Being outted by the same person Twice! Mods Seeking P

Girl I don’t know shit about you nor do I want to. The only reason that I said seeking P was because you’re the one that stated that in the very beginning of the very first post of this whole thread. Calm down,. Nobody wants to be you. I clearly said in the beginning of the only post I made that I didn’t mean disrespect I was just giving my two cents just the same way that you do. And I was using voice text because I like to multitask and get a lot of shit done at the same time. And I didn’t know you were such the grammar police. Honey trust that I am very well educated... The one post that I made in coed was only meant to be funny, and maybe a few post after that you single-handedly turned it in to over 100 comments. Now you start this subject and it has gone to however many pages its at. So are you trying to keep yourself relevant, are you trying to start drama what are you trying to do? I’m pretty sure you’re doing just fine seeing as how you always say that to everyone all the time anytime someone brings up a point well made. I’m pretty sure you know what a typo Is.. if you’re smart enough so you could’ve took it as that but instead you wanted to be snotty and callout how I needed grammar, punctuation etc.. Girl you need to chill out, take a breather and learn how to take the good with the bad. None of us on here are perfect a lot of us on here are more assholes than others. But you have yourself a good evening girl. Don’t you have a job to go to like you’ve mentioned it public before? I know 1 thing u WON’T do, is lie & try to drag my name thru ANYTHING 2 do with u! I don’t even know u personally, or never been around u outside the hobby or deal w/ u online! The only thing that anybody no really is what you post on here. The claim That you made, that you said that you think that I had something to do with anything, girl please stop.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I didn't even read all this thrown up, no comma having, no paragraphing of a posting above..

Come back in do it right, so it's easy on the eyes, for God's sake!

FYI, the remarks you made "Wasn't" in this thread, it was in the other one you were referring to, in your mumble posting prior, peach's.. I caught it

It's one thing at a time, you're not the only one that did similar remarks, when being "Snooty" as you call it.

No body would've of caught it,unless they were in the know..

This is the 1st time me letting folks know that I'm aware, so I know the nature of the content in emails. Been knowing for quite some time, before the pm yesterday.

It's a few of y'all that got it, and you're one! I said, what I said, you never reported,or handed it over, but tried to use as a personal attack.

If you go back to my 1st post on, "This" thread you'll see I said it was passed out to members.(Series to be exact) Go look
I do not see anywhere that leads me to believe that Cameron received any info about you. I have no idea if she did, but I think you need to be careful throwing out accusations/suspicions when you are already doing that (rightfully or not) with another lady here.

I understand this is upsetting but you need to take a deep breath and calm down and let SMI or whomever is handling, handle it. This isn't helping your case, CB.

And FYI, neither of you need to be getting on the other about how "readable" your posts are...I'm having a hard time following more than a few posters in this thread! LOL
Champagne Brown's Avatar

I dont know when this other girl got my info from, Seeking Penis.. She didn't disclose all of that, except for seeking p gave her the same stuff that was forward to me, while I was in kirkwood.(I'm sure this was a series of emails that was sent out to, hobbyist, and providers with my personal info from government records, with my real life name [first and last name], as well Facebook!) Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
Why would I say that above, series?

Because remarks like yours in other thread that you're referring to...

Champagne Brown's Avatar
I do not see anywhere that leads me to believe that Cameron received any info about you. I have no idea if she did, but I think you need to be careful throwing out accusations/suspicions when you are already doing that (rightfully or not) with another lady here.

I understand this is upsetting but you need to take a deep breath and calm down and let SMI or whomever is handling, handle it. This isn't helping your case, CB.

And FYI, neither of you need to be getting on the other about how "readable" your posts are...I'm having a hard time following more than a few posters in this thread! LOL Originally Posted by B Three

What I'm talking about is a remark she made dear...
In other thread, do you want me to send it to you, then break it down?

Like I said she's not the only one, there's a few, can count on one hand made similar remarks.. Where would they get the idea from,ijs
No thank you. There is more than enough info flying into my PM box...don't need anymore. I'll stick to the ladies' areas...
Champagne Brown's Avatar
B Three, I wasn't trying to throw her in it, but she put herself in it..

