Is it disrespectful for a lady to make light of our jobs?

TexTushHog's Avatar
What the Hell is a "sexy job", anyway?!

Really?? Originally Posted by UTR ATF
British Secret Service -- licensed to kill.
Boltfan's Avatar
I sell sexy damnit! At least what many insecure people think is something that can make them sexy.
yaddayadda's Avatar
Good honest work is nothing to be ashamed of. As far as a sexy job, running a P4P web site....? How about that? LOL
Does your job bring in money, money is sexy, i don't care how you make it.

Though i have met gentlemen from just about every job, and i don't mind sitting there listening to them talk about it. Everybody has to make a living somehow.
Is it disrespectful for a lady to make light of our jobs? Originally Posted by Hercules
Yes. Who are we to judge anybody? But I'm wondering if she was being funny as opposed to be insulting?
Hmm, I can't think of very many jobs at all that I would consider "sexy". That doesn't mean that I would discount your chosen profession or line of work.

I wouldn't worry about it too much but, if her attitude was crappy, I just wouldn't see her again.

Personally, I LOVE hearing about peoples lines of work! IT is so fascinating to see where everyone comes from. I have learned LOTS over the years by listening to what people do.

Come over and tell me all about your UNsexy job and I'll bet we can have quite a discussion!
Kelly TNT's Avatar
I think collecting a Pay Check is sexy!

Be thankful that you have a job....who the heck cares what you do for a living..

You work-They pay you...

Sounds Sexy to me!!

~Kelly TNT
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Don't let anyone bring you down dude- I have two providers who got mad at me over different issues- call me broke, loser, etc and I have 3 degrees- one of which is a doctorate a six figure salary, a nice home and most of all peace of mind- I just laugh at them, but even if you were a janitor or worked at McDonalds- I respect any man that wORKS- so keep your head up
If I were Secretary of Education, I'd make it mandatory that all students take a course in learning how to NOT be offended by comments or actions of others. Why? Because you'll encounter bad behavior all your life from people you have no control over. So why not work on the one person you can control: yourself. Like my pop used to tell me when I got bent out of shape: "take it with a grain of salt" or "let it go in one ear & out the other". It may sound trite, but it really isn't. We all make the mistake of blaming someone else for our feelings. Fact is you can control your feelings, but not the other person. If someone puts you down, they are simply showing you a character flaw and one that they can correct if they become aware of it.

Basically, its all about Letting Go.
Jacrny2000's Avatar
Whats the difference between a musician and a large pepperoni pizza?
A pepperoni pizza can feed a family of four?

What do you call a musician without a girlfriend?
It dosent matter what you do, or what kind of job you have. If you have respect for yourself thats all that matters. Dont let anybody ever put you down for what you do for a living.
FWIW,those comments dont mean a thing as long as the session is great. And DeAnna Luv-- you post is so to the point.Damn,no beating round the bushes here [no pun intended!! LOL !!]

And from the discussion seen here- it appears there are 2 groups with different opinion. The provider group thinks it is tacky,disrespectful and improper. Well, no provider would say otherwise !! The hobbyist group thinks it`s no big deal,you could always say something back that is equally disrespectful or you should ignore her.

Well first thing- Why would you tell a provider your real job? I would never do that. Also simple solution-just think of a sexy job and tell her that. And just say the same to any provider instead of your real job !!

So here comes the question to all providers and clients - What is the safest or sexiest job that you could say you have to a provider ?? Surely saying that you are a garbage man and still expecting a great session - I dont believe that a provider would not mind it , no matter what the providers say[And bet you would be asked to shower if you are coming right after completing your shift as a garbage man!!]

So these jobs sound interesting - Nuclear physicist,NASA scientist , Chemistry Professor,Genetic research,Astronaut-- all are sexy !!! Fell free to add on to that list. And when asked what job you do - just say you work on micro processors with voltage content and data scripting with micromolecular analysis to evaluate the core research--- and see how soon she changes the topic !!! So simple !!!
ShysterJon's Avatar
The other day I told a provider I'm a criminal defense lawyer. She didn't laugh or make a snide remark. Of course, at the time she was sitting on the other side of a glass partition at Sterrett.
LOL @ ShysterJon! THAT is rich!
TexTushHog's Avatar
If I were Secretary of Education, I'd make it mandatory that all students take a course in learning how to NOT be offended by comments or actions of others. Why? Because you'll encounter bad behavior all your life from people you have no control over. So why not work on the one person you can control: yourself. Like my pop used to tell me when I got bent out of shape: "take it with a grain of salt" or "let it go in one ear & out the other". It may sound trite, but it really isn't. We all make the mistake of blaming someone else for our feelings. Fact is you can control your feelings, but not the other person. If someone puts you down, they are simply showing you a character flaw and one that they can correct if they become aware of it.

Basically, its all about Letting Go. Originally Posted by Daniel
I agree with you statement so far as it goes.

But there is an equal need for a class on how not to put your foot in your mouth or make statements that might offend others. I can't imaging getting too worked up by something somebody says, but if I had a dollar for every time someone said something offensive or stupid, I could retire.