this but what does all of the above have to do with the social bust? Different folks see things differently, but I felt this showed HOW L.E. had gotten on board. I do not know if any of those folks were on the Social List (I had nothing to do with the Social and never saw the list). Also, the Bust led to many questions of security and what to watch out for, so I feel it pertains.

With all due respect it's not earth-shattering news that LE knows about as well as uses these boards. And of course, anyone in their right mind should proceed with caution when it comes to new members/talent. Were these suspicious members allowed into the December event or am I missing the point? I did not claim anything was earth shattering news. I made no claims regarding whether my mind is right. I do not know who was let into the event that was L.E. (if any L.E. were "let into the event"). Sir, I do not know what you are missing.

You also cast allegations that Kosair was somehow involved with this raid. Was there any solid, first-hand proof to back that allegation? I believe he knew things at a time that only someone involved could know. Why don't you ask him?

Again, I appreciate you coming forward and everything but there's tons of questions left unanswered. Thank you. I have tried to answer the burning questions. I am tired of being attacked everytime I try to do something positive. I can handle disagreement, but it is usually so much more. I really just want back out of the box.




Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Best regards to you as well,

THE Hambone
Since you persist on pursuing this matter, let me try a few simple questions.

  1. Who hosted the social?
  2. Who was responsible for security?
  3. Was Hambone not available? Now you're THE Hambone?
  4. Who was responsible for the "list"?
Let's put this all out in the open and give LE an instruction manual so they can do better next time. Apparently, they don't need much help!!!
dearhunter's Avatar
That is why I only invite me to my parties....................... ..why is that fucking Chihuahua growling at me again?
LazurusLong's Avatar
The portion where Hambone details how UC males worked by posting reviews of UC females should be burned into everyone's brains, branded if you will.

We typically look at new reviews of new ladies by really new members as if their "manager" is posting them or if they are being posted by the girl herself. It takes time to learn to discern how managers write reviews but that comes from years of seeing them. Sucks it turned out they were simply other cops now doesn't it? I sort of wish they were managers now.

Cut and paste the portion about how the girls posted in the welcome wagon and were offered tons of assistance. I see the same thing over and over where a newbie posts asking about help finding something specific and the escorts in need of some quick cash who are not careful will rush in offering their services.

I see escorts requesting a PM from clients to "vouch" them all the time and it makes me laugh because anyone can register a handle, pay for BCD and read the lounge and all threads and figure out things.

People need to be leery of newbies, friendly yes, but leery at the same time.

A serious drawback to ECCIE is that anyone can take ANY handle from ASPD that was old and no longer used, all it takes is to go find one and then create it here. No way to vouch the email without cooperation between sites.

The hobby has risks, socials are a risk.

You MUST handle each event on your own but learn from others how to minimize the risks.
Finally, somebody gets it! Thank you Mr. Lazaruslong.

THE Hambone
carkido45's Avatar
Told you socials aren't a very smart thing to do you put yourself out in the open and that's just STUPID.
notanewbie's Avatar
then so are notels, strip clubs, agencies, spas.....

I hate to agree with cb BUT if you did indeed follow the rules there would have been no issues.

BUT the rules do/did apply to the gate masters as well.

#1 rule=Don't break the rule.
Told you socials aren't a very smart thing to do you put yourself out in the open and that's just STUPID. Originally Posted by carkido45
By that logic, neither is hobbying. But for those of you posters who don't hobby, I suppose you're in the clear...
carkido45's Avatar
then so are notels, strip clubs, agencies, spas.....

I hate to agree with cb BUT if you did indeed follow the rules there would have been no issues.

BUT the rules do/did apply to the gate masters as well.

#1 rule=Don't break the rule. Originally Posted by notanewbie
One problem not everybody follows rules.
Wayward's Avatar
Finally, somebody gets it! Thank you Mr. Lazaruslong.

THE Hambone Originally Posted by THE Hambone
No a lot of us got it, with out going ballistic the notion that nobody was really doing the basic vetting for the socials is just sad, that they were huffing and puffing about security is scandalous. Do not even get me started on the you should have followed the 'rules' sack of horse shit.

There is a lot more of course but have been meaning to say thanks for posting what you shared so far Hambone, this seemed like a good time before this thread too is locked. J/K settle down LA...sarcast...well who ever is left when I hit submit.

There are a lot of times when we all really do need to work together, this issue is an excellent example of one. I have some thoughts on the Kosair issue but they don't rise to proof and can't really be posted here fully, which is a shame. But would echo THE (please stop) Hambone's, someone either rivals the Amazing Kreskin or something in the milk wasn't clean. Folks were told before the social not to go because of a bust. We really need to get a rule in place for that!

There is one really simple rule, trust folks you actually know. It can expand from that point, but being 'THE man' became a lot more important than doing it right.
We had a cop show up to our of our socials. But i just turned out to be a charlatan dressed as one for Holoweenie. I took her to the hotel that night. She did not walk right for a week.
notanewbie's Avatar
That's Haaaawt.
I want to take a sec to add a couple of things to this..

First of all, yes by all means Hambone, you have my blessing to speak. As I PM'd to you, just take care in drawing the line between what are absolute verified facts and conclusions you have made based on the strong supporting evidence. This will help to keep things perfectly clear for our readers.

Secondly, I'll add my name to the list of those who appreciate that you've joined here, glad to see you posting, and thankful that you're back to continue your discussions on this matter.

A serious drawback to ECCIE is that anyone can take ANY handle from ASPD that was old and no longer used, all it takes is to go find one and then create it here. No way to vouch the email without cooperation between sites. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Third, this statement is incorrect. As an Admin on ASPD for as long as anyone, I've had full access to the ASPD database and member list, just as Deuce has had, as well as ck1942. Obviously I didn't just delete the member list from my PC with the demise of ASPD. It's proven to be VERY useful here at ECCIE for the specific purposes you mention. No, it's not used for spam emails or any of that crap, but it IS used on occasion for security reasons. I'd be foolish not to.

3. Was Hambone not available? Now you're THE Hambone? Originally Posted by Merlin
Hambone was not available. Someone came along months ago, unrelated to all of this, registered 'hambone' and never even confirmed the registration email. I caught this, locked it down, and reserved it for the time when the original Hambone came out from hibernation.

Hambone, at your leisure, contact me and I will return the "Hambone" handle to your possession.

So to Lazarus, your point is well-intentioned, but incorrect. There is no serious flaw. We are well-equipped to verify emails from ASPD. ...and just like we reserved the usernames for the entire Horndogs administration upon request, we'd do it for others who may perhaps make the same request. Aside from that, we've only had one example in over 20,000+ members. Someone registered Big C's handle, we caught it immediately, and the member gladly chose another name and handed it over to him.

St. C