Donations when to pay?

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If we (providers) do our screening properly...there shouldn't be many times that we get cheated...unless a provider doesn't offer a truthful reference. Originally Posted by Likinikki
Right on!

If it is someone I am seeing for 1st time .. envelope in the bathroom. I won't take it till I leave, but I prefer it be placed there nonetheless.

If it is a repeate date ... anywhere and anytime the Gentleman prefers.

i like what nikki says on page 1.

furthermore, if your a true gentleman you wont short the lady.
also if she counts it in front of me, first meeting or not, there wont be a second meeting. its a two way street.

i walk in make it a point to drop it on a table close by when she is looking and not mention it.

also i cannot stand a lady that is too controlling, let me explain
you walk in. and off the bat she says come into the room here, lay the donation here, get comfortable on and on. i never saw her a second time.

i did see one that right as i walked in the door it was on, and it was our first meeting. after the time was up she excused herself and upon returning it was available for her to see. she is the only one to date i have seen twice.

one last thought, when you providers do your screening is it not a subject to ask the references provided, then you dont have to do the uncomfortable counting.

one last thought, when you providers do your screening is it not a subject to ask the references provided, then you dont have to do the uncomfortable counting.
atx Originally Posted by atxrefman
it's quite possible for a guy to be a perfect gentleman with one lady and be a perfect d!ckwad and shortchange the next. it's been done before. and before the losers jump in and defend the guy who shortchanges, if you walk into the situation with a shortchanged envelope, the ladies service had nothing to do with it.
mikahranae's Avatar
it's quite possible for a guy to be a perfect gentleman with one lady and be a perfect d!ckwad and shortchange the next. it's been done before. and before the losers jump in and defend the guy who shortchanges, if you walk into the situation with a shortchanged envelope, the ladies service had nothing to do with it. Originally Posted by dirty diana
Exactly. Like I said the guy that used me as a reference was a very sweet guy and had the correct donation both times I saw him. Several ladies have done their screening correctly and still got shorted. It happens, it doesn't mean the lady did not screen properly or that the provider that gave a false reference!
mikahranae's Avatar
Very sad that you would not see a provider again just because she wanted to know the correct donation was there first. So I guess you won't go back to Best Buy since they counted your money first before they let you walk out the door with their goods. She offers you the best service of your life and makes you feel like a king but you won't go back because she counted the money first WOW. These guys are hilarious! Maybe you didn't read my post but a guy used me as a reference and I had no problem giving one for him since he left the correct donation and was a gentleman. He still shorted the provider! I honestly would not want to see a guy that did not want to make sure I was comfortable. Like I said before it is not a practice of mine to count the money or ask for it, but I completely understand why the ladies do it.
i like what nikki says on page 1.

furthermore, if your a true gentleman you wont short the lady.
also if she counts it in front of me, first meeting or not, there wont be a second meeting. its a two way street.

i walk in make it a point to drop it on a table close by when she is looking and not mention it.

also i cannot stand a lady that is too controlling, let me explain
you walk in. and off the bat she says come into the room here, lay the donation here, get comfortable on and on. i never saw her a second time.

i did see one that right as i walked in the door it was on, and it was our first meeting. after the time was up she excused herself and upon returning it was available for her to see. she is the only one to date i have seen twice.

one last thought, when you providers do your screening is it not a subject to ask the references provided, then you dont have to do the uncomfortable counting.

atx Originally Posted by atxrefman