Your jumping to conclusions way to fast anova. You have jumped the gun and insinuated that every person who posted in this thread must be having unprotected sex just cause they post a fact or info. The last poster provided info that is very true. Nowhere did he say to just forget the whole condom.
I'm glad the thread isnt closed yet. You will probably be the type of provider to post an alert on something so simple as not comprehending what people have posted. Go back to page one and direct your offense to the people who really present the risk. Most of us agree with you. But you are too hot headed currently to look and observe the info there. But its cool, that just makes you ignorant to the info, not stupid to the situations.
And just in case you take that as a jab or shot at you....ignorant means you are not aware and closed minded to any and all view about the particular topic.........its cool.