Escorts Using Government Assistance


I just don't see anything wrong with the average person using government assistance.
It's just the lady that escort that I see it being a big problem with. I mean we make A LOT of money.
We may not be rich but it's still a lot of money. I don't think there is any excuse for it if you ask me.


I know you're just being sarcastic but then you pay taxes, expenses and bills....

Easy money to me? Yes. For a lot of ladies though , it's just fast money. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I understand what you are saying. Not every lady can handle doing volume. Not every lady can command 200-250 or more. Also factor in where they might be living and it might scare off potential clients. So it could very well be that they may only see 1-2 a week at say 100 bucks per hour. But with the post I made showing the example of income vs expenses you can easily see that the extra 1500 a month might help alot, even if it is slightly more to have a life with dignity and just skirt by with basics. I just don't judge these folks at all because quite simply I am not in their shoes, and appearances can be very deceiving. It might look like she has those expensive shoes and such but maybe she wanted to save for them and just wanted to have something nice which she rarely has? Maybe she is trying to appeal to a higher clientele? I mean there is so much that we just don't know. I am not saying people do not abuse the system, but for the most part I think most people are just put into bad situations. My niece is 18 years old living in Ohio in a small run down shack farm with her ill mother. She finished HS here but moved up North to help her mom. She is weeks away from having her first baby. She has tried and tried to get a job and cannot seem to get one. She is now on welfare and believe me they are struggling right now. I would never tell her to escort but if she ever called me asking questions I would not judge her for thinking about it. I know how dire things are for her right now. Anyway off my high horse can't really say much more on the subject.
More often than not women who are in this situation are not capable as you or I Naomi to make a substantial amount of income through escorting. The point is why would we judge them for just wanting as normal a life as everyone else just because they are forced to live on government assistance? They are not living extravagant lives. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
I agree with the points you bring, but - reality shows - and i have seen these kind of women AND the consequences they face as well that it is abuse. If they were to conduct their "extra income" with taxes i see you are correct, but most often then they would not get welfare (specially NOT int he USA where it is particularly hard to get on welfare especially if you have at least ONE additional job - the recent OWS movement was exactly ridiculing the fact that it is almost impossible when you have a minimum wage job where you hardly earn money to get on welfare, you get on welfare if you are either sick or jobless - that is a big difference to europe - there it is possible to earn a little extra when on social money) . Plus , such women are ruining the prices as well, because , give me a break 60 dollar for all inclusive? Only someone who doesn`t pay taxes and is unprofessional would not charge more money. In Europe all the prices have dropped significantly due to such facts . Ok, i am mixing apples with oranges now - but eastern european women coming to western europe - doing it all for cheap and then getting back to their countries where they don`t have to make a living like you need to do in western europe is at about the same reckless thing to do. Business in London got ruined that way from women scrambled in one house doing outcalls. No one that runs a company and taxes accordingly and reasonable will ever be able to afford giving it away for 60 bucks all inclusive.

I have witnessed luxury escorts working in the finest institutions and studios next to me, charging outrageous rates and then claiming to have a minimum income PLUS living on government welfare. So , i am not as naive to believe they don`t earn that much. They do. Probably not as much as "we" would , but enough to not be able to live on welfare. So, i stick to the opinion that it is despicable.
I understand what you are saying. Not every lady can handle doing volume. Not every lady can command 200-250 or more. Also factor in where they might be living and it might scare off potential clients. So it could very well be that they may only see 1-2 a week at say 100 bucks per hour. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
What about pride? I do understand what you are saying, but i see that as wrong. Every lady can and should command a minimum amount of money in that business. Every one can! Have you looked at pages of some HDH? Neither are they particularly good looking nor do they seem to be the brightest bulbs on the planet either, nor do some have nice photos up. So, why on earth would someone not be able to judge a decent minimum in this area? They probably could get a regular job for that amount of money. So why escorting? Its out of laziness or other problems. Seriously. If someone is able to charge money for sex, they can also apply for a regular job AND stop being on welfare, just saying. You can`t be completely ugly as an escort - and no one is. And you can`t be completely dumb either, if you are capable of handling incalls and physically able to do "it". So , it`s simply laziness or not wanting to pay taxes. I know people living on social welfare (europe and USA) and none of them could perform because they are either very very ill or they have mental issues. (I am a psychologist)

If i can`t command more money than i could with a regular job then i would stop escorting. IF you can`t do high volume (all can be learned, i have not seen high volume ladies being born to do`s IMHO a ridiculous judgement......) then you should - even more - make at least higher rates.
It is a difference to sell yourself than to sell something you do. No one should do incalls at their own place either, if they don`t want to end up dead one way or the other down the road. ANd i mean, seriously, what kind of clients are going that way? I would probably not want to be caught in bright daylight with full clothes on in a shopping mall with them. The cheaper you go the more idiots you get. Granted. Probably the clients live off welfare too, right?

The women who work that way are mostly "non professionals". They either do the job to support drug habits or some other bad habits and therefor they think the rules of acting professional don`t apply to them. Its irresponsible and just plain stupid.

What i would do in such a case? If i knew that area or woman or what not, then i would probably ask her if she need help . Some women don`t have enough self esteem, that is why they don`t charge more, or behave properly. (And i like women with low self esteem much better than the ones with inflated sense of self acting even more stupid) You can help them build up a professional self and talk with them about self esteem. Escorts should create a network of assistance and help to each other. When we see women acting like that, it is most out of desperation and a certain inexperience (strong drug habits or laziness aside, then it can`t be helped). I have a lover who is sexwork counselor in Europe, and he faces mostly women with drug habits that do that kind of act. They don`t see themselves as professionals, that is the most problem of all.
My niece is 18 years old living in Ohio in a small run down shack farm with her ill mother. She finished HS here but moved up North to help her mom. She is weeks away from having her first baby. She has tried and tried to get a job and cannot seem to get one. She is now on welfare and believe me they are struggling right now. I would never tell her to escort but if she ever called me asking questions I would not judge her for thinking about it. I know how dire things are for her right now. Anyway off my high horse can't really say much more on the subject. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
We all have and know these kind of stories i am sympathetic with it as well. But then i would start doing it "the right way" if she ever asked about escorting.
The most problematic of all escorts are the ones coming from middle class with functioning families and then sobbing about their stories. So the problem with that kind of stories is that it might be considered a con too, since every middle class escort runs around telling how bad mummy treats them.
Most often people with problems appear very strong outside and only someone like you - who knows them - would really know what is going on.
I mean we all have some sorts of "issues" to deal with, no matter what area of work we are in. I recently found out that a friend of mine who i have known for years, has been sold by her own mother when she was a child to men. She also does not abuse the social system. She is one of the most put together people i know of. ANd she has never told anyone what happened to her, because she felt so ashamed of herself and did not know how she could possibly talk to her burgeouise boyfriend and family about her life and why she does not talk to her mother. Burgeouise people complain about things that are not problems but rather a relief when some of us would face them :-).
The people who constantly sob about their problems are the ones who rarely have some IMHO. So, it is even more important when we see a woman in pain acting like that, that we offer our support, BUT do not condone such behaviour as well. As i said, most often they don`t think they are worthy to charge more, not that they can`t . :-).
To the OP: Do you feel that if someone is living on government assistance of any kind that they should not be allowed to use any of the money toward hiring escorts? Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
I DEFINITELY feel that somebody that is receiving government assistance SHOULD NOT spend that money on escorts. That is not what that money is intended for. That money is intended to help buy food or heat your home during the cold months. It's like going to the store and using your food stamps to buy crab legs. It just doesn't seem right to me. Seeing an escort is a luxury, not a necessity to stay alive.

Also, in your examples the person is disabled or elderly. First of all, in my opinion, which is all it is is an opinion, disabled or elderly should not be working as escorts. And second of all my post was not directed toward disabled or elderly. I am talking an able-bodied person in good health. Do you think that it is okay for an able-bodied person of good health to get government assistance while they are charging $200-$300 per hour to suck dick? I don't. And please stop with the judgmental line. We are all entitled to our opinions. Whether you perceive that as judgmental or not, it is my opinion.
pyramider's Avatar
Hooktards can make a lot of money in a month, I have seen it. But they only have the opportunity to make money if the phone rings. If the phone does not ring there is no income.
But what the hell is the issue with a Walmart greeter getting assistance but an escort earning the same amout is evil? Originally Posted by Old-T
If an escort is earning the same amount of money as a Walmart greeter, in my humble opinion, she should not be in the escort business. Let's be realistic here, even slow, unpopular escorts make more money than greeters at Walmart.
They are either wheelchair bound or some other physical issue which makes it impossible for them to have intimacy with a woman. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
Being intimate with the woman is not a necessity for survival.
So… If you do know them, then it's okay to judge them?
Unless you personally know people living on social security, disability, and or welfare and get the real stories behind what their life is like no one should judge them. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
Just FYI I know PLENTY of people living on Social Security, disability and welfare. My mom is one of them.
Naomi4u's Avatar
If an escort is earning the same amount of money as a Walmart greeter, in my humble opinion, she should not be in the escort business. Let's be realistic here, even slow, unpopular escorts make more money than greeters at Walmart. Originally Posted by Naughty Destiny
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  • Old-T
  • 11-05-2011, 04:53 PM
I am sorry Naomi and Naughty, there is a reality out there that neither of you seems to understand. Again, if there are no small children around I would tend to agree with you--but far too often there are. When you live in a smaller town, when public transportation is limited or non-existant, when child care is assumed to be done by kin but your kin have shunned you for "shaming the family", the reality you (and I) live in seems little more than a fairy tale.

