the TSA.. Thoughts and Opinions?

  • oeb11
  • 07-31-2019, 03:49 PM
"Y'all" refers to a rather large group of right-wing adherents on this Forum, who uniformly defend other right-wingers against charges, most specifically President Trump. for some reason, you just can't bring yourself to disagree publicly with any action of his. as if your disagreement might put his re-election in jeopardy.

The shame of our country is DPST's cannot find any better candidates than those of 2016, and 2020 is not looking any better, IMHO. Bernie and Warren Ticket - that is the sure key to defeat for the DPST's.

Nominate a better candidate than Trump - It will have my attention.
absolutely he did.. LBJ may be more Racist than Reagan and Nixon. I only linked the Nixon chat due to the timeliness of the issue, and the irony of Reagan having said "Monkeys", which linked back to TSA.. which is what the thread is about.. remember?

"Y'all" refers to a rather large group of right-wing adherents on this Forum, who uniformly defend other right-wingers against charges, most specifically President Trump. for some reason, you just can't bring yourself to disagree publicly with any action of his. as if your disagreement might put his re-election in jeopardy. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
This thread was originally centered around the inefficiencies and frustrations TSA pose upon travelers in Airports. That went quickly south when YR posted the news clip about TSA agents hanging Monkeys which was deemed to be inherently racist. Nobody is supporting that it's just not what the original thread was about. Yssup Rider is an obvious race baiter and is drawn to incorporate racism in a thread or post whenever possible.
themystic's Avatar
If you and Chung don't like the current system, propose something different.

The classic leftwing bigoted fascist thug response is "That is not my area of expertise". Any system that one derives with the American style constraints will look just like we have today.

They fundamental problem is that Chung, and you, wants to have his cake, have others pay for it, and then complain about its texture.

I have had inspections by bomb and drug sniffing dogs hundreds of times with no issue, both in transportation facilities, and other places. Apparently, others may not be abiding by the laws concerning those items. Originally Posted by kehaar
Hundreds of times out of 700 +? What country are you from again kehaar? Maybe you should join the Squad and either love America or leave it
I do not fly often, but 75% of my flights have involved "hiccups", either with me or a fellow passenger. stupid, unnecessary shit. from low-class, un-educated TSA "Agents", who have been granted a measure of authority, by reason of employment. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I get what you mean, Chung. They do have stupid as fuck rules: banning liquids due, which really was just to make the airport and vendors money, was stupid. And the shoe thing makes no sense. Other countries don't have people remove their shoes nor do younger people have to remove them in the U.S.

Right after the underwear bomber, some female TSA bitch called me out to be searched. A guy didn't explain what was going on and grabbed my junk with a female supervisor watching. I was furious. The supervisor told me that "it was for safety." I wanted to grab her tits, shove her to the floor, and say, "And that is for the Constitution." Now that I know why they are doing it, "I am like fine just get it over with." I think I have had like 5 or 6 crotch grabs.

The scanners will show up places where you are wet, so I don't know how good they are. And yes scanners can be used to see what is under your clothes, but I think that is being monitored now.

I think TSA screeners are part of a bloated bureaucracy, they do not "keep us safe".. they are smoke and mirrors bullshit, a design to look like the Government is attempting to right the failures of 9-11 Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I agree, but you have to put in context. The agents have been much nicer than they were. They really were assholes the first 10 years post 9-11, but I haven't had any issues with them in years. They are also minor league as far as government agencies.

All this Russia, Russia, Russia bullshit deflects from who really influenced last year's election, the FBI. People may think I am a Trump fan and voted for him, but the FBI re-investigated Hiliary 2 weeks before the election with Weiner's laptop and that was a dud. I think that cost HRC the election. I don't think the FBI cared who won; I just think they wanted dirt on the victor. I don't get why Russia is so evil and the FBI is so good.

Then you have the totally moronic murderers at the DEA who cracked down on doctors and pain pills. Everyone but those assholes said the opioid death rate would soar as people switched from safe legal substances to illegal ones, and that is what happened. They are literally killing people to keep their jobs to compensate for the fact that they have done nothing to help the drug problem despite the billions that they have been given. Those DEA fucks are evil bastards who HATE the Constitution, EVERY last one of them.

Point is the TSA is nowhere near as evil as those two agencies, and even though they are worthless, at least they are fairly benign now.
So...for Chung....America is still (kinda) great. Even with twit head trying to be in charge and trying to run the country with twits.

The secret is....just assume that everybody you come in contact with is a fkn uneducated racist redneck twit head supporter....and then....when you deal with a smart will be pleasantly surprised. Instead of starting threads about all the ignorant twit head supporters with no life except blowing up this board lol.

