toys or no toys

Hey!! I too have the Wedge and Ramp Combo! Nice. I'm thinking about getting the "Whirl" next. I love those things!
~Kelly TNT Originally Posted by Kelly TNT
Really?! Dang, I wish I had known that. I was thinking that they would have come in handy during our session since I like to stand.

Remember that for next time. I would buy my own but they would be hard to hide.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
WOW! Kelly I learn something new about you everyday. haha
CSI's Avatar
  • CSI
  • 04-16-2009, 09:37 PM
Hey!! I too have the Wedge and Ramp Combo! Nice. I'm thinking about getting the "Whirl" next. I love those things!

~Kelly TNT Originally Posted by Kelly TNT

TNT & CSI double wedged and doubled ramped???? WOW!!!
Have never tried that. If it happens, review will follow for sure.

Maxx's Avatar
  • Maxx
  • 04-17-2009, 07:43 AM
I'm not a big fan of toys, I guess they can enhance the encounter. I've only had toys brought in to the session a couple times, felt a bit awkward with toys. Maybe due to the lack of expertise with them I don't know. I sometimes wonder if the lady enjoys the toys more than me. I still prefer the flesh to flesh touch for arousal. Just my .02.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Heck yeah. Bring the toys on. I learned to keep up with the toys during the wrestling portion of the night program. If you lose track of them you may end up finding them in a way you did not intend.

This has been a public service announcement. Originally Posted by Lap52
OMG....tooo funny!!! I never quite got that wild and crazy when the toys are being utilized and always try to make sure I know exacly where they're at for quick grab and play, however.....'ve met my fav toy....mmm..mmm..mmm Glad we're all still discovering new and different pleasures and thanks CSI for the new discovery....woohoo! '-)
Kelly TNT's Avatar

TNT & CSI double wedged and doubled ramped???? WOW!!!
Have never tried that. If it happens, review will follow for sure.

CSI Originally Posted by CSI
Wow.....A little DRW, TNT, & CSI.

Dang it.....WE NEED MORE SMILES! There just isn't one available for the One eyebrow I have raised at the moment.
Ya know...for, "How Yu Doin??".
Well, that's the face I would have shown..

~Kelly TNT
LatexLover's Avatar
Kelly TNT's 69th post! Gosh I have such a one track mind!
Kelly TNT's Avatar
Ahhhh, and I missed it.


Thanks for being perverted! I appreciate that!

~Kelly TNT
5150's Avatar
  • 5150
  • 04-19-2009, 12:09 AM
Love when ladies use the toys, but please don't drive and vibrate. Had an ex-girlfriend with a pocket rocket used it while driving (all the time) almost got us killed while she had an orgasm.

Might have to bring some pocket rockets to the next social would that be ok? Might make things interesting or should I say more interesting
steverino50's Avatar
Sounds like a case of DUO .... driving under orgasm.