RNP is thinking of replacing the elephant with a parrot as it typified most of their members.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You know, I wouldn't be worried about IFFY. I think he parks fucking limousines in that ass of his.

Just saying.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-14-2013, 06:27 PM
LIBERTARIANS: Diligently pestering the living shit out of everyone because they know they can't take over the world !

Truth is Kryptonite in the Empire of Republican Lies
NiceGuy53's Avatar
It was about Obie until the rightwingfarts figured out they couldn't get a 2/3rds vote in the Senate needed to impeach a president .. so the focus shifts to Hillary just to taint her in 2016 ...

everyone knows that, and everyone knows more than likely she will leave her Sec of State position and announce her intentions to run for office in 2016, and when she does, the Witch subject to the Benghazi hunt will have a couple of years to chew the republicans up so fast they wont know what hit them. Regardless how long the right hammers her, she will get the Dem vote, the womens vote, the minority vote and her share of the swing vote.

Republican ass whippin'

AGAIN and AGAIN in 2020 Originally Posted by CJ7
"everyone knows more than likely she will leave her Sec of State position". News flash to CBJ7. She has already left her position as SOS. We now have a new SOS. I guess "everyone" (dumbass you) didn't know that.

CBJ7 ass whippin'
Again and again and again!

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-14-2013, 08:27 PM
lamo .. I forgot about Lurch, but he is easy to forget about, nonetheless

it just expedites The Witches path to the republican asswhippin' they get to look forward to.

write it down and put it in your Little Mermaid lunch box Boi.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Dayum, Whirly! You've got them all in meltdown mode! 'Tis a beauty to behold!

Just when this place was getting boring. Gawd, it's fun watching the statists twist and turn in the face of truth!

Great job, Whirly!

Come on, COG. You're missing the point once again.

It's not whether Obama deserves the multiple "Pinocchios." He obviously does.

It's simply that this obsessed, stupid buffoon feels compelled to spam the board with shitloads of threads all on the same subject.

And if you wanna talk meltdown, you're speaking of Whirlaway! Just look at the forum this morning. See what I mean?

But this is by far the best thread he's started, so I think it deserves to bump one of his other attention-seeking efforts from the top spot. Why?

Here's why!

It stands as a wonderful monument to Whirlaway's stupidity! Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
CM thinks I am in meltdown...................... .....

You can bet your decoder ring CaptainMidnight, I am NOT in any kind of a meltdown, just the opposite !

Thanks COG; but it is like shooting fish in a barrel when it comes to poking fun at the idiocy of liberals, democrats, Sandbox zombies, and Obama.

BTW; you will know their surrender flag is flying when when AssUp abandons Foghorn and steals my Lady Liberty avatar. That honor is all yours, you deserve kudos for that one !

CM thinks I am in meltdown...................... .....

You can bet your decoder ring CaptainMidnight, I am NOT in any kind of a meltdown, just the opposite !

Thanks COG; but it is like shooting fish in a barrel when it comes to poking fun at the idiocy of liberals, democrats, Sandbox zombies, and Obama.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Keep it up, genius.

It's quite amusing to see you poke fun at the idiocy of anyone! For a few good laughs, just glance through some of the posts earlier in this thread.
Damn CM; you almost got me off the track; remember, it is all about THE OBAMA LIES !!!!!

Obama’s claim he called Benghazi an ‘act of terrorism’
“The day after it happened, I acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism.”
— President Obama, remarks at a news conference, May 13, 2013

A Whopper of a lie.........................Fa ct Jack !

And please keep bumping this Obama Lied thread to the top of the charts........thanks for your help buddy !
And please keep bumping this Obama Lied thread to the top of the charts........thanks for your help buddy ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Glad to be of assistance.

If it bumps another of your attention-seeking threads off the first page, it's a wash.

After all, because of the reason I gave in post #52, this is your best thread yet!
There are plenty of dummies just like you to keep my other posts competing for top billing.......I don't need you; I just make use of you.

Did you hear the latest ??????????

Obama Finally Acknowledges IRS Did In Fact Targeted Conservative Groups

After days of using the term "if," President Obama finally acknowledged the IRS did in fact inappropriately target conservative groups in a statement released last night. IRS official Lois Lerner admitted last Friday that the IRS had specifically singled out conservative groups for extra scrutiny.


I B Hankering's Avatar
he called it an act of terror LIVE on camera and the idiots still try and spin it ... Originally Posted by CJ7
You are one obstinate Dimotard, CBJ7. Does Odumbo pay you as much as he pays Carney to lie, CBJ7?






BTW, CBJ7, check out CNN. They're beginning to sound like FOX -- Odumbo lied!
Here is the response you fucking moron......................

In the context of Benghazi; one lie isn't the scandal you stupid turd. After months, you still don't understand what the Benghazi scandal is about ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway