SL or Whispers?

Still Looking's Avatar
Were I a provider it would be the one with smallest cock and best cash offer. But Im a guy and my choice is SL because we both were turned down by same provider a few years ago. Originally Posted by lickesplit
Hummmm I'm thincking....
WHat can I say...... Young pretty women bring out the best in me....

T-Therapy has kept that "best" in place...

I'm not in shape to run a marathon but in the limited area of a king size bed I can log some quality cardio time.... Originally Posted by Whispers
"... I can log some quality cardio time...."

The visual of 300+ lbs. of heaving wheezing Whispers on a bed just caused me to drink a gallon of mind bleach.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Come on Whispers. Step it up. You don't have a chance if you don't counter what SL wrote. I think it was brilliant selling himself in a brand new thread about being nice again.

I'm rooting for you buddy.
Come on Whispers. Step it up. You don't have a chance if you don't counter what SL wrote. I think it was brilliant selling himself in a brand new thread about being nice again.

I'm rooting for you buddy. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
"... selling himself..."
Whispers's Avatar
"... I can log some quality cardio time...."

The visual of 300+ lbs. of heaving wheezing Whispers on a bed just caused me to drink a gallon of mind bleach.
Originally Posted by Observing

All anyone has to do is look at your post history lady to know that I am ALL you ever think about.... Well..... SL and I it seems....
Treetop78759's Avatar
"... I can log some quality cardio time...."

The visual of 300+ lbs. of heaving wheezing Whispers on a bed just caused me to drink a gallon of mind bleach.
Originally Posted by Observing
Does that mean Whispers won't be getting your vote?
Whispers's Avatar
Come on Whispers. Step it up. You don't have a chance if you don't counter what SL wrote. I think it was brilliant selling himself in a brand new thread about being nice again.

I'm rooting for you buddy. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
If you haven't caught on yet..... I'm rooting for SL! He deserves the recogniton....

I enjoy being the hated guy nobody wants..... That way when my GF looks in and is concerned I might be misbehaving she can read all this and I can say "See... Nobody wants me... Nothing to worry about!"
Still Looking's Avatar
Whispers has been around twice as long as me. He has helped countess hobbyists with excellent advice and hooked many a brother up. Lots of people not having met him are certainly not in love with his bad boy persona. But if you ever decide to get to know the man your opinion might change.

Whispers like myself stands up for what he believes in. He cares about providers safety and I know first hand things he has accomplished in the name of providers being safe. Those are things he never posts or are never talked about. Then when some one does say something nice about him the "usual Suspects" or "Troll Killers" as they like to refer to themselves, chase him around the board taking the same old cheap shots from the cheap seats.

Many of us were involved in his charity for kids. Many know first hand how hard he worked to help children. To this day people trash talk him for his efforts and lie about him.

I'm certain he (The Boss As I Call Him) will be none to happy with my post here. And there will be those that will clearly hate me as well. Well that's okay. I'm in good company then.

We all have our beliefs. Whispers is no different. At least he takes a stand for what he believes in. Not much bothers him because he knows its all BS. needless to say if he feels there is an issue or any injustice he is NOT afraid to speak his mind. let the consequences be what they may the man stands up for what he believes in.

My its so easy to sit there and give people grief over and over and over. Then when it happens to you the RTM button goes off like a dope dealers pager at a drug house picnic.

whispers isn't going any ware till he damn well chooses. its about time to get over it. If he really bothers you that much put him on ignore. But noooooo he's the guy you love to hate. And he just keeps coming back for more.

What I'm saying is true and there are tons of board members that would agree with me. But Whispers goes out of his way to keep quiet about the good he does. I mean after all if he didn't "WHO IN THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO HATE?" SpiceItUp, Rockerrick, DearHunter or WakeUp? Yeah give them a try let's see how that works out for you.

I'm not giving my votes to Whispers he deserves them!
Whispers's Avatar
You are annoying me Sir!

I mean after all if he didn't "WHO IN THE HELL ARE YOU GOING TO HATE?" SpiceItUp, Rockerrick, DearHunter or WakeUp? Yeah give them a try let's see how that works out for you.
Originally Posted by Still Looking
They would certainly wonder what they woke-up to if that group posted here regularly.
17 takers total so far. Can they put an add up and make some bank?
Wakeup's Avatar
No need to bring my name into this amateur hour brofist convention...count yourselves fortunate...
oh, nevermind. I thought the question was who was the sexier of the two....closest to a review I thought I could read about them (chuckle)
No need to bring my name into this amateur hour brofist convention...count yourselves fortunate... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Never mind SL.
He's the resident name dropping RTM tappin' flash/trash talking under performing manic posting yahoo in these parts.
Treetop78759's Avatar
I'm thinking that putting SL first gave him an advantage over Whispers.

Guess who I voted for?
Still Looking's Avatar
No need to bring my name into this amateur hour brofist convention...count yourselves fortunate... Originally Posted by Wakeup
SorryWakeUp I forgot you have no sense of humor. Won't happen again.