I have never meet you before and after looking at your showcase I hope to change that someday because you are an extremely attractive woman. As far as you taking to heart other people's "negative" opinion(s) about you I would like you to keep this quote in mind......opinions are like ass holes, everybody has one.
I've always thought you had one of the hottest bodies on Eccie. I've admired your abs from afar and wished I had the motivation to do crunches, lol. Guess what, the spinner lovers may be more active on the boards, but there is certainly no shortage of hobbyists for all body types, take it from me.

The gentleman who disclosed this alleged info wasn't being a true gentleman IMHO. Take it with a grain of salt. You are, indeed, a hottie!
Why didn't you contact me to discuss these issues? You know you can and that I will do whatever I can to help.
flowerflower1's Avatar
you are incredibly beautiful on the outside but it pales in comparison to your inner beauty.
  • T-Can
  • 01-16-2011, 08:15 AM
Last week, I had two of the most amazing, sexy NEW clients who loved me on every level, one reminded me of Pierce Brosnan, the second Dave Navarro and they will both repeat. Originally Posted by Angelina Adams
Oh my, now I feel like a bag of rocks - I could never compare to those guys as clients

But on a serious note Angelina, I'm glad you are getting it under control - take care!
Joel Goodson's Avatar
Wow. I wasn't expecting to read anything like this today.

First off, yesterday you could have considered me as not one of your detractors, as well as not one of your love-stung admirers. To be clear, you have always struck me as being stunningly beautiful, yet with an undeniably grand opinion of yourself online. I'm sorry, but it just seemed that you trumpeted your many obvious assets in nearly every post of yours that I read, and that any criticisms (real or perceived) were often met with denial or intolerance. It comes off as a somewhat conceited and superficial persona to me.

Okay...now my view of your personality is in collapse. Before this it never occurred to me to ponder the "why" involved in what I read from you this past year.

Maybe it's a defense mechanism that instinctively reacts, or plays a strong offense to protect this woman's vulnerable self-image? That's what I am reading here.

Angelina, my best wishes go out to you. Always remember that you don't need me, NBA players, or anybody else to validate who you are.

Also bear in mind that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and only skin deep. Nobody can be all things to all people...Nobody.

Lastly, consider that discriminating against everyone in Austin as a whole based on some individual's or group's supposed opinion (and based on secondhand info to boot) has the appearance to the rest of us as being unjustified and more than a bit spiteful. Think about it...

What an honest and revealing epiphany from you Angelina. Thank you lowering your guard for once and showing your softer side. I find it VERY attractive.

There are many moods to you AA. I hope that our paths cross someday.

Take care of yourself Sweetie.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Well said Joel...you're truly insightful! And, Jackie S...you posted a valid point, but I don't think pushing *tough love* is appropriate either. Part of her therapy she will be asked to consider informing her immediate family and close friends of her disorder. She needs understanding and support from everyone who she feels to be an integral part of her life.

Angelina, I'm sorry to hear you've been suffering...I can empathize with much of what you've posted. When I was very young, I had absolutely NO self-esteem...and experienced body dysmorphia as you have, from the age of 9yrs up until my late 20's.

I would look at myself, in a mirror, and see nothing but a disgusting, fat little Asian girl. The kids at school would bully me...criticize my clothes...and make fun of my nationality. So, add that on top of what I was seeing, and you get a very depressed and afflicted person.

I came from a very abusive family...and even though I had Rock Stars, NFL players, Pro Surfers, and an MVP Texas Ranger wanting to date me...I couldn't *see* what they saw and NEVER thought I was beautiful or *good* enough for anyone. It's very difficult for most people to completely understand what goes on inside the mind of someone who has this disorder.

The eating disorder is a symptom of deeper issues. I hope you've been able to find a knowledgeable and reputable therapist...as that will make a huge difference for your long-term recovery. I would recommend someone who is a cognitive-behavioral therapist and a good medical doctor to be on your team.

I realize this is your choice of a career...but, I would hope you consider taking time out to heal yourself first. The hobby can be a very unforgiving and harsh environment for someone who's plagued with this type of disorder...constantly, being under pressure of meeting unrealistic expectations.

I doubt you will be forgotten here...and anyone who would tell you otherwise, doesn't have your best interest at heart. My prayers and compassion go out to you...I hope you make good choices and put yourself FIRST and foremost.
Angelina, I have only had the pleasure of seeing you once. I'm shocked and saddened by your post. My heart goes out to you. I agree with those urging you to seek help from someone who has experience in these areas. I do not.
If anyone on the board knows some outstanding professionals who have experience in this type of counseling, I would urge them to pm the recommendations to AA. I think this should be done confidentially. I wish I knew someone in the field.
Best wishes.
Angelina, no I've never had the pleasure of meeting you, but you're smart, and super sexy. I know you have the strength and courage to overcome this. I believe in you as do so many others... you're in my thoughts and prayers.

Trooper H
caramelqtee mila's Avatar
I honestly always felt you are one of the sexiest ladies on this board,and it really hurt my heart to hear what you are going through internally. I hope you are able to come to a solution for your body,beauty,and piece of mind,ill definitely pray for you darlin. Whoever that said that about you is an insecure,cheap,pathetic,weasel . You are beautiful,successful,and deserving of happiness so believe every wonderful sentiment in this thread being told to you and keep your head up doll! xoxoxo
manfred's Avatar

The time we had, was the best ever for me. You have to be one of the best.
Angelina, I feel for you. An eating disorder, alcohol, emotions and disappointments tied in with that can certainly tax a person.

For what it's worth, you are absolutely gorgeous and have nothing to worry about. We all have people that like/dislike us. The more beautiful/intelligent/classier you are, the more women will dislike you. Ironically, where we tend to disillusion ourselves is that there are just as many men who will not like us as well.

When I was in my teens, I starved myself because I was too busy worrying about what others thought and being popular. It didn't help that I was competing in pageants and modelling. I am 5'6" and of German descent so I have large bones. I got down to 103 lbs. I lived on lettuce and allowed myself 1 egg white every two days and water only. I was definitely ill and couldn't acknowledge it. It truly took five years for me to finally start seeing myself as I was and believe me it wasn't easy during that time. Eventually, I did get past that and so will you. Have faith.

You have taken the first step and you have acknowledged your issues. You'll get to the roots and you'll get better. I'd delve a little deeper. Normally, it would take more than just one person's opinion to cause this much damage. If you would like to pm me and need to talk to someone, I'll be here for you. You're in my prayers.
Hello All:

For those who had very thoughtful and nurturing advice and words in response to my confession, I thank you immensely! Exposing my debacle was very humiliating and something that I wanted to do knowing it could potentially hurt my business. I will be sending PMs to those of you who reached out to me in a very hard time of my life. Initiating this thread was very healing for me in some respects and the advice I received was considered on my part and will be applied accordingly.

By no means will I be leaving the hobby or be announcing a retirement. I have befriended several clients who have brought me great happiness. In fact, my repeat clientele brings me joy and confidence.

Lastly, I apologize for the delay in this response, I have been away to Miami/Ft. Lauderdale for several days on a repeat date to get away. Again, thank you so much! Your responses reaffirm that there are really good, sound and classy individuals with a huge heart! God Bless all of you!


Angelina Adams

(MODS - per the request of the OP, can you please close this thread - it has run its course! - thank you!)
As you wish.