I don't like to speak antagonistically of my own gender, but due to the fact that she is a woman and will declare that she is for "women's rights", women who take no interest in politics at the most important time to pay attention (while there are no elections going on)
will decide to vote, when she starts "using" women as her "voting tool", as our present President did with the blacks, and first time voters, of course we all know how that turned out.

My opinion, stay home, you have no right to be at the voting poles, when you take no interest in the entirety of this country, how can one make an intelligent decision without all the facts.

Honestly probably only a 1/3 of this country can vote intelligently, (and I'm not talking special interest groups, as we all know they are at the head of the line) as they have taken an interest in whatever partisan side shall benefit them (in other words, whoever kisses their ass) Hillary, in my opinion has moved so far left in later years (she is a smart woman, she knows which side of toast is buttered for her) anybody know that in her college years, she was a Republican. How times change.