Encounter: Niya bae

Well, I don’t have SA, so I was relying on others for there opinion thinking ddot was covering lies. Im not impervious to making mistakes, I don’t want to squelch the flow of info, so I’ll shut up. Ddot, I am sorry to always be questioning you. I/we don’t mind you tooting your horn. It’s when you put other people down that riles people, and makes most of us stand up for ourselves.
I also only joined because I saw lpc getting ripped appart over a lady that everyone thought was fake and I could no longer bite my tongue. I am heavy on indys but just play the background on this site for more info and cross referencing. Im sure you all should be able to tell that I am NOT lpc, just by my use of punctuation, and lack of run on sentences. Lol
First of all, everyone on this board who's been a member for the past year knows that ddot and longpipingchicks are the same person.

Second, anyone who knows how to flush a toilet or work a faucet to get a drink of water knows how to post a link. Ddotlongpipingchicks has never posted a link to anything.

Third, he and others posted so many different spellings of her handle that it makes everything very suspicious looking.

Last, ignore him and what he writes if it bothers you that much. That's what I do. Everyone keeps feeding in to all his bullshit. That's what he feeds off of.
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1st of all I’m new I’m still learning how to post a link.but I do post sufficent info for u guys to find the escorts ,it’s very easy otherwise I wouldn’t get credit for my reviews woody &im not this ddot guy lord have mercy I don’t bother no1unless I’m attacked which is often but it’s cool I like the hate but to u men who wish me ill will,god bless u all