
bambino's Avatar Originally Posted by HDGristle
Are you meeting us in Charleroi? Big Huskie guy? I triple dare you. Let’s have a hatchet throwing competition. Chizzy has a bad back so it’s just you and me. Unless Owbie wants in. Let’s walk the streets of Charleroi. Look, I’ve known for years you’re not what your hooker board persona portrays. So does Chizzy and others. You say you like Haitians. Well, here’s your opportunity to meet them. You’ll have backup Mr Gristle. We won’t let you get harmed. Are you in?

I’ve organized many ECCIE lunches. Many have attended. But this will be my first in Charleroi. Could be interesting
HDGristle's Avatar
bambino's Avatar Originally Posted by HDGristle
So, you’re wimping out. No suprise. Mebbe I’ll just go down there with Chizzy. It’s always good checking in with him. I’ll take pictures and post them here. Stay tuned.
HDGristle's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
You coming to Charleroi with us Mr Gristle? To see for yourself. Your Google searches mean nothing. Are you scared of Haitians? Let’s met them in person. In Charleroi.
bambino's Avatar
I wonder if this has affected Charleroi’s unemployment?

Fed Chair Jerome Powell says the massive influx of illegal immigrants under Kamala has RAISED the unemployment rate: "There's been quite an influx across the borders, and that is actually one of the things that's allowed the unemployment rate to rise."
HDGristle's Avatar
I wonder if this has affected Charleroi’s unemployment?

Fed Chair Jerome Powell says the massive influx of illegal immigrants under Kamala has RAISED the unemployment rate: "There's been quite an influx across the borders, and that is actually one of the things that's allowed the unemployment rate to rise."
Originally Posted by bambino

Up anyway.
chizzy's Avatar
the loss of corning and the pasta which combined killed 400 jobs just happened, it had nothing to do with the mess in charleroi

someone posted the haitians need to find work, really? they are getting free housing and ebts that have alot more on them than alot of the poor folks from that town, free utilities etc etc, you think they are looking for work?
besides now that 400 americans are out of a job and looking elsewhere, how does bringing in the illegals make that a better employment situation?

if any of you fuckers who try to say that letting in the millions of illegals by the democrats, who scrapped the previous laws is a good thing, I can guarantee not one of you live in an area that has been a drop off point for these people. its killing the schools, its costing the taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars all for what? you know what for....the dems wanted them here for the census, which you guys probably dont understand the polictical ramifications of this and to get more votes

i hope each one of you end up getting flooded one day in your neighborhood and scholls by this
bambino's Avatar
the loss of corning and the pasta which combined killed 400 jobs just happened, it had nothing to do with the mess in charleroi

someone posted the haitians need to find work, really? they are getting free housing and ebts that have alot more on them than alot of the poor folks from that town, free utilities etc etc, you think they are looking for work?
besides now that 400 americans are out of a job and looking elsewhere, how does bringing in the illegals make that a better employment situation?

if any of you fuckers who try to say that letting in the millions of illegals by the democrats, who scrapped the previous laws is a good thing, I can guarantee not one of you live in an area that has been a drop off point for these people. its killing the schools, its costing the taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars all for what? you know what for....the dems wanted them here for the census, which you guys probably dont understand the polictical ramifications of this and to get more votes

i hope each one of you end up getting flooded one day in your neighborhood and scholls by this Originally Posted by chizzy
Mr Gristle is going to WIMP out. He can actually visit Charleroi and see for himself instead of some fantasy Google trip he made up. We tried. But no suprise. Haitians belong in Haiti with their culture. Not some struggling rural town in WPa. Wonder how they’ll handle their first winter? I’m sure they packed winter clothes!!!!!!!
Mebbe Mr Gristle will open up an account at the Belle Vernon Walmart to provide free winter clothing for the Haitians. They don’t have the money. Nor do they know what they’re in for.
But while he’s at it, he can thrown in free lift tickets at 7 Springs!!! Mr Gristle can turn the Charleroi Haitians on to the real American way!!!!!!
HDGristle's Avatar
That's what events at Holy Ghost and Mary, Mother of God are for, Bam. Until folks can get on their feet. Folks like Jerry Smith at Project Bundleup would be good to contact if you want to donate for some coats.

You'll see families who got here first sharing with recent arrivals.

You do know that most of the folks coming here from Haiti are Catholic, right? Not many Byzantine Catholics but the food pantry is right there at Holy Ghost

Chiz, I got plenty of immigrants in my neighborhood. On my street. In our school. At my church. Good folks. Good families. Hard workers. And many a business owner once they got their footing. Some of them are Haitians too
flows-with-water's Avatar
Where’s and when is lunch
bambino's Avatar
That's what events at Holy Ghost and Mary, Mother of God are for, Bam. Until folks can get on their feet. Folks like Jerry Smith at Project Bundleup would be good to contact if you want to donate for some coats.

You'll see families who got here first sharing with recent arrivals.

You do know that most of the folks coming here from Haiti are Catholic, right? Originally Posted by HDGristle
Cmon big guy, meet us in Charleroi. I’ll take you to a Catholic Church. Truth be told, they’re broke too. So, you’ll have to come off some of your cash to clothe these poor immigrants. You can also teach them to build a snowman. I’m sure they’ll be amazed!! They should go back HOME. To their CULTURE. Don’t subject them to this evil experiment. Make Haiti Great Again. Spend the money there.,The Clintons fucked that up. Leave Charleroi, and its people alone. They didn’t ask for this. Nor do they want it.
HDGristle's Avatar
How about you try this next year, Bam?

Head on down. Mingle. Spend some $ and have some fun.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 09-18-2024, 08:00 PM
I knew a school board member whose district had to host 2 immigrants in school.

Legal immigrants whose parents came from Korea to takeover a Chinese restaurant.

He told me it cost the district 80K per year in interpreters and tutors per kid.

They tried to buy the family a home about a mile away in another district, because it would have been cheaper in the long run.

Imagine what 1k illegal kids would cost a district.
HDGristle's Avatar
Charleroi has immigrants from over 40 countries Devo. Don't think they have 1k illegal kids tho.