To all providers:
Do not respond to a review by starting a thread defending yourself. It will only serve to give people a forum to further attack you.
Here is what you do: Type out a complete response. Say everything you need to. Really get it off of your chest. Walk away. Come back an hour later and delete it.
I have no idea what happened. NONE. But i have read the review and the rebuttal. And, unfortunately, Berkleigh looks like the jerk. And the funny part is that she could be totally right. He wasn't viscious. She was. He was never insulting. She was.
This thread should serve as a "how NOT to" handle a negative review. Just take a deep breath and keep being the best version of you possible, ladies. Everyone has a bad day at work. The key is to put as many good days between that day and today as possible. Originally Posted by sirliamscross
Amen, brotha!