The Controversy of building a mosque in close proximity to WTC?

As long as I can build have a brothel near Ground Zero, I don't care.
john_galt's Avatar
Here is an interesting fact; In Islam you have to take special care of the dead, they have to be purified or be considered unclean. The area around the WTC is impregnated with the dust of the people murdered that day. This would make the buildings for blocks around "UNCLEAN" by Islamic standards and should be avoided. That is if they were truly following the Koran. Doesn't that make you wonder what they are really up to (as if it wasn't obvious).
I believe you have to "wash them" which is done by some women, no embalming and bury them within 48 hours. Sometimes they are buried where they fall as it doesn't matter. I had to do this once. A special prayer is also spoken on their behalf.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
john your reaching hard if what you say is true all muslems will have to move out of their countries because of all the dead people dust there.
dirty dog's Avatar
You know what I think.... it dont matter what I think, or anyone else on this board. Its going to happen its a done deal, this is the world we have evolved into where political correctness overrides common sense and the sensebilities of the familys of those who have died. But seriously can we really expect anything else from this "me" society we have become, I mean seriously were all full of shit, we complain about the theif who broke in and stole your neighbors TV, but then we jump on line and download a song or movie, nothing wrong with stealing as long as it benefits "me" right. we all speed and everyone who partakes in this hobby is hypothetically violating the law, but yet we judge those we see on TV who are the criminals. We are a society without morals, everything is cool as long as it makes "me" feel good. There is a right and a wrong and no matter how we justify it, we are either doing right or were doing wrong.We are a nation on the decline, all great empires come to an end, they are never conqured on the battlefield no they rot from the inside out, because of greed, political coruption, lack or morals and a me first attitude. It killed the romans and it will kill this nation too. As for this mosque. You cant expect people to do the decent thing, this is not about religious tolerance, its about decency. For all of you who think we should allow it, think about this, would you want the Japanese to build a Temple of the Arizona Memorial, lets build a baptist church on top of mount rushmore, you know it comes down to one thing, should they be allowed to do it, yes, there following the law and they have done nothing wrong. Should they do it NO, because its just not the right thing to do. The fact that they feel compelled to do this even though most everyone in their hearts thinks its wrong, make me question just a little what their motives are.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
I think we have bigger things to worry about. Hell it might just be the best thing since everyone that gose there will be on that check on list.
john_galt's Avatar
I have to agree with Rush Limbaugh (I thought of it before he said it) what red-blooded construction worker (union or not) is going to build that thing.
I agree with you DD.

Legal yes, appropriate No.
nsafun05's Avatar
Here is an interesting video on this subject....
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
once again john every red-blooded construction worker (union or not) is going to build that thing that has rent or bills to pay is going to build it.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 08-20-2010, 01:09 PM
I have to agree with Rush Limbaugh (I thought of it before he said it) what red-blooded construction worker (union or not) is going to build that thing. Originally Posted by john_galt
I bet an unemployed one would be happy to work on it.

As for the area around the WTC site being "Hollowed Ground",

Also it is an activities center, not a mosque.
dirty dog's Avatar
I bet an unemployed one would be happy to work on it.

As for the area around the WTC site being "Hollowed Ground",

Also it is an activities center, not a mosque. Originally Posted by KCJoe
It has an area for prayer which makes it a Mosque.

Imagine this though, far ftched I know but interesting, what if the plan is to build it and then one night while its full of innocent muslims, radicals blow it up and the muslim world blames us.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
dirty dont go there if it happens then your on that list of list