Providers and STD testing

FirePhoenix's Avatar
Just wondering what will happen and hope like hell doing this isn't a mistake.
Mine looks the same. I have it in my wallet & willing to let anyone to see it or call about the clean results!

Just did mine last week at RBJ. I love that place. 20 bucks.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
No kidding right! Can't bet 20 all though I have heard about other places are for free. Well this is disappointing. Was hoping for all that keyboard talk others would step up to the plate. Oh, well
quzi's Avatar
  • quzi
  • 01-28-2016, 09:31 PM
Unless you saved the voice recording of the other tests, I don't believe any of it outside of HIV.
TehRyc's Avatar
Are hand scribbled notes on a pre-filled out paper what you receive in Austin. Not to throw out any doubt, but how easy is it not to grab a piece of paper and just throw the some fake pen to paper?
FirePhoenix's Avatar
The othr 2 test that are pending take a couple of days to culture out. I had talked with the nurse about going back on Wednesday so they can put the results down and initial the card. Why wouldn't you believe the syphilis test? It based off of blood work. It is your right to not believe anything. Why should I care if you do or don't? Thwre are many people in the world you can say the sky is blue and they will always say No, it's purple.