YummyMarie: a place for her random ideas, thoughts, and musings

Okay 3 more really random questions:

1. I have developed an insane/borderline obsession with consuming potato chips and Doritos, especial after loads of sex. I don't mean IMMEDIATELY after, but when I'm up and about and get the munchies. Anyone else experience similar cravings for certain foods after a roll in the hay?

2. How much activity does one have to do and then stop to end up with blue balls? A client was telling me how he couldn't wait to see me cause he has been dating someone and at the end of every date and some drinks they would get it on. But the last time they got together, they had a great night but never got to the good stuff because they had a bit to drink and he fell asleep while he was waiting for her to freshen up. He couldn't understand why she wouldn't wake him, but the next morning she admitted to starting her period. So he says he had blue balls when he woke up and then for most of the day after. I mean, is it just the THOUGHT of sex that sets a guy off? I always thought there had to be a lot more attention given before a guy got worked up enough to end up with blue balls...but what do I know? I don't have a pecker. Anyways, he was very relieved after our time together.

3. I recently went out to a favorite spot of mine. It was always a total hole-in-the-wall. But the last time I went it was soooo frickin crowded and with a new bunch of wannabe hipsters that I couldn't stand it and left early. What would you do if your favorite hole in the wall all of a sudden became too TRENDY? Originally Posted by YummyMarie
These questions are a bit unusual. Why would you eat large quantities of crunchy snacks especially after sex. Although people with ADD have poor attention spans they also have a tendency to dwell on small details. The crunchy snacks help drowned out the pathetic moans of your clients that are still dancing in your head long after they leave. " Blue Balls" thats a Farm term. When farmers breed their Pigs the Pig's balls swell up to the extent that they look blue. Thats when the Farmer knows it's time to put them in a breeding pen with several females. If your client speaks of having "Blue Balls" he's either ready to breed with a female pig or he has an STD. As far as your little Hole in the Wall Bar. If you go there for the atmosphere you stay. If you go there for the people you leave and find where they went.
These questions are a bit unusual...

...people with ADD have poor attention spans they also have a tendency to dwell on small details...

..."Blue Balls" thats a Farm term.... Originally Posted by acp5762
pyramider's Avatar
Taint Tickling cures ADD.

Booty shaking at the grocery store is only legal in the produce section.
Taint Tickling cures ADD.

Booty shaking at the grocery store is only legal in the produce section. Originally Posted by pyramider

How about the frozen fruit and vegetable section??? I might be in trouble...😇
pyramider's Avatar
The frozen food section would be okay ... but you must open the doors so the cold air will make your nipples erect while you are shaking your booty.
Originally Posted by YummyMarie
I DO SAY. I also say you didn't know before hand.
The frozen food section would be okay ... but you must open the doors so the cold air will make your nipples erect while you are shaking your booty. Originally Posted by pyramider
Whew...I was getting worried there for a bit...thanks for the clarification!
I DO SAY. I also say you didn't know before hand. Originally Posted by acp5762
You are correct on the blue balls part, sir! That was quite fascinating actually :-)
I don't even know what is going on here....I saw frozen foods and wot?!
pyramider's Avatar
Whew...I was getting worried there for a bit...thanks for the clarification! Originally Posted by YummyMarie

I am nothing if not helpful ... I have other skills besides tickling taint.

Originally Posted by DallasRain
Problem with my booty shaking is that in my mind it FEELS LIKE I'm getting a good shake out of it it, but I've seen myself on video...it's so sad it's cute...lol
I don't even know what is going on here....I saw frozen foods and wot?! Originally Posted by Liliana Vess
Thank Tebow, I thought I was the only one!!!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Even if I had visual evidence, you'd need a magnifying glass...no booty here...thus...I...have...the.. .SADS:-( Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Not everyone like a big 'ol booty ya know

Looks like a pretty nice booty to me, as well as everything else!

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Thats what I was thinking too

I am nothing if not helpful ... I have other skills besides tickling taint. Originally Posted by pyramider
Fuck, there goes the neighborhood.
Summary of thread? I am too lazy to read. Seems chaotic.
Summary of thread? I am too lazy to read. Seems chaotic. Originally Posted by Liliana Vess
Me Two...I think Yummy is bummed that Valeria is gone.