What difference does it make now?

bojulay's Avatar
Ya'll need to have a beer and relax.
Yes, Carter lost an embassy, a country (Afghanistan), a king (the Shah), an Olympics, and he respect of the world.

Capt. Midnight...excuse me did you write something? To respond though, the country is hurting on all fronts but why? Right now the people are in competition with government. Governor is attempting to take more control of the people with expected results. How are they doing it? Lies, deceit, more lies, etc Benghazi is about lies. Black lies. Lies that destroy the innocent and promote the guilty. Give Clinton credit, he just lied to save his ass and he shouldn't have done it under oath. Obamillary (give me an award for being first) Hillobama? is trying to save both of themselves for politics and they are willing to let people die and to ruin people willing to tell the truth. These are truly black lies of the worst sort.

Some here want to blame the GOP and a possible Hillary campaign in 2016 as the goal of the investigation. Try to think though, could you ever trust Hillary or Obama to do the right thing at any time if they can't do the right thing in Benghazi. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Judy D I can't trust any of those fuckers to do the right thing regardless of party.
Capt. Midnight...excuse me did you write something? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yeah, actually, I did.

But since it didn't fit within any of your Benghazi obsession parameters, you didn't pay any attention to it. (That's OK. You probably wouldn't have understood it anyway.)

There's no question that the Benghazi issue is important, as are many others. But congressional Republicans would be in a much better position to pursue it if they were making effective efforts to fix all the other things that have gone wrong, and which I briefly listed. But they aren't. Do you really not understand why their approval ratings are so low? And why the Benghazi investigations would be going so much better for them if they could have managed to get it together and begin governing responsibly in other areas?

Here's a test of intellectual honesty for you, Barleycorn: Around seven or eight years ago, did you seek to hold Bush administration officials such as Rumsfeld to the same standard to which you seek to hold Hillary and others today? (Just a hunch, but I'm guessing that you did not.)
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
As a point of intellectual honesty tell me what you're talking about and be precise. That way I can answer your question. As it stands now I can't.

I'm not catching everything right now as we are in the middle of finals. So I can't stay here too long and have to get back to it.
As a point of intellectual honesty tell me what you're talking about and be precise. That way I can answer your question. As it stands now I can't. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
My post was clear enough.

But not to worry. There's no need for you to try to answer. Everyone here knows that you've long been an apologist for virtually everything Republicans do, no matter how egregious or irresponsible. Scandalous failures don't reside exclusively within the province of only one party, you know.

I'm not catching everything right now as we are in the middle of finals. So I can't stay here too long and have to get back to it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Good idea. If you're in the middle of finals, it certainly wouldn't be a bad idea for you to get back to the books. If you engage in enough last-minute cramming, maybe you can avoid further fucking up your GPA.

Or maybe not. It's quite apparent that you're not exactly a quick study.
As a point of intellectual honesty tell me what you're talking about and be precise. That way I can answer your question. As it stands now I can't.

I'm not catching everything right now as we are in the middle of finals. So I can't stay here too long and have to get back to it. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Bet there is a lot of vomit to get cleaned up.Mop on JD...
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-10-2013, 06:25 PM
My post was clear enough.

But not to worry. There's no need for you to try to answer. Everyone here knows that you've long been an apologist for virtually everything Republicans do, no matter how egregious or irresponsible. Scandalous failures don't reside exclusively within the province of only one party, you know.

Good idea. If you're in the middle of finals, it certainly wouldn't be a bad idea for you to get back to the books. If you engage in enough last-minute cramming, maybe you can avoid further fucking up your GPA.

Or maybe not. It's quite apparent that you're not exactly a quick study. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight

cptjohnstone's Avatar

MSM is picking up on the story


other than Fox
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-10-2013, 09:08 PM

MSM is picking up on the story


other than Fox Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Do you wanna bet that nothing will come of this? oh sure some Ollie North/Scooter Libby like type deal (if even that)....but that is not what you are after. You are after Obuma and Hilldabroom. You won't touch them and I got 500 bucks that say so. No impeachment, no trial for those two.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Do you wanna bet that nothing will come of this? oh sure some Ollie North/Scooter Libby like type deal (if even that)....but that is not what you are after. You are after Obuma and Hilldabroom. You won't touch them and I got 500 bucks that say so. No impeachment, no trial for those two. Originally Posted by WTF
Bet you $5.00 HildaBeast won't be Secretary of State any longer!!!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If you think I'm an apologist for the GOP then you haven't been reading. If you don't want to repeat what you said I understand.

I want to get these essays graded before Monday.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
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  • CJ7
  • 05-10-2013, 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

poll the nation and see whats more important to all the citizens, Benghazi or the Economy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Its more than Benghazi, you'd like to think otherwise, but it is about accountability in the highest levels of government. The men and women in government must be accountable to the people. There is no room for ass covering lies, if a mistake is made then recognize it and correct it. According to this administration there have been no mistakes, not a single one.