I truly hope you never experience it. But the reality is if you have not lived and tried to work in a rural farm town, or a busted rust belt city, or on a rez, then you probably don't really understand. It isn't NYC, DC, LA, Las Vegas, etc. It isn't even the same as the bad parts of the inner cities (they are bad--grew up on the fringe of one--but the issues and problems are very, very different). In reality it doesn't stop with workers in this business, this is just the topic of the board.
You right Old t....
Not all ppl live in a town with plenty of jobs are have nice autos, or have baby sitters, or have a damn credit card to even do advertising for escort work.
They won't listen T...
I am sorry Naomi and Naughty, there is a reality out there that neither of you seems to understand. Again, if there are no small children around I would tend to agree with you--but far too often there are. When you live in a smaller town, when public transportation is limited or non-existant, when child care is assumed to be done by kin but your kin have shunned you for "shaming the family", the reality you (and I) live in seems little more than a fairy tale. Originally Posted by Old-T
I grew up in a single parent home (dad is a recovering crack addict, so he was NEVER around, and when he was it was HELL) in a small town in the South where the economy has, IMHO, always been crappy. She had to take care of 5 kids (2 boys, 3 girls). My mom worked full time as a secretary at a college. Since my dad was officially gone from our lives, we qualified for public assistance. The idea really bothered her, but wth was she to do with 5 step ladder aged children when she couldn't feed them. She decided to take advantage of the help and even signed up to go back to college. She had 5 kids at home, so furthering her education was a long and tedious road. When she got her Bachelor's degree, she got a small promotion and a $1 raise. She reported her new income and was informed that it put us some odd amount of change over the maximum income for public assistance qualifications. She made NOTHING CLOSE to what she needed to take care of us, AND she was still in school. But, because her job gave her a little extra (to THEM, at least) change, we were dropped. She kept working her ass off, kept going to school, and finally got her Master's degree at 39. BETTER JOB, BETTER LIFE. THIS is a first hand example of a woman who worked hard, stayed focused (through all the strife), and took advantage of the system in the RIGHT way. She didn't lie, cheat, or steal from taxpayers.

In my case, I AM a single mother. Because child support hasn't started (don't we just LOVE our gov't ), I get absolutely ZERO support from the EX. Do I run down to the foodstamp office or the housing office with a sob story of how I'm a single mother with not one, but TWO small children who I get no support for? No. I don't. Why not? Because in my opinion, there is no way I should be in this line of work needing public assistance. Am I an honest person? Yes. Am I hard working? Yes. Do I have family to help with childcare? No. I don't have family help with childcare because I don't live near family. Even if I did live near family, I never ASSUME that they would help me with childcare. Yes, it would be GREAT if they did, but at the end of the day, my children are just that, MINE. I made the choice to have them, and I can't EVER assume that anyone but myself will make sure they are taken care of and provided for. BUT, I do have common sense, I know that there are reliable resources that have nothing to do with family as far as childcare is concerned. Do I live in a "busted rust belt city" where the best job is a Wal-Mart cashier and you have to "know someone" to even be considered for hire? YES, lol. My advertising and profile may not reflect so, but I do. BUT, because I have found the needed resources, I am afforded the luxury of being able to be where I need to be when I need to be there. Public transportation? Non-existent. But, if you can get a ride to the foodstamp/housing office to apply for assistance, I'm sure you can get a ride to other places as well. Are the reasons you listed all pretty valid excuses for a single mother/provider to seek assistance? Yes, they are. But, you have to recognize them just for what they are, EXCUSES. I have all the makings for the PERFECT setup to cheat the system. This interests me in no shape, form, or fashion. Maybe if I was in a different line of work I'd feel different. I am a provider who has set a a standard, works hard, and applies myself. I don't wait for people to do something for me. Seriously, I get up off my ass and get it done myself. I came into the hobby alone a very short time ago. Because I have applied myself (reaching out to various experienced, reputable providers and hobbyists and actually taking their advice and direction to heart), I have gotten pretty far and made some very good connections. Am I high volume? No. Would I like to make more money? Who doesn't? But, these are not excuses either because a smart and responsible person lives on a planned budget, even the rich. Do I splurge every now and then? Damn right, because I have the RIGHT to. I work hard, I live/spend sensibly within my means, and BOTH of my kids have money put away. But, a responsible provider can buy herself something special every now and then because all her other ducks are in order.

All of that to say that coming from BOTH sides of this track (experiencing a TRUE need for public assistance as a child and being a single mother provider with NO support) I agree wholeheartedly with:
I just don't see anything wrong with the average person using government assistance.
It's just the lady that escort that I see it being a big problem with. I mean we make A LOT of money.
We may not be rich but it's still a lot of money. I don't think there is any excuse for it if you ask me. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
If you work hard and put good energy into the atmosphere, kismet will turn that good karma back on you. If all you do is sit around making excuses for why you're living the way you are and waiting for a handout, then you'll forever remain stuck in the rut you dwell in. The situation I grew up in along with the demise of a relationship leaving me with two children to fend for on my own are the perfect circumstances to make someone a "statistic". But, your life is YOURS and can only be what YOU make of it. I guess my values and determination are too strong for me feel comfortable cruising through life on excuses.
there's only one answer: It doesn't matter.

Single women do not get government assistance unless they have children.

The question then is:

Should the child of an escort be housed, fed, have access to medical and education? If that's considered despicable, then I'm all for despicable mothers.

If I had to escort, get food stamps, Medicaid, public housing to feed and cloth my kids - bet your ass I would. And to hell with anyone who judged me.