Can Men and Women that are Attracted to each other Just be friends?

Kelly, Kelly, Kelly.....

Only one way to find out....

So, Yes, you can have me! Ome of 2 things will happen, or ....

But Hell, Ooooof, and all that... You know you want to....

Surge's Avatar
  • Surge
  • 08-09-2010, 01:50 PM
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly.....

Only one way to find out....

So, Yes, you can have me! Ome of 2 things will happen, or ....

But Hell, Ooooof, and all that... You know you want to....

PPE Originally Posted by PurplePussyEater

ha ha ha...go gettem cowboy!


To answer your original question about two people feeling mutually attracted to each other...

I believe you can coexist with friendship and booty call. I have, and contiue to do it to this day! Now, i have close friends that dont want to cross that line and i respect thier desicion but i have very, very close friends that I have seen both on and off the clock. To this day we remain very close friends and confidants. I belive that if you both want and desire each other that you go for it. I also believe that you state the rules as much as you can B4 the encounter. I have several friends that i would love to see BCD but i dont think they can just let it be that way.

Im proof that it can be a viable solution, but it really depends on the pair and how they treat each other afterwards.


PS...anytime you want Kelly!!!
Jasser's Avatar
I can't. The only hot females that I don't imagine myself humping are my family (eww). Every female friend I've had, that was hot, I messed around with.
Charlie Brown's Avatar
It's possible........Lucy is a friend of mine...........but she still sucks!
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 08-09-2010, 03:46 PM
Kelly TnT,

Great question

Yes, it is possible and happens all the time. Life is not all about sex. We spend a vast majority of our lives out of the sexual arena.

Finding sexual partners is not hard at all. Finding and keeping a good and loyal friend is very hard to do.
  • Listz
  • 08-09-2010, 03:54 PM
Aside from the hobby, I wouldn't sleep with anyone I didn't consider a friend. It would be like not offering a glass of wine.
Is it possible to be attracted to one another and Still keep from ripping each others clothes off?

~Kelly TNT
Originally Posted by Kelly TNT

FWB If it is only for sex it is a great way to relax.

Then again Drunk friend sex is even better cause it is
the worst sex there is and you will never wan it again.

Heres a little story I was friends with this woman that I was attracted to for years. And she knew, once we got past the awkwardness we were strictly friends.

Then she started dating this guy that was a complete loser. Fat,short, man-boobs, balding, and a pothead.

When I meet this guy I was like really this guy over me. Then I hated her after that.

So No!! Not at All, Espcially after its out in the open
  • jb20
  • 08-16-2010, 11:32 AM
I've tried it several times since starting college and no. It always leads to drama.
pmdelites's Avatar
kelly asked....
is it possible to be attracted to one another and Still keep from ripping each others clothes off?

Can you be friends And be Hot for each other??

Can men and women be Just friends if there is Mutual attraction between them??
it appears that the posters below have answered Yes to a slightly different question "can men and women be friend, has sex and still be friends w/ an attraction still lingering there?"

i definitely answer Yes to that as well as i have three friends i've know for close to 30 yrs who i had a sexual relationship way back when with but no longer do. given the chance, would i do the horizontal mambo again? YES.

I have a friend and I trust her with my life, love her love her family. We were always affectionate but never even thought about doing anything, Then one night in Austin we were there without our spouses and we had a little to drink and well..... The rare and good news is that neither on of us every said a word about it and remain affectionate but have never gone there again..please notice I said rare so be prepared to loose a friend.

"Lovers come and go, friends are hard to make and harder still to keep. Work on it, it's worth it" - LuckJack Originally Posted by LuckJack
luck jack - you said it!!!!

... I have had and do have many more female friends than male friends. ... I find it harder to have "close" male friends than female friends, but I still have both. Even my 1st wife, of 6 years, still considers me a friend and I consider the same way. ...

I have had sexual relationships with some of my long-term female best friends, but when I go married to my SO, those sleep-overs stopped. Those gals are still my close friends and one is even one of my current business partners.

So, somehow I have found that I could develop friendships with women, have it become sexual and senual and still be great friends outside the bedroom. Maybe they deserve the credit for maintaining the balance instead of me. Originally Posted by UTR4Passion
My best friend is a woman I knew for years and then had an affair with for months. We reached a point where we both realized it was best for everyone if we stopped the sex. Are we still hot for each other? Yep! Do we give in anymore? Nope. And we are still best friends. It's the most amazing example of unbounded love I've ever known.

["Unbounded": That's a word. right? ] Originally Posted by HugginMan
Kelly TnT,

Great question.

Yes, it is possible and happens all the time. Life is not all about sex. We spend a vast majority of our lives out of the sexual arena.

Finding sexual partners is not hard at all. Finding and keeping a good and loyal friend is very hard to do. Originally Posted by CDL1
cdl, another very true statement.

but, kelly to your question, "Can men and women be Just friends if there is Mutual attraction between them??"

i would say yes, but do not have any personal life evidence to support that.

i am good friends w/ several women, one i've know 30 yrs, the other one 13 yrs. it's a one way attraction as i would like to, but neither have told me they'd like to do the horizontal mambo with me.

we're still great friends w/ pretty good emotional intimacy, but i just keep lil delites in place and every once in a while moan 'holy mamacita!!!" and lick my lips when they cant see me :^)
pmdelites's Avatar
Is it possible to be attracted to one another and Still keep from ripping each others clothes off?

Can you be friends And be Hot for each other??


Can men and women be Just friends if there is Mutual attraction between them??

~Kelly TNT
Originally Posted by Kelly TNT
so, my dearest kelly, does this current thread have ANYTHING directly to do with the emotional intimacy thread???

jus' wondering...

btw, let's conduct a psychological/behavioral experiement the next time i come by ...