Works for me . It's just the way of life these days. Don't sweat the small stuff aka twit heads
How would it be cheaper, better, and faster if run by the airlines instead of the government? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Anything run by the private sector in cheaper and more efficient...there you go worshiping Gumment again!!
And you say you're not a socialist...Hummm
It's either government incompetence or corporate (that runs the government) greed. Take your pick. That's just how it is. Deal with or leave the country. It's just a fact of life in America. And...the really successful big corporations don't have to pay income taxes because they own the government .
absolutely he did.. LBJ may be more Racist than Reagan and Nixon. I only linked the Nixon chat due to the timeliness of the issue, and the irony of Reagan having said "Monkeys", which linked back to TSA.. which is what the thread is about.. remember?

"Y'all" refers to a rather large group of right-wing adherents on this Forum, who uniformly defend other right-wingers against charges, most specifically President Trump. for some reason, you just can't bring yourself to disagree publicly with any action of his. as if your disagreement might put his re-election in jeopardy. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Funny I've never heard you refer to the left wingers as y'all...your socialism is very apparent!!
You don't know ONE THING about me so don't insinuate as such.
Trump isn't a Conservative he just signed on the legislation to spend billions more with no way to pay for it.
I have a serious problem with his tariff policies in regard to the damage to the American economy.
All that being said he is the ONLY thing we have against the tyrannical ideas of the assclowns running to take his job.
The assclowns on parade have cinched his jeopardy there!!
There has only been one TRUE conservative President in my lifetime.
So...for Chung....America is still (kinda) great. Even with twit head trying to be in charge and trying to run the country with twits.

The secret is....just assume that everybody you come in contact with is a fkn uneducated racist redneck twit head supporter....and then....when you deal with a smart will be pleasantly surprised. Instead of starting threads about all the ignorant twit head supporters with no life except blowing up this board lol.

Works for me . It's just the way of life these days. Don't sweat the small stuff aka twit heads Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Words of ignorance...for the ignorant!!
And you 're a scholar....
rexdutchman's Avatar
Wow this derailed fast ,,, But wait MY tax dollars go toward TSA , BUT I don't fly anymore so that's One issue
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Do you pay school taxes, rexdutchman?
Wow this derailed fast ,,, But wait MY tax dollars go toward TSA , BUT I don't fly anymore so that's One issue Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Do you pay school taxes, rexdutchman? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Both good examples of why privatization of these areas would make them more applicable and more efficient.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Anything run by the private sector in cheaper and more efficient...there you go worshiping Gumment again!!
And you say you're not a socialist...Hummm Originally Posted by bb1961
Any proof at all to support your statements? I didn't think so.

Sometimes the government is better set up to handle such things -- one FBI, one IRS, one CDC, all the departments that are under the president (e.g. Labor, Interior, Agriculture, Justice, Transportation, Treasury, etc.), and the TSA.

You seem to want to argue about everything I say, just for argument's sake.
Any proof at all to support your statements? I didn't think so.

Sometimes the government is better set up to handle such things -- one FBI, one IRS, one CDC, all the departments that are under the president (e.g. Labor, Interior, Agriculture, Justice, Transportation, Treasury, etc.), and the TSA.

You seem to want to argue about everything I say, just for argument's sake. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Im thinking he has about the same "proof" that you do that the government can do it better than private.

There is a trade off between what "should" be government control and not, but the TSA is certainly one that can go either way as to the level of involvement. I feel it should be nothing more than a certification engine for each airport to handle their own security.

It's not a cookie cutter operation from airport to airport and private security with minimal certification rules would handle it nicely.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Funny I've never heard you refer to the left wingers as y'all...your socialism is very apparent!! Originally Posted by bb1961
You seem to want to argue about everything I say, just for argument's sake. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
this.. I'm not taking the bait. you just want to argue, bb1961.

Right after the underwear bomber, some female TSA bitch called me out to be searched. Originally Posted by woodyboyd
me too.. in Mexico, on my return trip to the US! I was astonished, really.. I am leaving your fucking Country, and you are doing the USA TSA bidding?? who the fuck would blow up Mexico? who the fuck would care?

Don't sweat the small stuff aka twit heads Originally Posted by Tsmokies
admittedly, I do, regarding TSA. so many issues, that I have a chip on my shoulder.. I EXPECT shit to go wrong. same with fast food drive-throughs.. so many fuck ups there, that I'm prepared and ready for disaster.

Wow this derailed fast ,,, But wait MY tax dollars go toward TSA , BUT I don't fly anymore so that's One issue Originally Posted by rexdutchman
lots of people won't fly anymore, they don't want to put up with TSA shit and hassle.