Trump just did what no Republican ever did.

lenny is very stupid hahahaha Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
coming from you that is funny.

How did Trump get BJs in the White House while POTUS Retarded Lenny? Where is the Link Retarded Lenny? Was Trump impeached for lying Retarded Lenny? Where's the link that PROVES Trump paid $850,000 to settle a case with a women Retarded Lenny? Originally Posted by bambino
You are way off track as usual bamboozled look at my comment in this thread. It said nothing about BJ'S in the white house, as it said nothing about Bill running a beauty pageant.
  • DSK
  • 10-11-2016, 11:04 AM
You people are completely delusional. She's already up by 10-12% after his nacho "grab the by the pussy" sexual assault bragging. I'm figure he'll be down to 38% and HRC's lead will be 11-13%, with 1 percentage point of the Trump defectors going to Johnson.

Then Herr Drumpf will pitch a fit and tell the reichsvolk to turn on the Republican Senate and House candidates because everything bad that happens to him is someone else's fault. And it can't be HRC's fault, because that would make him the lowest of the low -- "a loser." So even if a few of the reichsvolk go with him and decide to burn the place down on the way out the door, the good guys not only pick up the Senate, which looks all but inevitable at this point, but maybe the house, too.

Then, we pick off maybe 3-8 Republican House members who barely made it and get them to switch parties for a pledge of support in the 2018 Democratic primary and a decent Committee assignment, and Speaker Pelosi has a working majority. Nuclear option lets us confirm judges, too.

And you assholes won't go away. You'll just keep trying to obstruct everything that happens so you drive more mainstream republicans and independents screaming to the Democratic Party. Just like you did when you decided to obstruct Obama. Then, in 2020, the same bloodbath happens all over again, because the Republicans always learn the wrong lessons from defeats. You still don't realize that Romney was too right wing to win, not too liberal or too nice.

Meanwhile, your voters get older nod whiter and die off very year. Our voters are more diverse every year and a new crop becomes eligible to vote every year.

Herr Drumpf is the gift that keeps on giving. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
It is hardly delusional insofar as we realize all is lost, and we might as well accept it and make it as miserable for you guys as you have made for us.

In retrospect, if you do as good a job with the rest of the United States as you Democrats do with Detroit and the rest of the rust belt, you will burn it all down for us.

That's me you will see not saluting the flag.

I urge conservative Americans to do nothing to help the USA if the liberals take over. FUCK THEM!

Help your own family, do nothing for the public good. Keep your sons and daughters out of the armed forces..why die to force the world to become as liberal as the USA?

Why die for the USA? Everybody else in the world fucks over the US government, why shouldn't we?

Realize the liberals hate you, and act accordingly.

The liberals hated the USA in the 1950's, and they changed it into what they wanted. Time to change it again.
is that elizabeth hurley bill was with? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Sure looks like her. Wonder if this photo op was taken before or after Hugh Grant got blown in a limo by a hooker in L.A.?

I'm thinking after...Bill never misses a opportunity, lol.
LexusLover's Avatar

running as a gentleman made sense 40-50 years ago, .... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
You mean like LBJ?
  • DSK
  • 10-11-2016, 01:30 PM
You mean like LBJ? Originally Posted by LexusLover
LBJ, LBJ, how many [prohibited topics] have you killed today?

Assup was one of those [prohibited topic] killers, BTW.
TexTushHog's Avatar
It is hardly delusional insofar as we realize all is lost, and we might as well accept it and make it as miserable for you guys as you have made for us.

In retrospect, if you do as good a job with the rest of the United States as you Democrats do with Detroit and the rest of the rust belt, you will burn it all down for us.

That's me you will see not saluting the flag.

I urge conservative Americans to do nothing to help the USA if the liberals take over. FUCK THEM!

Help your own family, do nothing for the public good. Keep your sons and daughters out of the armed forces..why die to force the world to become as liberal as the USA?

Why die for the USA? Everybody else in the world fucks over the US government, why shouldn't we?

Realize the liberals hate you, and act accordingly.

The liberals hated the USA in the 1950's, and they changed it into what they wanted. Time to change it again. Originally Posted by DSK
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Good ridance to bad garbage.
bambino's Avatar
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Good ridance to bad garbage. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
And don't let the ball sacks slap you on your face at the glory holes pig face.
bambino's Avatar
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Retarded Lenny, you finally found a meme that makes sense!!! Even a retard can find a gem sometimes! Congratulations Retarded Lenny.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You mean like LBJ? Originally Posted by LexusLover
LBJ, LBJ, how many [prohibited topics] have you killed today?

Assup was one of those [prohibited topic] killers, BTW. Originally Posted by DSK
in public discourse with the media, yes.
Retarded Lenny, you finally found a meme that makes sense!!! Even a retard can find a gem sometimes! Congratulations Retarded Lenny. Originally Posted by bambino
Here is one just for you bamboozled.

Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I'm sure all you boys wished you had a hottie on your arm when you were out and about. Now don't deny it, it is the nature of the beast. Maybe just a bit jealous of Mr Trump?????? After all he is has a number of elegant classy ladies around him, specifically his wife, the lovely Melania and his daughters, Ivanka and Tiffany (one must not forget the boys who are quite sharp witted in their own right) who are the manifestation of their dad and what a great father he is/was.

"A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society". Rev Billy Graham
bambino's Avatar
Here is one just for you bamboozled.

Originally Posted by i'va biggen
RETARD!!!!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Yes you are, we agree on that.
I'm sure all you boys wished you had a hottie on your arm when you were out and about. Now don't deny it, it is the nature of the beast. Maybe just a bit jealous of Mr Trump?????? After all he is has a number of elegant classy ladies around him, specifically his wife, the lovely Melania and his daughters, Ivanka and Tiffany (one must not forget the boys who are quite sharp witted in their own right) who are the manifestation of their dad and what a great father he is/was.

"A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society". Rev Billy Graham Originally Posted by Cherie