Personal Protection

Naomi4u's Avatar
Well darnit Naomi! I can't bring my video camero hidden in my hat, so that I can strategically placed it in the bedroom??LOL Originally Posted by shorty
My trusty detector will find it and you'd be in big trouble!
@Naomi: Gotcha! I figured I misunderstood what you wrote. I think you and I are similar in countless ways, especially safety! I'm willing to bet that you, like I, screen not just for safety, but compatibility as well. Provider refs can't assure that alone. But...they can, added with other info, be very helpful.

Thanks, pretty girl, for clearing that up.
Naomi4u's Avatar
@Naomi: Gotcha! I figured I misunderstood what you wrote. I think you and I are similar in countless ways, especially safety! I'm willing to bet that you, like I, screen not just for safety, but compatibility as well. Provider refs can't assure that alone. But...they can, added with other info, be very helpful.

Thanks, pretty girl, for clearing that up. Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
No problem love. You're welcome.
element of surprise..... you never know when you might run across the one ready to help assist you meet your maker. do unto others....and pray they haven't reached that breaking point to do unto you.
  • Av8R
  • 02-08-2011, 10:40 PM
Inferno pepper spray. Get the large can. It will stop anything on 2 or 4 legs.It's also not permanent.
awl4knot's Avatar
Inferno pepper spray. Get the large can. It will stop anything on 2 or 4 legs.It's also not permanent. Originally Posted by Av8R
Don't think pepper spray will save you. First, you have to get to it. And if you do get to use it in close quarters, you'll probably be adversely affected by the stuff too.I am amazed at the total lack of comprehension that some people have about what happens when the police arrive and there is a body and a person with a gun. Do you really think the cops are just going to call an ambulance and send you away if you have no injuries? They are going to question you long and hard and later deny that you asked for medical assistance. Who is a jury going to believe, the hooker who shot a straying business man for his money, or the nice looking homicide detective who has made a career of ignoring suspects' constitutional rights, and blithely lying about it. And what makes you think that you can hold it together after the trauma of a shooting. Few people are hard-wired to keep their calm in those circumstances. You ladies can pack heat but don't think for a second that you might not be facing felony murder charges. I would be very, very cautious.Awl4knot
Naomi4u's Avatar
You ladies can pack heat but don't think for a second that you might not be facing felony murder charges. I would be very, very cautious.Awl4knot Originally Posted by awl4knot
Exactly why I think it's a bad idea to carry one. Maybe to scare people off but I would never take anyone's that's another can of worms.
PaganGuy's Avatar
Kudos to you ladies who play it safe. I'm a martial artist and a big advocate for self defense, and have taught a lot of female friends some tricks to protect themselves. My 7 year old daughter is a blue belt in karate, and the rule was set in stone she can't date till she has a black belt (which may require rethinking because shes on track to get it at around 13 or 14!). She can be alone with a boy when I know she can kill him with her bare hands.. and still Daddy will be sharpening his katana when the prom date shows up and ask (jokingly?) if he's circumcised. Given her parents, and being rather extremely liberal we know shes gonna drink and party and fool around when she's a teenager, or there was a mixup at the hospital. and won't have any issues with her saying "yes" to boys when shes ready as long as shes safe and prepared.. but definitely want her to be able to back it up if she chooses to say "no" and a boy doesn't want to take it for an answer.
I had a sister abused by her husband and had to put him in the hospital.. and have had quite a few friends victimized in some way or another .. and even one is too many, so in my perfect world all women would be empowered to have complete control over themselves and their bodies in any situation. (Well actually in a more perfect world all men would have the class and decency to treat women right and never consider harming them in any way under any circumstances).
Anyway, always have your guard up, tazers and stun guns are a good thing, pepper spray/mace not so bad.. just keep them in a place where they can't be used against you. They do make stunners that look like lipsticks or cell phones or whathaveyou.
Keys are good in a pinch, go for the eyes! Anything that can be used as a distraction to throw an attacker off balance and allow you to get distance and obstacles between you.. most men who would attack a woman are cowards and once you break their initial bravado, you have the upper hand. There are exceptions in true psychos, then you need to get nastier.
Guns.. bad.. too noisy, too permenant.. but if that's all you feel you can handle, again with the coward thing 99% of anyone you'd pull one on would likely back down and if you keep your cool youd not have to use it. Attitude and confidence go a long way.
Stay safe! I never want to hear of any of you ladies getting hurt.
awl4knot's Avatar
Exactly why I think it's a bad idea to carry one. Maybe to scare people off but I would never take anyone's that's another can of worms. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
There are many kinds of self-delusions. Some of us think we are great lovers, able to satisfy any woman under any circumstances. Others think that they are instinctively able to defend themselves against anyone under any circumstances. Sometimes people have multiple, overlapping delusions.

Even brandishing a weapon can escalate things to another, more dangerous level. Few of us are trained in self-defense in desperate circumstances and this is training that has to be constantly renewed. When someone brandishes a weapon the chances that things will go terribly wrong greatly exceed the chances for a good (safe) outcome. This is not a satisfying notion to some, but it is realistic.

Well, there are a few valid arguments here. First, I'd suggest all providers invest in a counterfeit money detector. I have a nifty penlight that keeps the transaction swift and discreet.
Amazon has it for $15:

Secondly, screen, screen, SCREEN!

Thirdly, all us ladies (and a few accommodating gents) should be hitting the gym. A little lifting and light martial arts should do the trick and keep you svelte. No one wants to explain a black eye. I have a taser but rarely even think of it.
Thank God for wonderful clients

jughead1171's Avatar
Just makes me sad that there are those types of people out there that make discussion topics like these necessary for the safety of the lovely ladies here and harder for the rest of us guys.