Thanks Obama

lilylivered's Avatar
Only for the master race
jokacz's Avatar
cowboy8055's Avatar
Congratulations, you've discovered the core of the problem. Originally Posted by jokacz
Well it's good to know I'm not wrong all the time lol
cowboy8055's Avatar
The vast majority of the new addicts are poor white trash.
Originally Posted by jokacz

Actually many of them are middle class folks coming off prescription drugs.
The government (federal, state & local) takes & redistribute @ $7 Trillion dollars from the people every year. The source of the funds are taxes and borrowing in the peoples name.

No matter who is president they are not going to stop taking and redistributing. Despite all the rhetoric, ideology and politics the fight is really about who gets the redistribution.

Why not redistribute some of our money back to the people in something worthwhile that everyone needs like health insurance?
If you give the keys to the kingdom to this thing all the redistribution of wealth will go the the neocons for war and corporate welfare

cowboy8055's Avatar
Why not redistribute some of our money back to the people in something worthwhile that everyone needs like health insurance? Originally Posted by sexman333

I actually wouldn't have a problem with that if I thought the quality of healthcare service wouldn't suffer. The health insurance companies won't allow a single payer system administered by the government any time soon.

If I had to choose between wasting billions on pointless wars or putting that money towards universal healthcare I'll choose the later. But what's the likelihood of that happening.
Ceremony's Avatar
I wouldn't have much of a problem with it either if the federal government didn't already prove that they are completely irresponsible with our money.
jokacz's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
your party sucks, yet so dos mine
So you just keep posting the funny pic's please
Oh and by the way the Republican party also hate Trump
One reason Republican Voters Trump
I wanted Ben
so pic's from you would be the same if ....
only the banes will change

from your party
Carter very likable but sucked at the job
Bill was ok in my view
Obama mmmm super sucked at the job imho
and well Hillary belongs in jail waiting for the trial to end and well prison ready

Reagan I liked
Bush I mmmm so so
Bush II sucked
Tricky Dicky was not bad at the job. But that hand in cookie jar. Well to late for jail LOL

come on you and say some from your party suck and from the other some where ok
this terned gay in a hurry
jokacz's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Originally Posted by jokacz
define Assault weapon please
as I bet you do not know what one is
lilylivered's Avatar
Assault weapons are illegal which are automatic.
Semi automatic guns which libtards and libtard media call assault weapons are only SEMI automatic but they LOOK like the automatic ones