That comment she made didn't come from outta the sky, and I knew what she was referring to.. That's what I've been trying to do, is let them deal with this..

She came with the butt hurt from the other thread, and mentioned remember when you said this blah blah, and my 2cents.. She was in her feelings bottom line,and in that thread..(so I know what angle she was coming from in other thread)
pyramider's Avatar
All of this angst and not one taint photo posted.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
All of this angst Originally Posted by pyramider
Not really, but I don't discuss everything..

Cameron, has failed to tell everyone, me, and her have talked on the phone a few times.. (she called me) Shes also brought up stuff about me regarding this person(stuff said about me), will leave that alone.. This was way before the blackout..

Thats why I didn't know why, she thought I was attacking her in her thread.. She wanted to be a double partners too.

Still haven't put our private phone call out here, and no plans to do it.. Its more then what the eye can see
Yes I have talk to you on the phone maybe three times. And yes I talked about doubles. We never agreed on doing doubles. And mind you this was before I actually checked you out and saw that you have a terrible attitude about stuff like this. And I found out about you outing someone in the past which is why I never even met up with you, only talk with you on the phone. And then you’re saying that you sent something out on Monday or something, and then you’re saying I got it and never replied or responded? What the hell you talking about because I never got anything. And nor do I care to get anything. I’m not butt hurt I’m just saying look at your antics and the way you carry yourself, it’s a pattern . You came with the negativity on my thread a month or so ago, and now you’re coming with negativity here when there was none to begin with. Do you go on people‘s posts and you give your two cents and make statements, and I’m doing the same thing. But yet there’s a problem when I do it. Girl nobody wants to be like you. And then when it starts to get a little hot in your direction, you switch the subject to try to divert that negative attention elsewhere. Why not put this whole subject speaking in private with someone why do you have to put it all out in public? Is it to get a rise out of people? And your answer to everything is oh she’s butt hurt oh she’s mad, no nobody is were just tired of the negativity. I’m not a perfect person and neither is anybody here we all have our Faults.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I cant read your stuff, and im not being sarcastic..(Stopped reading in the beginning)

Also at this time, I don't care what you have to say..

Just letting it be known, we've talked.. They can go back, and read it.. You been a member long enough here, ijs..So I don't buy that bullshh

Let's put a time stamp: You called me like 8mnths ago(something like that), not last yr or a yr before that.. So now we on the up in up
Yeah girl you just need to drop this. As beginning to make you look really bad. Worried about people knowing and wanting people to know who and when you just talk on the phone to? Who cares about who talked on the phone? I sure as hell don’t.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
It's matters!

Cause of the nature of the phone call we had, that hasn't been shared on the board.. You need to stop, because your making yourself look bad..

I will share that with the mods, when that time comes.. You, know what you said, and I know what you said.. For me to put it out here, would be putting part of the nature of the email on this board..

It makes you look bad, because you fail to leave out our phone call, and leaving the masses to "Think" I'm just throwing stuff out, and trying to attack you without reason.. They need all the missing parts, ijs..
Mmmkay then... haven’t you been banned for outing? Therefore why would anybody take any kind of advice or anything you say seriously? I know it’s funny is that you say you have information and I’m guessing you’re trying to get me in trouble babe I’ll be waiting, simply because I know there is no information that would get me banned. Girl and I’ve seen post where you tell all of your business, and then want to turn around and say that you’re getting out of bed someone. Now if I was petty I would post the links of you telling all your little business. But, instead I’m gonna take a classy route & drop my mic here.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Getting out of bed someone? Doesn't make sense..

I'm not trying to get you into trouble, and tried my best to leave you out of it.. You made me have to make things clear, on what exactly is going on here with me,and you, so everyones on the up and up..

Why did I have to bring the phone call up, huh?

Why didn't you bring it foward?

The things you tried to personally attack me on in your slick way(Your Thread). Our discussed phone call has never came out my mouth.. Photo that was shared on fb, was never on here, or discussed here.. (So didn't out myself on these issues)

Your other stuff has nothing to do with this report..

Whatever business your yapping about me sharing, , won't be on this issue and you're about to hang yourself.. You won't find this issue coming out of my mouth, but a few slick remarks from members letting me know they got my info in discreet little way. Some forget about calls apparently too