Ever contact the hobbiest out of the blue?

Traveler64's Avatar
Yeah, yeah, I know there are exceptions but for the vast majority this is simply advertising - marketing 101 as previously stated. For us guys this is like dangling the bait in front of our noses. (And I'm just as likely to bite the hook as the next guy.)

But, methinks it's going a bit too far when you get that cutesy txt msg saying "Hi sweetie. How u been. Missin u." and you later find out she sent a broadcast message to everybody in her phone address book. And even then your brain reminds you how good she smelled the last time.

Unless of course it's from Cathy ....
No, never emailed a guy I never seen, only If I seen him before just to say Hi. Yes, I have PM but I did feel kinda weird about it after. Like I cant believe i done that.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 01-14-2010, 11:09 AM
Lots of gents on this thread don't mind unsolicited contact, and that's fine, if the lady has the okay.

Just for the record though, the "default" behavior for any provider should be NEVER contact a client (or potential client) without first (beforehand) being told that it is okay to do so.

This is a business that can bring ruination down on man's head at a moment's notice. A provider has no way of knowing (without being told) who has access to email accounts and cell phones and the associated records.

Don't do it ladies, unless you know for sure it's okay.

As far as the OP's misspelling goes, it's a common error. I'm just trying to keep the record straight: Only SPHunter is the hobbyEST. The rest of us, just plain hobbyists.
ODN25's Avatar
  • ODN25
  • 01-14-2010, 07:28 PM
One of the nice ladies on here IM'd me about a thread on here or ASPD and we had a very nice conversation. Later we met up and enjoyed each other's company for about an hour. I am always pleased how it is possible to make a nice connection without having to overthink things.
hwygnome's Avatar
I have had a couple of ladies PM me to comment on something I said. Its kind of stunning that most liked what I had to say. I should add that they are stunning.

I would say that PM are perhaps the best way for the ladies to first contact somebody they don't know if they want to say something a bit more private or personal than openly posting it. And I am referring to making comments or observations and not trying to do a sales pitch from the get go. If things progress than other types of communication can be used.

Those who can call or text with a "Hey, you wanna?" have my number. Hopefully they want to have fun and not because they are looking primarily for a cash withdrawal from the atm.
Boltfan's Avatar
I am fortunate to have a SO that not only approves of my occasional hobby activities but might join in if the situation is right.

So random PMs are not a big deal for me as long as they are in good taste (or over the top naughty).