What are the odds that they knew where Foley was before he was murdered.

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  • 08-22-2014, 01:54 PM
). We should be hitting ISIS in Syria where most of their equipment (formerly ours and the USSRs) is sitting out. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD when you find that Maylisia Airliner retrofitted for nukes....then and only then will anyone listen to you on tactical war decisions.
LexusLover's Avatar
JD when you find that Maylisia Airliner retrofitted for nukes....then and only then will anyone listen to you on tactical war decisions. Originally Posted by WTF
No need for technical complications ...

.. an unscheduled "landing" along the ship channel at a strategic point when the wind is prevailing from the SouthEast ought to suffice ... Hopefully you won't be out putting somewhere and not "listening" when it happens.

Please say it won't happen ...

(Who's looking for a "Maylisia Airliner"?

Are you IB?
boardman's Avatar
No need for technical complications ...

.. an unscheduled "landing" along the ship channel at a strategic point when the wind is prevailing from the SouthEast ought to suffice ...
Originally Posted by LexusLover
I've long said that a terrorist in a Piper Cub with as many grenades as it will carry could fuck some shit up along the ship channel. Take off from Laporte airfield, fly a couple hundred feet off the ground due north and they couldn't scramble jets quick enough to stop him.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They've done planes already and we're putting a lot of money into defending from planes. What about boats, trains, gasoline tankers, etc.

Anyone ever hear of the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel? Or any tunnel going through the Rockies?
Or Walmart.
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  • WTF
  • 08-24-2014, 06:48 AM
They've done planes already and we're putting a lot of money into defending from planes. What about boats, trains, gasoline tankers, etc.

Anyone ever hear of the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel? Or any tunnel going through the Rockies? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Let me post this again for my on one hand let's cut government spending and on the other hand let double down on spending Tea bi polars...

You do realize that more people were killed by snake bites last year than killed in the Boston Marathon. Are you scared of snakes? Take personal responsibility LexusChickenshit. You sound like a little bitch, dependent on the government keeping you safe...

So I ask you again:

Originally Posted by WTF
Little girl,

How much power do you want to give the government to protect your pussy? Because the oppressive State is now our own government. I choose personal responsibility to protect my freedoms, not the chickenshit way out like you are doing.

So I ask you again little scared girl....

How much money and how much freedom are you willing to give up to feel safe LexusLover?

That is the question....no matter how you or boardman or that dumbass gnadfly pose your questions about Muslims terrorist coming over here. What are you willing to give up to the government to protect you? Your safety does not come without a price.

Personally I want less so called safety and way more personal freedom. I will take the odds that it is more likely I get killed by lightning than a terrorist and keep my money and personal freedom. You , boardman and gnadfly seem to want to have it all. Spend no money, give up no personal freedoms and take no personal responsibility for your own safety. In other words you are looking to the government to protect you.

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759
LexusLover's Avatar
I've long said that a terrorist in a Piper Cub with as many grenades as it will carry could fuck some shit up along the ship channel. Take off from Laporte airfield, fly a couple hundred feet off the ground due north and they couldn't scramble jets quick enough to stop him. Originally Posted by boardman
What's a "jet" going to do?

Shoot it out of the sky so it can drop into one of the tank farms?

But don't worry ...

.. we have geniuses posting on here who guarantee it will never happen.

There's that "GOVERNMENT" again, sticking their noses in WTF's business!
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  • WTF
  • 08-24-2014, 01:09 PM

.. we have geniuses posting on here who guarantee it will never happen.! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You lying old moocher. I never said it wouldn't happen....I said the chances of you dying by a snake bite or lightning are greater than dying by terrorist.

I have also pointed out that you cheap fuckers do not even want to pay for the last Iraq war you wanted....the one that cost 4500 hundred troops lives and are responsible for the overload at the VA.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You lying old moocher. I never said it wouldn't happen....I said the chances of you dying by a snake bite or lightning are greater than dying by terrorist.

I have also pointed out that you cheap fuckers do not even want to pay for the last Iraq war you wanted....the one that cost 4500 hundred troops lives and are responsible for the overload at the VA. Originally Posted by WTF
OK - I'm willing to pay for it, at least my share. You have a good point there.
Are you now willing to hire Americans and match their Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid taxes?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
OK - I'm willing to pay for it, at least my share. You have a good point there.
Are you now willing to hire Americans and match their Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid taxes? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You mean put it in escrow until you meet President Obama at Love Field...

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  • 08-25-2014, 08:44 AM
OK - I'm willing to pay for it, at least my share. You have a good point there. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Of course I have a good point. That is why I have made fun of these Tea'billies for the last four years. They support biggest spending programs of money and cry the loudest about the debt.

Are you now willing to hire Americans and match their Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid taxes? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You dumb fuck....I do not hire nor fire but I do know that illegal labor on large construction jobs do not get paid under the table. Jesus. Do you know what that means? No of course you don't. It means they have fake SS numbers and the company hiring them pays their matching SS/Medicare taxes. Those illegals will never get the money out they have paid in. Damn , learn the facts before spouting off ignorant Tea Party propagandas.
LexusLover's Avatar
Are you now willing to hire Americans and match their Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid taxes? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
He's already answered that with a resounding "NO"!

He just profits from the hiring of illegal aliens and then claims "ignorance"!

(Don't know why he actually has to claim "ignorance," but he does anyway.)

Where's ISIS when they are needed?
LexusLover's Avatar
.I said the chances of you dying by a snake bite or lightning are greater than dying by terrorist. Originally Posted by WTF
Here's WTF avoiding snakes, lightning, ISIS, AND TAXES .....

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Of course I have a good point. That is why I have made fun of these Tea'billies for the last four years. They support biggest spending programs of money and cry the loudest about the debt.

You dumb fuck....I do not hire nor fire but I do know that illegal labor on large construction jobs do not get paid under the table. Jesus. Do you know what that means? No of course you don't. It means they have fake SS numbers and the company hiring them pays their matching SS/Medicare taxes. Those illegals will never get the money out they have paid in. Damn , learn the facts before spouting off ignorant Tea Party propagandas. Originally Posted by WTF
Not that particular money in that way, but their families more than get it back in other government benefits. By the way, if you know someone is using fake Social Security numbers and you fail to report it, you should look up "misprision of a felony".

"Misprision of felony" is still an offense under United States federal law after being codified in 1909 under 18 U.S.C. § 4:
Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.